Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Short interim status: SNPX has collected 2500 samples for Liu Huang so far. Based on the current system progress of 59%, we still need approx. 1100 samples (purchase: SNPX ISS Nadira in Cephei Sector BV-Y b2). This should be doable tomorrow, but every help - spire site action oder harvesting - is very welcome.
Victories in Col 285 Sectors OS-T d3-69, TS-H b11-2, XY-F b12-6, YT-F b12-2, MG-E b12-2 and OS-T d3-136, Ceti Sector BQ-Y b4, Hyades Sector NT-I b9-4 and Arietis Sector MX-U c2-19! That completes the M. Cocijo periphery along with half of its weakened systems, and finishing that empty system at M. Thor has removed an attack in the classic sense¹.

Finally M. Leigong loses those three Matrix systems which have been blocking its Peripheral places for a while, noting that it has still one more remaining at Hyades Sector KN-K b8-3 which is also good to remove. Beyond that, it has two further in—if M. Leigong receives regular attention in upcoming weeks, INIV will attempt to manage the evictions² such that HIP 9180 can be used to clear the entire area rather than being caught along with Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3, although notably such can be done without it.

Consider HIP 20024 and HIP 7819 warranted!

1. By chance the M. Thor attacks are disparate beyond its perimeter that it chooses to waive one attack, but this forces the matter!
2. I imagine completing Arietis Sector NX-U c2-20 normally would move HIP 9180 from seventh- to sixth-closest, helping HIP 8033 become Peripheral later.

Peripheries at 06:40 1st November 3309:
One Matrix system with 82%Leigong 16 Ly
Five systems with 38%Oya 16–18 Ly, 4 inhabited, 1471–8653 strength
Seven systems with 24%Hadad 19–24 Ly, 2 matrix, 786–1171 strength

HIP 20024 Control 86% *86.3%Thor 19 Ly, 791 strength
HIP 7819 Control 84% — Leigong 18 Ly, 1574 strength
Liu Huang Control 60% *60.9%Oya 18 Ly, 3718 strength, Peripheral system

Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-109 Control 84% — Cocijo 22 Ly, empty, 134 strength
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-52 Control 84% — Cocijo 21 Ly, empty, 145 strength
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-53 Control 84% — Cocijo 22 Ly, empty, 127 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-5 Control 84% — Cocijo 24 Ly, empty, 91 strength
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-6 Control 84% — Cocijo 23 Ly, empty, 120 strength
Hyades Sector KN-K b8-3 Matrix 82% *83.4%Leigong 16 Ly, empty
Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-3 Matrix 24% — Hadad 24 Ly, empty

Short interim status: SNPX has collected 2500 samples for Liu Huang so far. Based on the current system progress of 59%, we still need approx. 1100 samples (purchase: SNPX ISS Nadira in Cephei Sector BV-Y b2). This should be doable tomorrow, but every help - spire site action oder harvesting - is very welcome.

If the Nadira market is still open this evening, we can help to finish Liu Huang first! The remaining 1100 ought to be done by around 21:00 if so, with apologies for the lack of attention if that would be entirely too late.
If the Nadira market is still open this evening, we can help to finish Liu Huang first! The remaining 1100 ought to be done by around 21:00 if so, with apologies for the lack of attention if that would be entirely too late.
Thank you very much. I hope we are done til 21:00... If not I will inform you here. All samples sold, Liu Huang is done.
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After a significant amount of sampling by AXI's sample wing, we've managed to get the stockpile on board the Ascension to 5500 samples.
HIP 20024 is done, HIP 7819 is collected for delivery this evening, and we have just dropped as two pairs to complete the more tightly-packed four of those M. Cocijo systems!

All samples sold, Liu Huang is done.

I noticed that earlier, well before we would have started! If you are able to run a Spire party and maximise the M. Oya periphery, I would be quite happy to add Akbakara and HIP 8525 to the list.

After a significant amount of sampling by AXI's sample wing, we've managed to get the stockpile on board the Ascension to 5500 samples.

Noted—all together that places us at around 30% done, which is well ahead for week 49 not having started yet!

Thinking forward a bit and noting that even the Matrix system at M. Taranis has surpassed 200%, would it be possible to invite the Orthrus massacre party over to M. Hadad after M. Taranis is done? My thought is that HIP 29226 was a quite strong bridge cleared this week, and it would be quite nice if that system becomes peripheral before it enters Alert again.
TITANControls - Current (W. 48)SpireDistAttack OrderNotes
Raijin79Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-41.6kls1
Cocijo61Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-181.9kls2
Indra61HIP 19870592ls3
Hadad46Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-71.97kls4
Thor36Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0679ls5
Oy25Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0703ls62 Spires remaining, Estimated 2 to 3 weeks remaining until then. Requires PreGathering Samples
Liegong17Arietis Sector YE-R b4-32.7k ls72 Spires remaining, 1 within distance each week. Estimated 3 weeks remaining, Requires PreGathering
Taranis14Trianguli Sector BA-A d852.8kls8Pre Gathering Samples for major systems, estimated 2 to 3 weeks remaining until then. [INIV] & [AXI]

My first glance FASTEST "recapture rate" case analysist. AKA Bears getting greedy. We would be careful to take into consideration that the Spires are a finite resource. Looking at that logic. From AXI's footprint, we're looking at where we will be in 2 weeks if this continues and whether or not INIV and AXI have accumulated the pre-staged samples in time to take the remaining 15% of difficult captures.

Ie. Swahku (100% = 115k samples before Spire action, and 85% after spire action results in -> 15% = 17k Samples).
INIV and AXI are pre-gather samples for that week.
Have considerations been taken for the others?? If not, then a coordinated attack on spires may be better. However, the caveat is that the titans become stacked, more than we can handle, on any particular accumulated week. I put an "Attack Order" Column in the image as a 'what does the community think' statistic.

I know AXI will be sending forces to the other more plush Titans to allow us and INIV time to gather the sample numbers required, once that week is ready for turn in.
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Victories in Liu Huang (well done SNPX!), HIPs 20024, 7819 and 19789, Hyades Sectors KN-K b8-3 (thank you!) and AR-J a10-0, and Col 285 Sectors VN-H b11-5, VN-H b11-6, KM-V d2-53 and KM-V d2-52—that was seventy-eight systems this week, assuming M. Indra is not still losing more! Speaking of M. Indra, the revived Hyades Sector AV-O b6-5 Overachievement Award goes to Hyades Sector DX-H a11-1 for reporting 343%.

In just a half-week the Operation Deleted collection has week 49 ready in advance, being ~20% of the total, and the extra at Swahku becomes ~30% of the total. The next action needed is another Periphery completion at M. Taranis, during which we should have a good amount gathered for Hupang, held until week 50.

We would be careful to take into consideration that the Spires are a finite resource. Looking at that logic. From AXI's footprint, we're looking at where we will be in 2 weeks if this continues and whether or not INIV and AXI have accumulated the pre-staged samples in time to take the remaining 15% of difficult captures.

Regarding the full clearance difficulty, there is a bit more to consider than just the strength of the innermost systems:
  • Where lies the innermost Spire?
    Despite being sixth for M. Taranis, it is relatively lucky—for example, the final Spire at M. Indra is twelfth, at which point I would plan to stockpile Titan rescues. Conversely, at M. Hadad the final Spire is also the closest system. If all Alerts are prevented (as opposed to repelled after they occur) then the final Spire can get away with being tenth; if none are prevented then it requires some prior non-Peripheral clearance to move the Spire up to fifth.
  • Is Peripheral progress needed to clear it all?
    Certainly it helps, but consider that we were planning to clear away all of M. Leigong since prior to update 16, contingent on the outcome of Operation Redacted of course. Ironically, that would have been complete by now were it not for the Matrix systems blocking the path! It could be worth taking a look at the Maelstrom Maps thread; if you download and view the maps for M. Taranis and M. Leigong, you will see why M. Taranis needs an eviction storm with Peripheral progress, and why M. Leigong does not.
Regarding M. Hadad:
  • I think its discounted system difficulty is being overestimated; it would be quite fine to complete its periphery every week, we will see the finale approaching, and I believe it would need stockpiling for a single system at most. Notably, its strongest system has been nullified by becoming a Matrix system.
  • Given that we are holding territory there, I would quite like at periphery completions for at least a few weeks, just so that the contested systems are among those outer ten.
There may be more I have missed, where often @Ian Doncaster has already everything planned!
I took into consideration where lies the most inner Spires. Premise behind trying to evaluate what a worst case scenario. Its not just their strength, but time given towards their difficult systems to take. Do we have the ability to work on 3 Titans simultaneously in 2 weeks?. That's always the outcome in my mind and being able to efficiently take the sample train where it needs it the most based upon player activities at the spires.

They're doing pretty good imo and QUICK. Just want to be prepared and not overlap systems like the Oya, Leigong, and Taranis are given +- a week, dependent upon player activities there.

As long as there is a plan established not to overlap as best as possible imo. I'd be cool with it. Aren't the Titan Rescues still 1:5?
In terms of difficulty, I'd place Taranis and Leigong as the easy ones (Leigong being the easier of the two - as Aleks says, that really just needs the spires getting out of the way to be in reach of entirely conventional methods)

Then Hadad (spire is innermost, relatively loosely connected uninhabited inner core)
Then Thor or Oya (both a lot tougher, but theoretically possible? Thor looks easier if you can guarantee discipline around not destroying its in-most spire too soon, which might be tricky ... Oya has a lot more high-difficulty systems but it's also got better positioned spires for this sort of thing)

Then the other three are giant tangled nightmares of connected inner cores and will need some very careful planning. No harm in trimming them down to ~15 LY before then, of course.
Aren't the Titan Rescues still 1:5?

Rescues were changed in update 17; they were worth a fifth-strength for the Counterstrike systems, but now they give a percentage for the Peripheral systems. The amount needed is somewhere around 66000 for 100%, or closer to 56000 for the maximum 85%; I updated this at the top of the thread quite recently:
Titan pod rescues affect Periphery progress modestly, with around 65544–66149 required for completion (source 1, source 2).

As long as there is a plan established not to overlap as best as possible imo.

Indeed; luckily some Maelstroms are simply too far away from their final Spire at the moment, so I think we can focus on the imminent cases.

M. Leigong clearly is next, and it will need limited attention; a full Periphery clearance this week would be not ideal, for it would leave only 2–3 Alerts and place both remaining Matrix systems in the next Periphery. I believe the good approach is:
  • Complete or progress significantly the Periphery, then recapture only Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-0 and HIP 9643, leaving Obassi Osaw and others alone for now. This also will reduce Alerts by two, for a total progression of four systems, such that the next Periphery will include Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3 but will narrowly exclude HIP 9180.
  • Probably at some point if needed, clear Arietis Sector NX-U c2-20 as non-Peripheral, moving HIP 9180 from seventh to sixth.
That ought to prepare M. Leigong quite well for simple Periphery completion after that. Ultimately M. Leigong is possible without Peripheral progress, but I think that can be started alongside M. Taranis and completed ahead of more Maelstroms reaching their final Spire, especially given that the amount needed this week will be quite slim!
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Week 49, 2nd November 3309​

Thirty-six Alerts repelled at Arietis Sectors LM-V b2-3, JR-V b2-1, XJ-R b4-2 and XJ-R b4-1, 58 Tauri, Col 285 Sectors OS-T d3-105, YT-F b12-6, ZT-F b12-8, SW-D b12-2, UH-C b13-2, NG-E b12-3, KA-G b11-0, KW-M c7-31, SH-B b14-5, RM-B b14-8, PM-B b14-3 and SH-B b14-2, Hyades Sectors FB-N b7-3, LX-U d2-95, MY-I b9-0 and JN-K b8-3, Pegasi Sectors DG-X c1-6 and NN-S b4-4, HIPs 2422, 11111, 20890, 19157 and 116360, Cephei Sectors AF-A c22, AF-A c21 and FB-X b1-1, Ebisu, Trianguli Sector CA-A c15, Mahlina, Nu Guang and Vistnero.
Seven Control evictions at Col 285 Sector SH-B b14-4, HIP 21918, Hyades Sectors GB-N b7-0, PI-S b4-1, NN-S b4-0 and PI-S b4-2, and Ross 378.
One recaptured system starting Recovery is HIP 21918.
Maelstrom Taranis loses one attack.

Targets updated at 06:30 9th November 3309
HIP 23816 Control 84% *85.5%Taranis 12 Ly, 5692 strength
Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-0 Matrix 82% *83.6%Taranis 12 Ly, empty
Hyades Sector FB-N b7-0 Control 82% — Taranis 12 Ly, empty, 1617 strength, Peripheral system
Trianguli Sector BA-A d85 Matrix 82% — Taranis 11 Ly, empty
Hyades Sector BV-O b6-4 Control 82% — Taranis 12 Ly, empty, 1593 strength, Peripheral system
Hyades Sector GB-N b7-1 Control 82% — Taranis 11 Ly, empty, 1750 strength, Peripheral system
HR 1358 Matrix 64% — Indra 22 Ly, empty
Arietis Sector FL-X b1-0 Control 64% — Indra 23 Ly, empty, 238 strength, Peripheral system
Arietis Sector HG-X b1-3 Control 64% — Indra 22 Ly, empty, 281 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-109 Control 58% *58.8%Cocijo 22 Ly, empty, 344 strength, Peripheral system
Dhang Tzela Control 26% *27.9%Thor 19 Ly, 5068 strength, Peripheral system
HIP 8525 Control 26% *26.3%Oya 18 Ly, 6738 strength, Peripheral system
Cephei Sector AF-A c9 Control 26% — Oya 16 Ly, empty, 2092 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector RW-D b12-3 Control 22% *22.7%Thor 18 Ly, empty, 1436 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector OC-V d2-58 Control 22% — Thor 18 Ly, empty, 1477 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector JA-G b11-1 Control 22% — Thor 19 Ly, empty, 1166 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector QB-E b12-2 Control 22% — Thor 19 Ly, empty, 1164 strength, Peripheral system
HIP 19046 Control 22% — Thor 18 Ly, empty, 1404 strength, Peripheral system
Akbakara Control 18% — Oya 18 Ly, 7060 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-1 Control 16% — Hadad 19 Ly, empty, 1156 strength, Peripheral system
Daruwach Control 14% — Oya 16 Ly, 12k strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3 Matrix 12% *12.7%Raijin 24 Ly, empty
Iceniguari Control 12% — Raijin 23 Ly, 2373 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d71 Control 12% — Raijin 26 Ly, 1352 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d93 Control 12% — Raijin 24 Ly, empty, 518 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-0 Control 12% — Raijin 27 Ly, empty, 352 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-2 Control 12% — Raijin 24 Ly, empty, 530 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-3 Control 12% — Raijin 27 Ly, empty, 364 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector PE-N a8-2 Control 12% — Raijin 23 Ly, empty, 580 strength, Peripheral system
Pegasi Sector TK-L a9-5 Control 12% — Raijin 25 Ly, empty, 449 strength, Peripheral system
Sugalis Control 12% — Raijin 23 Ly, 2177 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-2 Control 8% *8.5%Hadad 19 Ly, empty, 1457 strength
Col 285 Sector SX-Z b14-0 Matrix 6% *7.2%Hadad 19 Ly, empty
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 6% *6.9%Raijin 23 Ly, 2748 strength
Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-0 Control 6% *6.5%Hadad 18 Ly, empty, 1687 strength
Col 285 Sector SH-B b14-6 Control 6% *6.2%Hadad 20 Ly, empty, 1172 strength, Peripheral system
HIP 32764 Control 6% — Hadad 20 Ly, empty, 998 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-3 Matrix 6% — Hadad 24 Ly, empty
Col 285 Sector WN-Z b14-1 Control 6% — Hadad 19 Ly, empty, 1448 strength, Peripheral system
HIP 13179 Control 4% *5.4%Oya 15 Ly, 14.2k strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector PM-B b14-6 Control 4% *4.6%Hadad 16 Ly, empty, 2488 strength
Obassi Osaw Control 4% *4.2%Leigong 16 Ly, 13.6k strength, Peripheral system
HIP 113535 Control 4% — Raijin 20 Ly, 4191 strength
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-2 Control 4% — Hadad 16 Ly, empty, 2710 strength
Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-0 Control 2% *3.8%Leigong 16 Ly, 12.5k strength, Peripheral system
HIP 20679 Control 2% *3.7%Indra 18 Ly, 8917 strength
Arietis Sector XJ-R b4-3 Control 2% *3.4%Leigong 15 Ly, empty, 2932 strength, Peripheral system
Chanyaya Control 2% *3.2%Thor 16 Ly, 12.7k strength
HIP 19894 Control 2% — Thor 16 Ly, 12.6k strength
Col 285 Sector WY-F b12-1 Control 2% — Cocijo 21 Ly, 4022 strength, Peripheral system
Hyades Sector KN-K b8-1 Control 2% — Leigong 16 Ly, empty, 2702 strength, Peripheral system
HIP 9643 Control 2% — Leigong 16 Ly, empty, 2680 strength, Peripheral system

Col 285 Sector SH-B b14-4 received 19.3977% with 400 of an estimated 2062.1, with actual progress 19.6361% and projected strength 2037.1, which appears unchanged.
Operation Deleted is ongoing; two more Periphery completions are needed, and ~63% progress is stored.
The Alert report lists predicted attackers, and the Maelstrom maps show Control system connectivity.

Week 48, 26th October 3309​

Thirty-nine Alerts repelled at Arietis Sectors WJ-R b4-2, WJ-R b4-0 and KM-W c1-14, Cephei Sectors AV-Y b0, ZE-A c8 and AV-Y b6, Pegasi Sectors MN-S b4-0, HH-U b3-2, MN-S b4-2 and JH-U b3-8, HIPs 9137, 3006, 20815 and 20616, Col 285 Sectors SS-H b11-4, EA-Q c5-8, JA-G b11-3, SM-C b13-0, OC-V d2-96, SS-H b11-5, WN-Z b14-5, UN-H b11-3, ZE-P c6-16, LV-F b11-0, VS-Z b14-0, RM-B b14-2, RM-B b14-4, KW-M c7-12 and ZE-P c6-15, Hyades Sectors GW-W d1-88, OT-I b9-1, PN-T c3-5, EB-N b7-0 and CV-O b6-4, Holvandalla, Luggerates, 79 b Tauri, 71 Tauri and Scythia.
Thirty-two Control evictions at 37 A1 Tauri, Arietis Sectors HG-X b1-4, DQ-Y c9 and DA-Z b3, HIPs 20482, 29226, 20024, 7819 and 19789, Hyades Sectors FB-X c1-17, QI-S b4-2, LC-U b3-4, FB-N b7-2, HW-M b7-0, FB-N b7-1, HW-W d1-52, BR-J a10-0 and AR-J a10-0, Ixbalan, Col 285 Sectors EA-Q c5-6, OG-E b12-0, OC-V d2-79, OS-T d3-69, TS-H b11-2, XY-F b12-6, OS-T d3-136, MG-E b12-2, VN-H b11-5, VN-H b11-6, KM-V d2-53 and KM-V d2-52, and Liu Huang.
Seven Matrix systems cleared at Hyades Sectors DX-H a11-1, NT-I b9-4 and KN-K b8-3, Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b0, Ceti Sector BQ-Y b4, Arietis Sector MX-U c2-19 and Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2.
Five recaptured systems starting Recovery are Ixbalan, Hyades Sector HW-W d1-52, Liu Huang and HIPs 20024 and 7819.
Maelstrom Thor loses one attack, and Taranis loses two attacks.
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AXI adjusting attack order for spires on our side. Taranis moving to #2. 2 weeks to gather all them samples at that rate. We're over the 6k mark on Swahku. This will help unstack the titans as well. Once we get 'Swahku' completed, let us know where else we can assert efforts for Taranis.
The community pushed last week's Indra spire pretty hard, approximately 200%+. We'll have to keep a better track on it from ourside as well. We pushed the fellas in comms to 4 titans last week. Looks to be the going average per cycle.
The community pushed last week's Indra spire pretty hard, approximately 200%+.

As revealed by reported Matrix system progress with M. Thor also complete but unknowable, we had:

IndraHyades Sector DX-H a11-1343%
TaranisTrianguli Sector EQ-Y b0216%
CocijoCol 285 Sector YT-F b12-2114%
LeigongHyades Sector KN-K b8-3111%

I suppose it also keeps things contained a bit, given that the Periphery can only move by a fixed number of systems that way, and that it will catch up with the Alert placements eventually.

AXI adjusting attack order for spires on our side. Taranis moving to #2. 2 weeks to gather all them samples at that rate. We're over the 6k mark on Swahku.

That will be plenty for Swahku already; we will be quite far ahead! Regarding the Periphery progress at M. Taranis, would completion be possible by the end of Saturday? Hupang ought to be all gathered onto V's carrier by then, and I would like to deliver mine (containing four systems this week) so it is ready for starting HR 1737.
lol almost 3 and a half titans. yea I heard it was a lot more! The guys will probably rip through Raijin and Taranis by Saturday/Sunday.
Always impressively swift the moment the new Alerts appear, victories in Arietis Sectors LM-V b2-3 and JR-V b2-1, 58 Tauri, Col 285 Sectors OS-T d3-105, SW-D b12-2, YT-F b12-6 and ZT-F b12-8, and Hyades Sector FB-N b7-3!

Operation Deleted awaits the Periphery reaching maximum progress at M. Taranis, and needs ultimately a Matrix system completion—for example, at Trianguli Sector BA-A d85. Stored progress also reaches well into week 50; we have 10000 for Swahku and 3000 for Hupang, and GXI has offered kindly to adopt the stockpile for HR 1737!

Peripheries at 07:30 3rd November 3309:
Eight systems with 12%Indra 22–23 Ly, 1 matrix + 1 inhabited, 580–2840 strength
Nine systems with 10%Thor 18–26 Ly, 1 inhabited, 1343–6105 strength
Ten systems with 4%Raijin 23–27 Ly, 1 matrix + 3 inhabited, 384–2589 strength
Nine systems with 4%Taranis 11–21 Ly, 2 matrix + 2 inhabited, 5915–37.7k strength

HIP 2422 Alert 46% *46.8%Oya 24 Ly, 192 Ls starport, 192 Ls planet, Peripheral system
Ebisu Alert 30% — Taranis 21 Ly, 358 Ls starport, 63 Ls outpost, 105 Ls planet, Peripheral system
Nu Guang Alert 18% — Raijin 19 Ly, 44 Ls starport, 44 Ls planet
HIP 20890 Alert 14% *14.6%Indra 22 Ly, 1609 Ls outpost, 6876 Ls planet

Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-109 Control 54% — Cocijo 22 Ly, 385 strength, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-3 Alert 20% — Thor 24 Ly, Peripheral system
Cephei Sector AF-A c21 Alert 18% — Oya 21 Ly, Peripheral system
Col 285 Sector SH-B b14-4 Control 18% — Hadad 18 Ly, 1692 strength
HR 1358 Matrix 12% *12.9%Indra 22 Ly
Trianguli Sector BA-A d85 Matrix 4% — Taranis 11 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3 Matrix 4% — Raijin 24 Ly
I've seen some test results on Discord from Dark Session that suggest the effectiveness of peripheral actions has reduced.
Dark Session's results said:
100% ~=
Spire Refinery Compound: ~142,000
Thargoid Bio-storage Capsule: ~100,000
Orthrus: ~54,000
(Bio storage was ~65,000 in previous tests)

Corroborating this, total peripheral progress is currently around 34%, which would come out in the 250-300% range at the end of the week depending on weekend boosts, which seems about a third of last week's pace, and would need good distribution to complete any spires in a single week (though Indra is currently on pace to, and Thor with no peripheral spires should hit the cap for the rest).
For @Starsong and @Medi0cr3, and perhaps also @KuzSan, the above needs to be noted quite quickly! By all means pause any stored progress, with which we are very much ahead, for with an approximate halving of Peripheral progress we will need a M. Taranis focus much sooner than planned!

Additional: There is also another reason why we need a fast completion—if the rate has changed, I am wary of the possibility that the maximum percentage may have changed. Granted, this would not make sense given that 85% appeared to be chosen so that the highest-strength systems match the known individual completion rates, but not everything makes sense and we need to know swiftly whether it is still 85% and not 80%, for example.
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