Thargoid markings (Klaxians & Oresrians ?)

I'm wondering if these patterns are more to do with "Clans", similar to that of the Guardians?

That, or something to do, possibly, with generations - the larger the markings, the older that particular ship is (though I'm leaning towards Clans - as opposed to two different factions within the Thargoid race).

All images merged in this thread, below (including my different one, far right). So far, 5 unique markings...

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I'm wondering if these patterns are more to do with "Clans", similar to that of the Guardians?

That, or something to do, possibly, with generations - the larger the markings, the older that particular ship is (though I'm leaning towards Clans - as opposed to two different factions within the Thargoid race).

All images merged in this thread, below (including my different one, far right). So far, 5 unique markings...

Nice resume :)
I agree there is 5 identified markings for now.

However the one far right look the same than the fourth.

I think you are missing this one:

About ship age why not, can be an explanation. I don't think it's faction because some of them are flying together, however it's possible that some faction are friendly between them. To confirm this we will need to check if they are always flying with the same markings or not.

My best theory for now is the marking are representative of their role in the "hive". Thargoid are an insectoid race so I believe they share some common points from our own insects (it's also more easy for fdev to find inspiration from existing things ;) ).
To confirm this we will need to create a table with markings and behaviour. I can't play right now but I will try to jump in my ship as soon as possible to check this. Meanwhile I will be happy to get some reports from other players :)
Nice resume :)
I agree there is 5 identified markings for now.

However the one far right look the same than the fourth.

I think you are missing this one:

About ship age why not, can be an explanation. I don't think it's faction because some of them are flying together, however it's possible that some faction are friendly between them. To confirm this we will need to check if they are always flying with the same markings or not.

My best theory for now is the marking are representative of their role in the "hive". Thargoid are an insectoid race so I believe they share some common points from our own insects (it's also more easy for fdev to find inspiration from existing things ;) ).
To confirm this we will need to create a table with markings and behaviour. I can't play right now but I will try to jump in my ship as soon as possible to check this. Meanwhile I will be happy to get some reports from other players :)

That would indeed make it six :)

We'll defo need to pay attention during hyperdictions as to whether or not vessels share the same symbol...

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I think there is 5, the fourth and fifth marking seem the same for me.

Edit : Well you maybe right, I'm not sure but it seem there is small crackle in the inner ring of the fifth.

Yep, they are all unique - some very slight variations (such as a single blob, etc.).
New markings (from :





Last one is pretty strange, it seem to look the same as the one above but I'm not sure, maybe the game engine is using LOD for the decal, that will explain the difference during close-up view.

I excluded similar one already found on this thread. Sometime difference are really subtle so I maybe missed one however...

We now have 11 different marking if i'm not mistaken.
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If I'm not mistaken there is 3 inner variant and 7 outer variant, so we can have 21 different markings if we combine all possibilities (if we count the last strange markings it can be even 24)
It seem too much for a ship role/class.
My new theory is the inner marking are the faction, and the outer one are the ship class/role. So that will mean that only Thargoid with the same inner marking are flying together. We need to check this.

Nice job commander Cephee o7
This is good quality pictures :)

So a new marking with one new outer variant (top left dot). That mean maybe more than 24 variant.
Inner marking are the same, so my last theory still apply (same faction). Outer marking must mean something else.

Can I ask you their behavior? Who did what? Which one interdicted, scanned, EMP, mimic you ?
I will be interested to know more!
I like the idea those are nests marks. I support database idea (insignia/system).
But also can be levels of dangerous/experience/age insignia.
Although I smell procedural generation because reasons.

I am on my way for symbol hunting, I am full of UPs, UAs and UFs. Wish me less then 100% hull damage.

Edit: (bad vocabulary following): could it be that marking represents Barnard Loop or something else as seen from their nests? From different systems, e.g. nebulas and stuff have variations in appearance on the sky.

Reference from another thread:

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Maybe it's their version of pilot ranking?

If you think about it, our insignia changes by increments as we advance, so maybe theirs does too?

Damn, Ninja'd lol
System: Asterope



Will hunt 2 more in different system.

System: Hyades Sector AQ-Y D81 (home of MOAB Barnacle)
pictures following, destroyed feds ships, almost got killed from Tharg SLF
known insignia *8th from the reference pic*

Hyades Sector AQ-Y D81 , planet C 2, coords 9, -153. This MOAB place is unreal. Will continue tomorrow.
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These look very much like Barnards Loop from different directions:





Been there a couple days ago. Beautiful area.Tried to get into the Horsehead Nebula but huge areas of this part of space are permit locked.
I remember Obsidian Ant saying that big parts of this area are not RNG but rather handcrafted. Go figure..
I was thinking the one in the center is their marking that's fairly the same and the stuff all around is like roots on a tree... showing age. With age comes the pulse ability. Just a concept with nothing to back it up, but looking at ourselves and how we have all the decals for trade, exploration, & combat it could be similar. Especially if the ones that "mock" you after hyperdicting have "younger" markings.

They ought to tell their children it's impolite to play with your food before you eat it...
Maybe FD pulled it out of the bag and the markings are procedural and the equivalent of our ship names/commander names. It would only take a handful of variable components ( several rings worth of changeable sections) to the marker to have many permutations.
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