The Blockade of Procyon

I'm bitter because etc
I am in this for the storyline. etc I have half a mind just to go do the bgs on purpose so that no one can get the stupid permit. etc

You sound just like the Mad Bomber.

"Post-hoc justification" means that you want to do a thing and you are inventing reasons. You should hear Ollobrain's moveable feast of reasons to UA bomb in-game memorials to much loved actresses.

Sirius Inc expand because people support them for the Engineer. SIrius Inc has these guys as caretakers:!
And if anyone wants to oppose this nonsense of Histarium's then you can get in touch on their Discord:
Their INARA page has a low wing number in the venerable and still going class of Player Groups. And there's also the Sirius Poweplay Group that are different, but they too might have something to say about your proposal.

The team I play for has no dog in this fight - go for it, as you will. Fine. Whatever.

But if you are not a representative of a group with some credibility there is no come back is there?

You can attack with impunity.

When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.

And you know what?
Sirius Inc is NOT a big organisation. Half a dozen expansions when you have an engineer is really not a lot for a Player Group that's been going a long time. What has in fact happened is that the Feds keep them on a tight leash. They've been allowed to expand to a few places so that the Permit is easier to get, but if you go messing around down in the Sirius / Fed hinterlands. . . I dunno, maybe no one will notice your efforts, But if they do, then they'll be pretty interested in exactly who you are, who you represent, and where you are located.

But you don't have any of that stuff. You are wandering terrorists looking for targets. No master, no goal, no home.

Ollobrains too is a persona non grata. An exile. Just about any comment he makes on Reddit gets downvoted out of sight. If it's a path you want to take - go for it, I won't be opposing nor helping you.

Just don't expect kudos and friendship when you shut down Qwent and the path to Palin:

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You sound just like the Mad Bomber.

"Post-hoc justification" means that you want to do a thing and you are inventing reasons. You should hear Ollobrain's moveable feast of reasons to UA bomb in-game memorials to much loved actresses.

Sirius Inc expand because people support them for the Engineer. SIrius Inc has these guys as caretakers:!
And if anyone wants to oppose this nonsense of Histarium's then you can get in touch on their Discord:
Their INARA page has a low wing number in the venerable and still going class of Player Groups. And there's also the Sirius Poweplay Group that are different, but they too might have something to say about your proposal.

The team I play for has no dog in this fight - go for it, as you will. Fine. Whatever.

But if you are not a representative of a group with some credibility there is no come back is there?

You can attack with impunity.

When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.

And you know what?
Sirius Inc is NOT a big organisation. Half a dozen expansions when you have an engineer is really not a lot for a Player Group that's been going a long time. What has in fact happened is that the Feds keep them on a tight leash. They've been allowed to expand to a few places so that the Permit is easier to get, but if you go messing around down in the Sirius / Fed hinterlands. . . I dunno, maybe no one will notice your efforts, But if they do, then they'll be pretty interested in exactly who you are, who you represent, and where you are located.

But you don't have any of that stuff. You are wandering terrorists looking for targets. No master, no goal, no home.

Ollobrains too is a persona non grata. An exile. Just about any comment he makes on Reddit gets downvoted out of sight. If it's a path you want to take - go for it, I won't be opposing nor helping you.

Just don't expect kudos and friendship when you shut down Qwent and the path to Palin:

DNA-Decay, I appreciate your words but Sirius Inc is not Sirius Corp. Sirius Inc is a different, independent faction. Our HQ system, San, is 200ly from Sirius. In fact, the description of San reads:

Headquarters of SIRIUS INC, a mercurial organization on the rim of human-occupied space. This fledgling democracy has recently gained independence after years of benign neglect by their parent corporation. The people of San feel a strong affinity with their "corporate founders", and preserve the trappings of corporate governance (including corporate name, titles, and other IP). The parent corporation has yet to comment on this rather egregious trademark infringement.

People mistake us with Sirius Corp from time to time and do missions for us, hoping to unlock the engineer, but I can assure you the current size of our faction is the result of the precise and hard work of our members, not the result of randoms trying to get to allied with us.

We are in good terms with Sirius Corp and the Sirius players, but we are independent and not obligated to help Sirius Corp, even if we've done so in the past. We're currently discussing our stance on this matter.

With this said, I think the OP is delusional, and reminds me of someone that wanted to "advance the alien storyline"...
Well... considering there are some fairly big player groups in that area.....Hutton, EDF, contrail etc etc I'd be surprised if they did'nt take a wary interest in what you're upto.

But a blockade you say..... a blockade...

Sounds like a challenge to the best blockade runner in the business, and oddly, hes found some more lvl 5 materials for a trip to Palin for more engine tuning [squeeeee]


<<<lives in open... and will die in open.......but only if you can catch him first :D
Last I checked, Sirius Corp didn't even control Sirius anymore - except to give out permits. The Truckers took it a while ago.
That said, if you must blockade Sirius Cybernetics Corp, then you should include Qwent Research Base too.
DNA-Decay, I appreciate your words but Sirius Inc is not Sirius Corp. Sirius Inc is a different, independent faction. Our HQ system, San, is 200ly from Sirius. In fact, the description of San reads:

People mistake us with Sirius Corp from time to time and do missions for us, hoping to unlock the engineer, but I can assure you the current size of our faction is the result of the precise and hard work of our members, not the result of randoms trying to get to allied with us.

We are in good terms with Sirius Corp and the Sirius players, but we are independent and not obligated to help Sirius Corp, even if we've done so in the past. We're currently discussing our stance on this matter.

With this said, I think the OP is delusional, and reminds me of someone that wanted to "advance the alien storyline"...

Well once again I stand corrected.
Thanks for that SaliVader - I suspect I am not the only one confused by the proliferation of Sirius Inc and Sirius Gov and Sirius Corp and LeRoy Rui. Word from the horses mouth much appreciated.

Re: Truckers and [CNTRL]
This is a heavily contested area. When I was getting my Sirius permit, I got in and found that Sirius Corp was about to cede control of their last surface port in Sirius to some Fed faction. The Sirius Inc crew swung into action and sorted that out. Hence my assumption that Sirius Inc was looking after Sirius Corp. That was a few months back. And I've moved on so maybe the truckers are ruling now. I ran into FLAVSTER from [CTRL] back then who swapped me Modular Terminals for missions. Muchos gracias.

There is a potential here for some "asymmetrical warfare".
A small group with ruthless methods upsetting the apple cart for a much used minor faction that sits at an intersection of at least three Player Groups interests.
I'll hop in Solo and tank those stations with UA's for sure :D

Where's my Asp........

Oh yes, for CMDRs wanting to harvest quick UA's, best and quickest is the wreckage planetside at the alien ship site. UA's lying scattered about ready for quick harvesting.

No! You cannot use 'tanking' in the financial sense on a gaming forum! That will cause a cosmic contradiction that could tear apart the very fabric of the interwebs. How can you simultaneously buff up a station with huge amounts of armour, potions and hit-points at the same time as making it crash?

The financial world needs to*go away* and stop using the word 'tank'. We used it first and they are using it wrong.
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I dunno, getting Qwent was already a serious pita, lets not make it even more annoying for those who still need to get allied with sirius.
no offence but you should target a different faction. Sirius corp is tied with an engineer and people need to get allied faction with them to get access to it.

Agreed, access to Marco Qwent (and subsequently Palin) can only be gained by alliance with Sirius. A different faction would probably have less effect on CMDR's gaining access to this engineer.
Wow. I really hope no one does this and I will be doing my part to mitigate it. I'm still working on the permit so a blockade would make me salty.
Good luck with your emergent play, OP. It looks like you're in for an uphill battle. I hope it adds some fun to your game.

For those getting upset about a blockade of the chosen system, it's not the most useful system to use for Sirius Corp rep. The nearest orbital is over 11k ls from the secondary star. There are no RES in the system. I'm not aware of a Compromised Nav beacon there either. Maybe there is one, but 11k ls supercruise per trip? Not particularly efficient.
Good luck with your emergent play, OP. It looks like you're in for an uphill battle. I hope it adds some fun to your game.

For those getting upset about a blockade of the chosen system, it's not the most useful system to use for Sirius Corp rep. The nearest orbital is over 11k ls from the secondary star. There are no RES in the system. I'm not aware of a Compromised Nav beacon there either. Maybe there is one, but 11k ls supercruise per trip? Not particularly efficient.

But gives you plenty of time to read forum posts:D
Again I'm really confused as to people being upset about this because of a permit. If that's all you need I will gladly give you better systems than procyon to farm your rep. Luytens star comes to mind.

This is funny. I do indeed feel like that guy in this thread.

All Im asking is to cause a little bit of a stir in a system unrelated to BGS, and everyone flips their gaskets about needing Sirius Permits. >_< I get that actions in and around THAT system will affect the system, but not the faction as a whole. There is really a bunch of other systems you can farm rep in that Im not asking to mess with. Im even getting down voted on reddit for suggesting this. Its non-sense really. Seriously, look at all these systems you could go to, to farm rep. >_>
I'm bitter because I'm trying to create a story and this permit is the one reason most people won't rp against Sirius Corporation despite the heavy hints that they are pretty evil by frontier. I'm not a bgs person, I'm not here to grief you out of content. People only get upset or oppose me because Palin. It's dumb. Like. I'm in no way threatening your ability to get the permit here. Just pick any of the other 20 some stations Sirius Corp owns. Hell just don't pick Cormac hub...

Go outside for a while... Jesus. I give the same amount of [REDACTED] about your cringe RP than you do about people needing access to engineers.
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