Thargoid Spire Sites have become EXTREMELY dangerous. Interceptors all over the place now

I went to the site in Hyades Sector DQ-O b6-0 this morning and everything went as planned
But I traveled there again 30 minutes ago and boy was I for a surprise. 15 scouts and 5 Basilisks were there awating for any CMDR brave enough to dare
My shields were down before I could open fire
Spire sites are a NO-GO ZONE now, unless u make a wing of 4 CMDR skilled enough
Medusa arrive when someone sabotages spire on foot, and rubber-banding when one or more players have network lag. Elite uses P2P connection for player syncing instead of central server.
Medusa arrive when someone sabotages spire on foot, and rubber-banding when one or more players have network lag. Elite uses P2P connection for player syncing instead of central server.
There are over 20 medusas currently in the instance. They are not coming in when someone sabotages the spire, they're just continuously coming in.
Sabotage initiates interceptor wave, I was there when it first happened, but it's possible that it can stack with other instances which is probably a bug or someone is anchoring the instance and spire state don't reset like it can happen in CZ.
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Sabotage initiates interceptor wave, I was there when it first happened, but it's possible that it can stack with other instances which is probably a bug or someone is anchoring the instance and spire state don't reset like it can happen in CZ.
I think that not everyone realizes that the first part of the mission (to collect) should be done in open game and the second part (sabotage) should be done in solo player mode, so as not to interfere with other commanders.
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