Reverberating Cascade?No weapon in elite can snipe a module but can't deal hull damage.
Anyway, no weapon in elite snipes modules but doesn't deal hull damage to human ships.
Reverberating Cascade?No weapon in elite can snipe a module but can't deal hull damage.
Reverberating Cascade?
Anyway, no weapon in elite snipes modules but doesn't deal hull damage to human ships.
^ Was this question answered by a dev yet?
That's what happened to theirs when we figured out the EMP blast. I imagine the same comment is being said on the Thargoid forums in their home world. They were indestructible then whamo, the humans had weapons. Sudden changes happen. The weapons and modules for anti-thargoid use haven't been developed to be used only for only a few days. They'll still be the means to destroy them.
Like when when the thargoids first arrived for combat and we all thought they were only beatable in a wing, maybe even two wings of CMDRs, then within a few days we're killing them solo. That's due to tactics. We figured it out, and will again.
The thing is, Elite is a videogame. Videogames are made to entretain their players. Modifing a stat in a weapon just to comply with the lore is lazy.
Ok, all the suggestions I made about buffing the thargoids would also have forced us to change tactics so, what's the benefit of choosing the buff FD choose aside from saving time?
Type 10 will be the ship that enables humans to destroy the thargoids more efficiently.
Now is indeed the time for Frontier to prove just how much of a commitment towards effort and execution we can expect from them for the future.No, but I doubt they would answer it anyway. A no would spoil reveals yet to come with 2.4, and a yes would just fuel further outrage and disappointment over a very lacking update. I'm curious to find out what the answer is over the next few months though, it will be a good indicator on how much effort we can expect for the future by Frontier for Elite.
I disagree; immediately jumping to conclusions and complaining is lazy. Being patient and seeing where it leads is not.
I guess that's the main clash here; I don't take issue with the changes, and they haven't made anything less fun for me. It's made it more interesting.
You could ask 20 people and get 20 different solutions to making them(anything) more difficult or complex. You like your idea, that's all.
1º Lazy here means it is amongs the most efortless ways to buff the Thargoids. Do you think chaning a single stat is hard or challenging?
2º I'm not taking conclusions here. I don't know what the rest of 2.4 will do or have but if we take what we have at the moment, it sucks.
More interesting? I'd like to hear how you like to have an NPC that is unbeatable for now.
One thing is for sure, their idea wasn't a popular one, otherwise I see no reason why this thread has grown so much. Why their idea was not very popular? Probably because it wasn't a good idea.
Do you think the code/solution has to be hard or challenging to represent hard and challenging in the game itself?
Almost every stat for every item in the game has been changed once they realize something didn't work as intended (too strong, too weak, too fast, too bright...) There's nothing wrong with what they've done, and we don't know how any other theoretical changes would affect other parts of gameplay. Your ideas may break something else.
That's exactly the interesting part; trying to figure out how to beat them. Difficulty = Interesting, because you have to think and change tactics. You're being an alarmist and giving up at the same time.
You realize there are over 2 million copies sold on PC alone? If everyone in this thread agreed with you it would still be an irrelevantly small amount of people, so arguing based on what happens here is not a strong argument. Especially when it tents to be the 'vocal minority' that make noise in these situations.
It doesn't need to be like that. If they had a great way to buff them and still save time, good for them. The fact remains that they did not add nothing new.
I'm being realist. No matter what you do, your missiles will always do the same damage everytime and thanks to the nerf, it is estimated that about 3000 direct missile hits are needed to kill a thargoid. You can evade all of their attacks, you can make the perfect ship for the role, you can bring your buddies, you can hit it everytime you shoot. Even with this perfect scenario, you wouldn't get very far at all.
Well, I have also read many complains in youtube about it. Also bare in mind that many of those copies are double accounts, abandoned accounts or innactive accounts. If the forums aren't the best thermometer to see what is the opinion of people then I don't know what it is. The bigger the data set, the better. Nontheless, the other people who have not spoken do not have a known opinion thus we can't infer they liked the patch either.
No, dammit, I was in the middle of playing the game when you went and stuffed around with the precise things I was playing with, and by extension my goal - my self-set challenge to dogfight a thargoid ship with the FdL I'd set up just so.
No I'm not going to sign up for another endless back-and-forth Community Goal to get some NEW thing to play with, just because you turned the damage knobs down on the ones I was in the middle of using.
That's not progressing the narrative; that's just going to annoy me and make me resent every damn trade run or whatever it is. Because I had a goal already, which is now moot.
Honestly. I was looking forward all day to picking up where I left off on Monday night... ready for Round 10 or whatever it was. Just me and that Cyclops Variant.
Stuff it.
Please FD, stop god-modding while we're actively using stuff. It's rude.
Save it for the point-release updates, or do it with some integrity, like enable new Thargoid defences/weapons/tactics/numbers.
The changes introduced with 2.4 are working as intended.
These changes reflect the fact that the Thargoids are adapting to our weapons and tactics.
Keep an eye on GalNet for further updates.
Type 10 will be the ship that enables humans to destroy the thargoids more efficiently.
Yes. I'm in a similar situation, having been away from home for the past five days. Was just looking forward to fitting AX missiles on my FdL and really testing my combat skills, but apparently FDev say "nope, no gameplay for you".