That's it. I quit the game.

Not going to ragequit that soon, but that must be the shed. Cats in space, so so.


Thinking about renaming the Mamba to Hoe of Destruction now.

🙃 Those were the origins of SC!
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I "think" I remember losing 10 mil on crashing an expensive ship after drinking a little too much, when 10 mil was a lot of money. Best not
I too would make a 'i quit the game' thread, if i thought anyone would care. 'sniff'. Technically i have sort of temporarily quit in that i can't be ars3d to log in when planets are still so broken, but i'm cautiously optimistic that i will log in sometime in the future (Zeus willing) and that they will be restored to Horizons levels of unique randomness. I think the game is too good to be left to die, and i hope the developers feel the same way.
This is just not on. Think of a poor old man on a hot and sunny day, getting all excited about non existent ragequit threads.

Granted, I realize it's rare for the weather in Edinburgh to go over 20 degrees, but that's not an excuse for proper ragequit behaviour.

I demand that I get to keep all your stuphs for 14.7 hours minimum as a fine, and even then I'll be keeping one of your ships as well. And I'm not telling you which, as I'm going to let the angry badger's angry daddy choose which one. If one of your ships is particularly musty from over use, it may be that one.

Isn't anyone going to ragequit this weekend and stick to the rules? Or have they all been taking advice from certain political people?
I totally ragequitted Elite 1 because of total "goddammit this crap is hard".
You can haz my graffl there.
Isn’t this the poetry thread?

Launcher launched and I loaded my fovorite forums page
I waited for half a toasters toast sequence to see the starting-screen
And I read of all that stuff that could be had, from fake-quitters on rage
and it took a while for me to choose between,
a cookie cutters knife and that tea that maybe green

But if I really staretd Elite Dangerous Odyssey
Or if I kept posting on the forum pages, to be seen
They'll say nay, and I say yes. The rat is in the cage.


Can't escape the grind.

You'll never


The Will

To come away wiht me, you humand child.
To Odyssey, like some poet wrote, should have whisperd the fabled fay, on that old cursed day.
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