Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Week 107, 12th December 3310​

Maelstrom Cocijo
Titan: Vulnerable at Sol!
Completed at 06:45 17th December 3310

Comparison with previous Titans

Titan Cocijo has overheated and exploded.

Sol rescue activities
Mars High is under attack and can be evacuated. All other port access in Sol is suspended.
Bio-storage capsules can be extracted from Titan Cocijo while it remains intact.

There is an automatic Community Goal for Titan attackers which rewards all classes of SCO FSD with double-engineering for more jump range.
Attacking the Titan causes Goal sign-up automatically, or it is available manually from Rescue Ship Hutner at Luyten's Star.
Titan Cocijo seems unable to attack other systems.

Week 106, 5th December 3310​

Twelve Invasions defended at Procyon, Sirius, Duamta, Tau Ceti, EZ Aquarii, Epsilon Eridani, 61 Cygni, Luhman 16, LHS 380, Groombridge 34, LHS 450 and WISE 0855-0714.
Four Control evictions at Wolf 359, Barnard's Star, WISE 1506+7027 and Alpha Centauri.
In addition to the defended Invasions, four recaptured systems starting Recovery are Wolf 359, Barnard's Star, WISE 1506+7027 and Alpha Centauri.
Maelstrom Cocijo is depleted!

Previous summaries​

Week 107Week 106Week 105Week 104Week 103Week 102Week 101
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Week 10Week 9Week 8Week 7Week 6Week 5Week 4Week 3

Titan systems or Maelstrom systems

Eight systems contain large caustic Maelstrom clouds, themselves containing Thargoid Titans.
Titan systems are a Hazardous Environment which damages most Guardian modules.
Flying through the caustic cloud requires a Caustic Sink Launcher, available at Rescue megaships.
Access to a living Titan requires a Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser, available at Rescue megaships.

Rescuing Bio-storage survivors gives a small amount of progress to nearby Counterstrike systems.
Rescues require a Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner and a Sub-surface Extraction Missile, available at Rescue megaships.

Damaging the Titan requires a Guardian Nanite Torpedo Pylon, available at Rescue megaships.
Heat Vents are around the Titan edge on its upper Maw side, and the Thermal Core is on the lower side.
Using Nanites to freeze the Heat Vents adds time to attack the Thermal Core with normal AX weapons.
Thermal Core attacks deal good Titan damage when that Titan owns three or fewer Control systems.

The Decal and Ship kit threshold is 2 million credits within one week of meltdown (source).
For each Heart, the Arx thresholds are top 100%, 25% and 10% for 100, 200 or 400 Arx (source).

HadadHIP 30377B 839230 Ls
CocijoCol 285 Sector BA-P c6-1831300 Ls
ThorCol 285 Sector IG-O c6-53820 Ls
TaranisHyades Sector FB-N b7-6A 1130 Ls
IndraHIP 2056773330 Ls
LeigongHIP 8887A 42540 Ls
OyaCephei Sector BV-Y b4B 15850 Ls
RaijinPegasi Sector IH-U b3-32400 Ls


Each Maelstrom has Peripheral systems, defined as its outermost ten systems where Thargoids are present.
Peripheral systems no longer include Alert, Invasion or Matrix, only Control.
Peripheral systems can receive up to 85% Peripheral progress, which is unaffected by weekly reinforcements.
The Peripheral progress is applied as a percentage, ignoring the system strength.

Spire site actions (within Matrix systems) affect Peripheral progress; see below.
Titan rescues no longer affect Peripheral progress.

Matrix systems or Spire systems

Some systems contain a Thargoid Barnacle Matrix, revealed on the Galaxy map with the words "Spire site present".
Matrix systems can now be completed normally via Confict zones, in addition to using Spire actions listed below.
All known Matrix systems are otherwise the same as empty Control systems.
Clearing all Matrix systems can force Thargoids to reoccupy them by withdrawing from other nearby Control systems.

All Spire sites are on thin atmosphere planets, therefore Odyssey is required for any access using vehicles or on-foot.
Spire sites provide Peripheral progress even if they are not themselves Peripheral at present.
Destroying Orthrus Interceptors at a Spire site affects Peripheral progress (old source).
Looting Spire Refinery Compounds affects Peripheral progress (old source).
Destroying Revenants and Banshees affects Peripheral progress decently.
Spire Sabotage missions affect Peripheral progress greatly, available at Rescue megaships.
Spire sites at cleared Matrix systems lose most of their items and all of their Thargoids.

Maelstrom Hadad
HIP 30439​
3.68 Ly​
2450 Ls
ABCD 1 c​
0.20 g
Col 285 Sector US-Z b14-7​
10.06 Ly​
1487 Ls
12 c​
0.05 g
HIP 31223​
15.34 Ly​
3607 Ls
9 c​
0.12 g
Col 285 Sector KW-M c7-15​
16.07 Ly​
6204 Ls
B 3​
0.46 g
Col 285 Sector SX-Z b14-0​
19.08 Ly​
891 Ls
0.51 g
Col 285 Sector VS-Z b14-3​
24.12 Ly​
8389 Ls
C 6​
0.40 g
Maelstrom Cocijo
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18​
11.44 Ly​
1913 Ls
2 a​
0.13 g
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1​
14.62 Ly​
703 Ls
0.24 g
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143​
16.15 Ly​
834 Ls
B 5​
0.51 g
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3​
16.73 Ly​
440 Ls
A 4​
0.37 g
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2​
24.23 Ly​
787 Ls
0.60 g
Maelstrom Thor
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0​
10.97 Ly​
694 Ls
7 d​
0.03 g
Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3​
15.16 Ly​
46 Ls
0.31 g
Col 285 Sector EA-Q c5-5​
16.71 Ly​
5805 Ls
0.49 g
Col 285 Sector OG-E b12-1​
22.65 Ly​
1070 Ls
0.49 g
Maelstrom Taranis
HIP 25654​
10.11 Ly​
1216 Ls
1 b​
0.12 g
Trianguli Sector BA-A d85​
10.72 Ly​
2850 Ls
15 b​
0.05 g
Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-0​
12.3 Ly​
759 Ls
A 4​
0.27 g
Trianguli Sector EQ-Y b0​
16.57 Ly​
288 Ls
0.35 g
Hyades Sector EG-N b7-1​
18.07 Ly​
371 Ls
A 1​
0.40 g
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-4​
18.33 Ly​
402 Ls
A 2​
0.24 g
Hyades Sector HW-M b7-1​
18.57 Ly​
760 Ls
0.63 g
Maelstrom Indra
Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1​
9.92 Ly​
806 Ls
0.54 g
HIP 19870​
13.69 Ly​
592 Ls
3 b​
0.05 g
HIP 20187​
15.03 Ly​
2989 Ls
AB 1 b​
0.14 g
Arietis Sector HG-X b1-0​
21.39 Ly​
107 Ls
0.40 g
Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5​
21.7 Ly​
36 Ls
0.35 g
HIP 22350​
21.92 Ly​
179 Ls
A 4​
0.54 g
HR 1358​
22.04 Ly​
5190 Ls
AB 9 e​
0.15 g
Hyades Sector DX-H a11-1​
24.16 Ly​
563 Ls
0.32 g
Maelstrom Leigong
HIP 9180​
14.42 Ly​
2742 Ls
4 b​
0.22 g
Arietis Sector YE-R b4-3​
15.1 Ly​
597 Ls
A 4​
0.30 g
Hyades Sector KN-K b8-3​
16.21 Ly​
1286 Ls
A 5​
0.47 g
Arietis Sector MX-U c2-19​
24.03 Ly​
1915 Ls
8 e​
0.20 g
Ceti Sector BQ-Y b4​
30.13 Ly​
1029 Ls
8 b​
0.04 g
Hyades Sector NT-I b9-4​
31.15 Ly​
3782 Ls
C 3​
0.34 g
Maelstrom Oya
Cephei Sector XO-A b3​
5.82 Ly​
0.49 g
Lyncis Sector WU-P b5-0​
9.13 Ly​
703 Ls
0.46 g
Maelstrom Raijin
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-2​
5.23 Ly​
797 Ls
A 3​
0.19 g
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-4​
6.64 Ly​
8888 Ls
C 2​
0.40 g
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-7​
11.35 Ly​
637 Ls
0.19 g
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9​
14.49 Ly​
489 Ls
A 1​
0.14 g
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4​
18.45 Ly​
4870 Ls
B 2​
0.34 g
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4​
19.99 Ly​
1856 Ls
AB 1 e​
0.04 g
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3​
23.83 Ly​
455 Ls
0.41 g

Alert systems

Cargo delivery refers to high-demand items at the Commodities Market, and equally to items requested via supply missions (source).
Cargo delivery has a moderate effect (source), though should be done via supply missions (source).
Passenger evacuation has a weak effect (source).
Salvage can be collected at signal sources, including for empty systems (source), albeit slowly.
Combat is possible at signal sources, or using Hyperspace to summon a target.
Combat via summoning Interceptors has a strong effect (source).
Research samples via summoning Interceptors have a strong effect (source).
Settlement reactivation missions for nearby Control systems will help both systems; Odyssey is required.
Thargoids no longer attack empty systems.

Invasion systems

Ports can be operational, attacked, damaged or abandoned.
Operational and attacked ports are active, damaged and abandoned ports are inactive.
Invasion systems reported with 0 active ports should still have at least one damaged port for conducting evacuations.
Docking is not possible at an abandoned port.

Cargo delivery to an active port has a weak effect, and is best supported via Fleet Carrier. Inactive ports cannot receive cargo.
Cargo transport of the injured from an operational port has a weak effect, limited by being very few in number.
Cargo transport of the wounded from an attacked port has a moderate effect, limited by being few in number.
Cargo transport of the critically wounded from an damaged port has a strong effect. Look for the "significant damage" status.
Passenger evacuation from an active or damaged port has a moderate effect.
Combat is plentiful at AX Conflict Zones and at ports under attack.
Combat is possible by dropping from Supercruise and awaiting Frame Shift Anomalies.
Research samples from Interceptors have a strong effect (source).
Settlement reactivation missions for nearby Control systems will help both systems; Odyssey is required.

Control systems

Combat is plentiful at AX Conflict Zones.
Combat is possible by dropping from Supercruise and awaiting Frame Shift Anomalies.
Research samples from Interceptors (source) and from Scouts each have a strong effect.
Populated Counterstrike systems around the Titan with fewest Control systems will have reactivated ports to defend, with restock available.
The outermost fifteen Counterstrike systems can gain progress by rescuing Bio-storage survivors from the Titan.
If a Military settlement is present, populated Alert systems within 20 Ly will offer AX Reactivation missions; Odyssey is required.

Recovery systems

The recovery completes itself automatically after four weeks if a port was damaged, otherwise after one week.
Four-week recoveries can be assisted via settlement reactivation missions; Odyssey is required.
Cargo delivery can hasten the recovery, if it is enough to repair one port fully.
The weekly reset does not apply to recovery progress.
Recovery has no effect on the respite interval for being attacked again; see Analysing the Thargoid Simulation.


Victory in a system looks like this:


It does not look like this:


The white chevron marks one unit of progress which is still missing, and the clue is in the text above which tells you explicitly what will happen.

With HIP 23716 and HIP 20485 secured, and while everyone is on downtime due to an arbitrary progress wipe, where next should effort be directed?

Taking a cursory glance around the Maelstroms:
  • M. Cocijo (by Jackson's Lighthouse) has minimal attention, just one progress point in the Mapon system.
  • M. Taranis (by Meene) has a quite notable effort in 63 Eridani and Imeut, plus a little in Ebisu, Awara and HIP 25679.
  • M. Indra (Pleiades direction) has a point at HIP 20916.
  • M. Oya (up by Alioth) has a point at Lahua.
  • M. Leigong (below) has two points at Arietis Sector KM-W d1-94 and one at Obassi Osaw.
All of those are Invasion systems; no other Alert system nor any Controlled system seems to have any attention. If I may point out a couple of general observations:
  • Controlled systems require combat exclusively, Alert systems in effect require support exclusively¹, and Invasion systems accept both.
  • The scattering of effort above plus the effort potential during downtime could have been combined to win a third system.
  • Supposing momentarily that combat and support aggregates are equal, it seems to me that the combat effort could start at a Controlled system and support effort at an Alert system, both then meeting up at an Invasion system after the former two are secured.
  • In practice, the rapid completion of HIP 20485 suggests to me that support efforts are superior and might best be focused entirely on containment via securing the Alert systems, while combat efforts retake Controlled systems one by one, perhaps only considering one Invasion target per progress wipe if both efforts will have a surplus which can be combined to do that.
  • If it is important to stop an Invasion then we could begin with one Invasion target, though I imagine that would risk poor surplus management unless we focus only on Invasion targets.
I have no personal system preference as long as the efforts are consolidated, and I am actually wondering whether a formal decision process² might be useful. M. Taranis is the closest general threat and seems like a natural popular choice, with M. Cocijo likely becoming a strong secondary due to its proximity to Jackson's Lighthouse and Deciat, though it would be best if we have specific target ideas ahead of time. Thoughts, ideas, preferences?

1. I know it says that destroying Thargoid craft helps with an Alert system, however in practice I could find no attacks nor conflict zones there, only sporadic signal sources several thousand light-seconds apart. That is objectively not a good use of pilots providing combat effort.

2. Longer-term, it is not beyond the capacity of Imperial Navy Intervention and Rescue to implement an actual Patronage system for this. The idea would be to allow individual Commanders to set their preferred targets, or just to assign their support to an organisation which chooses targets on behalf of all of its supporters, and report the highest-weight targets. If the progress wipe were to stop then such would become immediately less necessary of course, though perhaps nice to have.
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I'm off to Imeut today as it is a sort of day off (no possible more wins) to practice on Scouts with new EAX (Enhanced stuphs).
I'm OK with Evac, wounded, missions, CG deliveries, etc.
But could do with a 'Daily War Targets' pinned forum thread instead of having to look everywhere including discord to see who is attacking/defending where.
Also pages and pages of replies and discussions would not help someone looking for a daily/weekly target system.
It would be nice if we had a sticky so ppl could post where the next system should be to target efforts. I was in Imeut at the start but then saw the post about the tide turning in HIP 23716 so concentrated my efforts there. I think it would help!

Damn, just saw spaceman-FXL5 said the same thing. I need to take more notice when i read posts :D
I suppose in terms of "set targets" the question is "set by who"?

There were a lot more than two systems being targeted this week by various groups - not all necessarily with the expectation of winning, of course - a sticky post is only as useful as the first poster's willingness to keep trawling those groups' orders for you and updating the notice.

If you want to follow a particular group's advice, you probably need to find where that group is publishing and go there direct. If you want to go fully independent then use the in-game map to find a system of the support-or-combat mix you want that's making decent progress, and join in there.
If this becomes a proper MMO event, the bun fight over the 'Chair' positions is going to be at least as entertaining as anything in-game.
If it carries on being the case that we can only expect to protect 2-3 systems a week, then the choices are "follow the coalition which includes AXI as they have the firepower" or "don't". Certainly at the moment one could just repost their target - but enough people will that it doesn't need a sticky thread.

If it becomes possible to protect tens of systems a week, then we still lose the overall war but multiple groups are then capable of coordinating a defence of somewhere, so there's much less need to fight over "who is in charge" ... but tracking where every credible group is allocating its forces suddenly becomes a significant piece of work for someone.
With HIP 23716 and HIP 20485 secured, and while everyone is on downtime due to an arbitrary progress wipe, where next should effort be directed?

Taking a cursory glance around the Maelstroms:
  • M. Cocijo (by Jackson's Lighthouse) has minimal attention, just one progress point in the Mapon system.
  • M. Taranis (by Meene) has a quite notable effort in 63 Eridani and Imeut, plus a little in Ebisu, Awara and HIP 25679.
  • M. Indra (Pleiades direction) has a point at HIP 20916.
  • M. Oya (up by Alioth) has a point at Lahua.
  • M. Leigong (below) has two points at Arietis Sector KM-W d1-94 and one at Obassi Osaw.
All of those are Invasion systems; no other Alert system nor any Controlled system seems to have any attention. If I may point out a couple of general observations:
  • Controlled systems require combat exclusively, Alert systems in effect require support exclusively¹, and Invasion systems accept both.
  • The scattering of effort above plus the effort potential during downtime could have been combined to win a third system.
  • Supposing momentarily that combat and support aggregates are equal, it seems to me that the combat effort could start at a Controlled system and support effort at an Alert system, both then meeting up at an Invasion system after the former two are secured.
  • In practice, the rapid completion of HIP 20485 suggests to me that support efforts are superior and might best be focused entirely on containment via securing the Alert systems, while combat efforts retake Controlled systems one by one, perhaps only considering one Invasion target per progress wipe if both efforts will have a surplus which can be combined to do that.
  • If it is important to stop an Invasion then we could begin with one Invasion target, though I imagine that would risk poor surplus management unless we focus only on Invasion targets.
I have no personal system preference as long as the efforts are consolidated, and I am actually wondering whether a formal decision process² might be useful. M. Taranis is the closest general threat and seems like a natural popular choice, with M. Cocijo likely becoming a strong secondary due to its proximity to Jackson's Lighthouse and Deciat, though it would be best if we have specific target ideas ahead of time. Thoughts, ideas, preferences?

1. I know it says that destroying Thargoid craft helps with an Alert system, however in practice I could find no attacks nor conflict zones there, only sporadic signal sources several thousand light-seconds apart. That is objectively not a good use of pilots providing combat effort.

2. Longer-term, it is not beyond the capacity of Imperial Navy Intervention and Rescue to implement an actual Patronage system for this. The idea would be to allow individual Commanders to set their preferred targets, or just to assign their support to an organisation which chooses targets on behalf of all of its supporters, and report the highest-weight targets. If the progress wipe were to stop then such would become immediately less necessary of course, though perhaps nice to have.

Taranis is also quite close to Meene (Ram Tah). We should probably keep an eye out for any Thargoid expansion towards one of manikind's most important xeno experts (although I am sure he has enough plot armor to survive everything the Thargoid can throw in his general direction).
I am sure he has enough plot armor to survive everything the Thargoid can throw in his general direction).
With the Sirius heat sinks his most useful engineering is now obsolete and the decryption for the guardian codex missions is still broken too. FDev should just mercy kill him.
I suppose in terms of "set targets" the question is "set by who"?

The most important part!

Short term—we need target selections ready now so that Thursday isn't a divided mess, and I believe the surplus effort at Imeut and 63 Eridani has spoken for itself. Each have one more week in Invasion, and as much as I would like to join an attempt at a Controlled system, I propose rewarding Commanders who fought there by hitting them hard on Thursday with the aim of winning both.

I imagine we will need an extra Alert target after a few days, but for now we need to ensure that Thursday gets congregation at no more than a couple of places, for which I advance that the aggregate Commander actions in Imeut and 63 Eridani mark those choices. If those get stormed to completion, we should gauge a Controlled system as a combat effort target.

Long term—as I noted earlier, the best system I can imagine is designed like a Patronage, which INIV could implement if it would help the Galaxy to do so:
  • Individual Commanders set their preferred systems privately, or assign support to another Commander privately, or to an group/organisation/squadron privately.
  • Commanders offer to represent others (that is to say, be a Patron) by making their choices public.
  • Group choices are always public.
We just got a Frontier log-in system working the other day, intended for some unrelated future integration with I.N.T.R.A., but that could be used equally as a way to give Commanders that choice interface. We were only considering individual Commanders at present, so support for squadrons may have to come later, though I see no problem with at least a basic Patronage system.

I will see what INIV can do about that on the weekend, noting that the time between now and then is perfect for other suggestions.

In any case, my answer to the question "Set by whom?" is:
  • Short term, by everyone who invests in an incomplete effort.
  • Long term, by everyone via a means to assign their support.
I think it's doubtful that 10's of systems will ever become a viable proposition. FDev seem to have adjusted the numbers to suit player engagment while catering to their unknown narrative component.
The numbers have been adjusted, yes, but we don't have enough data to say if it was a manual tweak or just the way the Thargoid sim works. The Galnet hint is that the difficulty of individual systems is related to the dispersion of Thargoids through them having to manage more systems.

If that's accurate - it'll be at least a few more weeks before we have good data either way - then at some later point in their advance we'd naturally be able to defend 20-30 systems.
(Of course, at current rates they'd still be adding 60-80 systems a week for us to consider, so that would still count as losing ... but a more strategically interesting form, at least)
This is what I was advocating for a few days after the war started. Less a "go here or we lose, maggots!" thing and more a "hey, we have groups with efforts on these fronts, come join" thing.

Some won't care. Some just want to help where the help would be more useful. None of us are in the space army and none of us are beholden to any player or player group.
Ebisu and Awara were last week's Alert systems so probably still fairly workable from a hauling perspective. Earlier Invasion systems will be harder due to closure of markets.
We'll have to wait till Thursday to see which new systems go to Alert. Plus the incoming Stargoids.
Imeut has seen fighting since day one but didn't get the attention of AXI, I don't know if the Cmdrs fighting there can grab AXI attention.
On top of that PDES sound like they're considering switching from refugees to cargo hauling.
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This is what I was advocating for a few days after the war started. Less a "go here or we lose, maggots!" thing and more a "hey, we have groups with efforts on these fronts, come join" thing.
That is more or less what happened last week - most groups focused on HIP 23716 because it's where the majority of progress was made the week before, with the exception of AXI who went off and did their own thing in HIP 20485 and Op Ida who sat it out. AXI switched back to HIP 23716 after a couple of days and when it became clear that it would succeed Op Ida also joined in. Then everyone moved back to HIP 20485 when HIP 23716 completed.

I think the inevitable conclusion that we are moving towards is a voting system of some sort to determine where to focus, because I can't see widespread co-operation happening consistently in any other way.
The forum is a place for -cough- ‘professional’ debate but also a beacon of information for the casual player.

Each week there will definitely be a thread(s) that will point to the system that is most likely to be won. This will allow the causal gamer to be able to choose and hopefully share in the positivity of winning the system. The system will be ‘self’ chosen simply by the greatest movement of the progress bar. It seems to me the best day for this review would be Friday as by then the focus should be clear simply by looking at the GalMap. Note if your part of the larger groups then hopefully they will be organised for a fresh start Thursdays morning Tick time.

In reality as Obsidian Ant says we could do with a proper coordinated counter attack assigning teams to tasks but I suspect that is just not going to happen.

As for the larger groups it will be as political - and pointless - as Empire vs Federation vs Independent.
That is more or less what happened last week - most groups focused on HIP 23716 because it's where the majority of progress was made the week before, with the exception of AXI who went off and did their own thing in HIP 20485 and Op Ida who sat it out. AXI switched back to HIP 23716 after a couple of days and when it became clear that it would succeed Op Ida also joined in. Then everyone moved back to HIP 20485 when HIP 23716 completed.

I think the inevitable conclusion that we are moving towards is a voting system of some sort to determine where to focus, because I can't see widespread co-operation happening consistently in any other way.

CMDRs will vote with their feet, so to speak. Whereever is the the most progress until Sunday evening will probably be the main focus until either victory is achieved or it looks like success becomes unlikely. From that point on CMDRs will sit the time out until next reset, rinse&repeat
Also you won't know until tomorrow what's involved in repairing the Stations of the two Systems won back this week......Frontier could well have not told us that unless they're fixed in 7 days the Systems 'reset' again to the start of the campaign 🤣
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