The Anti Club Accord (ACA) the Resistance to Azimuth and the Club Conspiracy.

The Anti Club Accord (ACA)
A Confederation of Squadrons And Resistance Against “The Club” Conspiracy

Greetings Commanders.

A conspiracy known as "The Club" has corrupted and taken different degrees of control over all the major institutions; The Pilot's Federation, Federation, Empire, Alliance, Sirius and many other factions / organizations such as Azimuth Biotech.

"Are you tired of living under the boot of the Pilot's Federation? Are you sick of The Club's corruption at the heart of The Federation, The Empire, The Alliance and Sirius? Would you see control our governments returned to the people?

Are you tired of maniacs proclaiming themselves to be our "Salvation" but only making things worse? Would you rather choose your own fate; instead of commanders being pitted against each other as pawns in the galactic conspiracy's machiavellian schemes?

Declare your independence from the corruption of Pilots' Federation and strike back against The Club! Join the Resistance!"

-Aleister Fox, General Secretary of the ACA.

The ACA (Anti-Club Accord) is a growing confederation of allied squadrons and independent pilots who have banded together to resist the club and their puppet factions.

The symbol of the ACA is the raised fist of pilot solidarity.

Rise Up Now Commanders!
Join the Revolution! Join the ACA Today!

How to Join The Anti Club Accord

Independent Commanders

Commanders who wish to join must agree to follow a basic code of conduct called the "Rebel's Code" while in our discord and be in good standing within the elite dangerous community.

The ACA Discord:

Pilot Squadrons (Joining the Confederation)
Squadrons wishing to join must read and agree to the terms and commitments of the Accord.
Once you have agreed, the ACA Council will vote to accept your squadron's membership.
Squadrons who join will have a seat on the ACA Council and be able to vote on the Accord's direction, policies and in our Security Council elections.

The Anti Club Accord Terms of Confederation:

Anti Club Accord Signatory Squadrons

The Children of Raxxla (COR)
Intragalactic Scientific Organization (ISCO)
Spearhead Charter (SCRG)
After Earth Stellar Alliance (AESA)
Royal Phoenix Security Group (RPSG)
The Allied Order of Exemplars (AOE/EXMP)
Reforged AEGIS (AGIS)
Black Widow (BWID)
The Rainbow Alliance of Systems (RAOS)
YKE Technologies (YTEK)
Sanctuary Inc (SNCY)

The ACA's Strategic Partners

Close Encounter Corps (CEC)
The Dark Wheel (TURN)
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Recent Victorious Revolutionary Acts

Oct 16th 3309: After months of preparatory actions The Anti Club Accord claims victory in our efforts to liberate LHS 1163 from Azimuth's corruption.
The Blues Brothers have overthrown Azimuth's repressive corporate regime supported by the guidance of Commander Rainbro and have taken control of the system.
The ACA is currently supplying relief to the citizens of LHS 1163 who were caught up in the fighting and have promised to defend their new found independent sovereignty.

View attachment 370929
We must keep LHS 1163 out of Azimuth’s hands. We might not be able to fully push them out like in Wandrama but we can do what we can.
Azimuth is a rotten blight that needs to be cut from the galaxy. They do not deserve to exist, if it is the one thing a Thargoid and human might agree upon.

(They are also apparently about to engage in a war with another local faction in LHS 1163. Not sure I like the look of the way the Blue Brothers have dropped though.)
Azimuth is a rotten blight that needs to be cut from the galaxy. They do not deserve to exist, if it is the one thing a Thargoid and human might agree upon.

(They are also apparently about to engage in a war with another local faction in LHS 1163. Not sure I like the look of the way the Blue Brothers have dropped though.)

We are up to shenanigans with the BGS right now, you are welcome to join our discord so we can coordinate.
"Anti Club Accord (ACA) operatives ambush club connected research teams, eliminating their security and liberating data to be passed onto independent research groups for study."

The ACA holds regular events to interact with the narrative, if there is nothing interesting in Galnet we create our fun with RP/PVP missions in interesting locations from Lagrange Clouds to Spire Sites, we are always up to some shenanigans.
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