Haaappy Friday! Wellll sure, I can take a look. When you say there's a few one this, can I be a pest and ask where you've seen them? The more evidence and reports I can get hold of, the better
Hey Sally!
Trying any of the planets with locations in HIP 22460 should show it. Looking for Fort Asch on HIP 22460 7 c should demo it.
FSS shows number of locations, as does DSS. Following DSS, Nav Panel will show only ‘feature’ POIs (Geo POIs in these examples), but no ‘location’ POIs. The ‘location’ POIs will show in the HUD when looking at them.
While we’re on the general subject of issues related to location POIs:
- When dropping out of SC on approach to a targeted location POI, the target will be lost and has to be retargeted.
- Overlook is showing as a Guardian POI (old bug from 3.3 which seems to have been fixed in general but apparently not for the Overlook)
Journal log for the point above: {"event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"HIP 22460 10 b", "SystemAddress":319715002691, "BodyID":70, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Guardian;", "Type_Localised":"Guardian", "Count":1 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Thargoid;", "Type_Localised":"Thargoid", "Count":2 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Geological;", "Type_Localised":"Geological", "Count":31 } ] }
Hope that helps on that front. If any other info would be useful, let us know!
Also, while we're on, could I ask whether there should be messages from anything other than the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks at Fort Asch? (There's a couple of crashed ships, a crashed SRV, and some other things around.)
Journal event for the SRV data point is:
{ "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" }
I didn't receive a message though, and it was the same for everyone in system chat.
This is the same format as for the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks (journal entry for one of them: { "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" } )
I also received a message saying just 'corrupted' from one of the other scannable points, but nothing from any of the others.
The data points can't be rescanned, and exiting and restating didn't get any messages through.
Again, if any other info would be helpful, just let me know.