The Black Flight mystery

Do we need to start the chain at Hyford's Cache, or can we pick it up at the sites closer to the Bubble ?
If you do fancy following the plot there is info on routing from HIP 27176 on - AFAIK there's only one leg that is difficult because of permits. HIP 27176 is worth visiting for Oaken Point if nothing else :)

Edit: Terrible spoilers for the actual messages, ofc. Damn Canonn ...
That would also explain the initial AX weapon designs - which were presumably, given Aegis' lack of success at weapons research, old INRA models quietly leaked to the right people. If they'd only really faced scouts before, well, the AX weapons are pretty decent versus scouts.
Yeah, although it might need a review of the INRA logs, as they definitely encounter bigger Thargoid ships - one of their bases was wiped out by one. That was generally interpreted to be something much bigger than an Interceptor when the logs were first found, as were the logs from Jameson.

If we assume that Interceptors weren’t really encountered by humanity at large before it would reconcile various things though. As you say, there’s the AX weapons. There’s also the matter of them being Unknown Ships for quite some time before they were confirmed as being Thargoid. There was obviously quite a lot of suppression of information going on, but suppression to the point of there not being a single report of someone recognising them as Thargoid ships?..


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
@sallymorganmoore any chance you can use your magical powers to have this boosted, theres a few on this but they never get anywhere due to not having enough "Popularity"

Haaappy Friday! Wellll sure, I can take a look. When you say there's a few one this, can I be a pest and ask where you've seen them? The more evidence and reports I can get hold of, the better :) Thanks!
Haaappy Friday! Wellll sure, I can take a look. When you say there's a few one this, can I be a pest and ask where you've seen them? The more evidence and reports I can get hold of, the better :) Thanks!
Hey Sally!

Trying any of the planets with locations in HIP 22460 should show it. Looking for Fort Asch on HIP 22460 7 c should demo it.

FSS shows number of locations, as does DSS. Following DSS, Nav Panel will show only ‘feature’ POIs (Geo POIs in these examples), but no ‘location’ POIs. The ‘location’ POIs will show in the HUD when looking at them.

While we’re on the general subject of issues related to location POIs:

- When dropping out of SC on approach to a targeted location POI, the target will be lost and has to be retargeted.

- Overlook is showing as a Guardian POI (old bug from 3.3 which seems to have been fixed in general but apparently not for the Overlook)

Journal log for the point above: {"event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"HIP 22460 10 b", "SystemAddress":319715002691, "BodyID":70, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Guardian;", "Type_Localised":"Guardian", "Count":1 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Thargoid;", "Type_Localised":"Thargoid", "Count":2 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Geological;", "Type_Localised":"Geological", "Count":31 } ] }

Hope that helps on that front. If any other info would be useful, let us know!

Also, while we're on, could I ask whether there should be messages from anything other than the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks at Fort Asch? (There's a couple of crashed ships, a crashed SRV, and some other things around.)

Journal event for the SRV data point is:

{ "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" }

I didn't receive a message though, and it was the same for everyone in system chat.

This is the same format as for the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks (journal entry for one of them: { "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" } )

I also received a message saying just 'corrupted' from one of the other scannable points, but nothing from any of the others.

The data points can't be rescanned, and exiting and restating didn't get any messages through.

Again, if any other info would be helpful, just let me know.



Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Hey Sally!

Trying any of the planets with locations in HIP 22460 should show it. Looking for Fort Asch on HIP 22460 7 c should demo it.

FSS shows number of locations, as does DSS. Following DSS, Nav Panel will show only ‘feature’ POIs (Geo POIs in these examples), but no ‘location’ POIs. The ‘location’ POIs will show in the HUD when looking at them.

AH! You're amazing, thanks so much.

While we’re on the general subject of issues related to location POIs:

- When dropping out of SC on approach to a targeted location POI, the target will be lost and has to be retargeted.

- Overlook is showing as a Guardian POI (old bug from 3.3 which seems to have been fixed in general but apparently not for the Overlook)

Journal log for the point above: {"event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"HIP 22460 10 b", "SystemAddress":319715002691, "BodyID":70, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Guardian;", "Type_Localised":"Guardian", "Count":1 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Thargoid;", "Type_Localised":"Thargoid", "Count":2 }, { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Geological;", "Type_Localised":"Geological", "Count":31 } ] }

Hope that helps on that front. If any other info would be useful, let us know!

I honestly hate to sound proper rubbish but lemmie just try and grab one thing at a time from this at the mo hehe :) Always like to make sure I get initial things in line before scrambling my noggin' with the next thing.

Also, while we're on, could I ask whether there should be messages from anything other than the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks at Fort Asch? (There's a couple of crashed ships, a crashed SRV, and some other things around.)

Journal event for the SRV data point is:

{ "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" }

I didn't receive a message though, and it was the same for everyone in system chat.

This is the same format as for the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks (journal entry for one of them: { "event":"DataScanned", "Type":"$Datascan_AbandonedDataLog;", "Type_Localised":"Abandoned Data Log" } )

I also received a message saying just 'corrupted' from one of the other scannable points, but nothing from any of the others.

The data points can't be rescanned, and exiting and restating didn't get any messages through.

Again, if any other info would be helpful, just let me know.


Again, as above hehe. I'll absolutely note these for sure, but naturally with lots of questions here I'm not going to be able to get around to answering all of these pronto :)
REALLY appreciate all of this info, always. Thank you!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Also, while we're on, could I ask whether there should be messages from anything other than the Settlement Comms Log Uplinks at Fort Asch? (There's a couple of crashed ships, a crashed SRV, and some other things around.)
I also received a message saying just 'corrupted' from one of the other scannable points, but nothing from any of the others.
The data points can't be rescanned, and exiting and restating didn't get any messages through.

Just on this real quick, actually:
The other scannable points should all have that 'corruped' message you're getting (to indicate there's no message to be had there), so if you've only had one from one, then that sounds squiffy. Notedddd.
But just to further clarify, the only messages you can pick up that won't be 'corruped' per settlement are the Settlement Comms ones.
Just on this real quick, actually:
The other scannable points should all have that 'corruped' message you're getting (to indicate there's no message to be had there), so if you've only had one from one, then that sounds squiffy. Notedddd.
But just to further clarify, the only messages you can pick up that won't be 'corruped' per settlement are the Settlement Comms ones.
Thanks for the confirmation on this Sally, that's great! - I'd started replying to the other post, and part of that was to say that in my opinion, getting clarification on this was the priority in case there was important info which was being missed by everyone. So, as that's now completely unnecessary, I'll just say thank you for the excellent bit of prioritisation! 😀 Cheers!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Thanks for the confirmation on this Sally, that's great! - I'd started replying to the other post, and part of that was to say that in my opinion, getting clarification on this was the priority in case there was important info which was being missed by everyone. So, as that's now completely unnecessary, I'll just say thank you for the excellent bit of prioritisation! 😀 Cheers!

Oh gosh, so lovely. No, you're very welcome.
I got a bit flustered with writing your notes up for myself, thinking that they were all as hefty as the POI ones to tackle, but then I re-read the one about the lcomms and was like..."Oh wait, no that's a quick answer, I can do that one. Oops!", haha.
Have a wonderful remainder of your day o7
Friendly reminder that active Thargoid structures are a nice source for meta-alloys from the spikes, Thargoid materials, including sensor fragments, from the scavengers and Thargoid data from the Thargoid uplink devices (can only be scanned with the SRV and are yellow glowing stars on the ring structures). In the system with the Overlook the Thargoid bases have quite a few of these. Be aware, the Thargoid commodities you can find outside are corrosive and require special cargo racks.
Honestly the event is fun and all but having to navigate through all these permit locked systems is hell, i just cant plot a route to Wregoe DK-R b4-1, no matter how close i try to get to it, everything is permit locked for hundreds of lys, it almost forces you to use a fleet carrier to just insta jump to the system :|
Honestly the event is fun and all but having to navigate through all these permit locked systems is hell, i just cant plot a route to Wregoe DK-R b4-1, no matter how close i try to get to it, everything is permit locked for hundreds of lys, it almost forces you to use a fleet carrier to just insta jump to the system :|
I am having this issue getting to HIP 26176
Also did the audio logs from from Fort Asch and Oaken Point got saved on your codex? It didnt on mine
Honestly the event is fun and all but having to navigate through all these permit locked systems is hell, i just cant plot a route to Wregoe DK-R b4-1, no matter how close i try to get to it, everything is permit locked for hundreds of lys, it almost forces you to use a fleet carrier to just insta jump to the system :|
Perhaps someone who has reached it could report the route they took?
Oh gosh, so lovely. No, you're very welcome.
I got a bit flustered with writing your notes up for myself, thinking that they were all as hefty as the POI ones to tackle, but then I re-read the one about the lcomms and was like..."Oh wait, no that's a quick answer, I can do that one. Oops!", haha.
Have a wonderful remainder of your day o7
Thanks! And yeah, if I was just doing a list of things myself, I would normally have tried to set it out a bit clearly with the (hopefully) quick and easy ones highlighted. As I was tagging it on to providing some info on the one @CMDR Davanix had raised, I couldn't quite do it the same way! Like I say, I was going to reply to the other message, but you were on it quicker than I could reply to it anyway! :D

If screenshots or videos would be helpful for the other points just let me know!

Have a great weekend! o7
Also did the audio logs from from Fort Asch and Oaken Point got saved on your codex? It didnt on mine
I cant play at the moment (RSI in hands) so cant check out these logs, but this is reminiscent of an issue I had and reported. I have logs 2-4 in my codex from Stuart Retreat, one of the INRA bubble bases, but kept pix of the logs and clearly read all four of them when I visited. This bug is worrying if the Cmdrs codex is the game’s method of recording progress on the “personal journey” (on the route to Raxxla??).

What does annoy me is that with the current bug reporting mechanism my report will probably never get enough support to be actioned!
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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Thanks! And yeah, if I was just doing a list of things myself, I would normally have tried to set it out a bit clearly with the (hopefully) quick and easy ones highlighted. As I was tagging it on to providing some info on the one @CMDR Davanix had raised, I couldn't quite do it the same way! Like I say, I was going to reply to the other message, but you were on it quicker than I could reply to it anyway! :D

If screenshots or videos would be helpful for the other points just let me know!

Have a great weekend! o7

So super. Thanks millions again.
You too!!! Thanks! o7
So… Thargoids again. What’s new?
Humans, Thargoids, Guardians, only 3 space faring species in the Galaxy?
Boring galaxy.
Where’s Andromeda?
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