Thargoids are a fraggin (for god sake) pain in the glowing part of your eye

Hi :)

We got the formula and still could not execute ....our fault and PLEASE UNLESS THE THARGOIDS ARE REALLY PORKED KEEP'EM STRONG AND TOUGH :)

Why..something during the early days caught my ear....somebody at FD said "keep it all flight assist off" to me ( a old flight sim guy) a valid point, but games are not sold on difficulty :(.

So business and game play have to live together fine and in this (thargoid) case it is just the right thing...(you had to years to get good) , ..what about future game buyers ...hmmm my thesis fails again :)

But following this project...there has been times where the players have taken the dev´s by surprise and to me that is awesome... watch a trailer and figure out the location of a new thing .....that guy should be hired or have his name on a planet, cause that played right into to the core spirit of this game ....

Thargoid stuff so far rocks and I'm just sad I can't kill it after 4 attempts......that's not a game thing is all me ;)

The ramp up is goood guys keep it up.

The scary factor could need a ramp up as well (all alone in space) Just remember the first hyperdiction and everybody wanted to get it...Everybody likes to get a good chill down their spine ;)
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