Community Event / Creation The Buckyball Racing Club Presents: Obfuscated In The Outer Rim. 23rd - 31st Dec 3309.

Happy New Year everyone!

During my early morning racing window yesterday, I made the foolish decision to change things up in Unlimited, replacing Haulier than Thou with Elegance of Virtue (iCourier: sacrifices a jump for improved real-space speed) as well as bringing in Krait Caesar's Ghost (Krait Phantom: sacrifices real-space speed for one fewer jump). In the former case, it turned out that while Elegance of Virtue has improved straightline speed, it isn't as maneuverable as Haulier than Thou, and I'm not quite good enough to make full use of that extra speed.

As for the latter, I think our lupine racer summed up my findings with Krait Caesar's Ghost quite well:

Installing lower grade modules gave me the jump range needed, but negated a good portion of the advantage that one jump less would have given me. Slower sublight speed and less power in the engine capacitor have a bigger impact than I anticipated.

Ultimately, I would've been better served making more of an effort before the race began at improving the engineering of Haulier than Thou. It was frustratingly close to being able to shave two jumps off its route if it had been just a little bit less massive. 😲 Sadly, this race had to happen during the Holidays, which left me without as much time to prepare or race than I would've liked. :(

Unfortunately, as is often the case on Sundays, I didn't get back home in time to make one last attempt at improving my entries in both classes. I'll have to be satisfied with the fact that I exceeded at improving my Ophidian time by four minutes, which had been my goal when I switched to Medusa's Gambit.

I'd like to thank @Edelgard von Rhein for hosting this brilliant race. It pushed many of my boundaries, both in and out of the race. I look forward to seeing the final leaderboards.

Speaking of which, congratulations to everyone who raced, even if you didn't make it onto the podium. For most of us, Buckyball Racing is more about improving our skills than competing with one another (although there can be an element of that from time to time :D). Just remember to use these skills in your regular gameplay. As we say at Stevenson Whirlwind Adventures: "If you're not willing to damage your ship, you're not really in a hurry."
Greetings CMDRs and welcome to 3310!

The results here are provisional pending last-minute entries but will become final if no more have been forthcoming by 18:00 UTC Jan 2nd.

I would like to thank everyone who took part, whether you managed to get a time on the board or not. It has been good to see the mixture of Buckyballing and Christmas spirit and heartening to read that you have enjoyed this race at a time when there are many other commitments and activities. It is my hope that you have had a small glimpse into the work that Michael Brookes put into creating the Galaxy and will now understand a little as to why so many systems have names with mythological connections and perhaps even what their meaning might be.

The final weekend saw activity in both classes and I shall begin with Unlimited, where CMDR Timber McWolf has made great strides over the course of this race and in the last 24 hours ran with an adjusted time of 30:57 in his Diamondback Explorer Star Moth, visiting the moon ICZ BL-X b1-2 3a for the Vagabond bonus. Over the final weekend the action was all close to and on the podium, with CMDR Epaphus submitting two times in his DBX HSS Curiosity, the fastest of which was 19:00, adjusted for the Vagabond bonus after visiting the moon CD-40 395 1a, which is, with the moon above, one of the two most popular moons. CMDR jspace went one better, literally one second better, in his DBX Outer Limits, being the only person to visit Sanai 1a for the Vagabond bonus. Even this was not enough for a podium position, as a last-day entry from CMDR Raiko, in his highly-optimised Imperial Courier Spirit of Icarus, which had the minimum fuel load possible, completed the course in an adjusted time of 14:32, also visiting ICZ BL-X b1-2 3a for the Vagabond bonus, leaving him in 3rd place behind CMDR sulu's previous entry of 14:18 in his Imperial Courier Mitterand Twisted that had visited CD-40 395 1a. In first place, extending his lead with a final adjusted time of 11:10, having visited the unusually-named moon S-One in the uninhabited system CD-58 16, is CMDR Shaye Blackwood in the Diamondback Scout Urd, o7. Very well done to everyone!

In Ophidian class, the action on the final weekend affected all parts of the board. CMDR Timber McWolf again made an improvement and completed the course in 42:07 in the DBX Ananta-Shesha. If there were an award for making improvements, then I think you would have won it. Actually, I'm going to make one: Sidewinder Spirit! The Sidewinder is where we begin and the ship we learn to fly in. It is soon left behind as we earn more credits and buy bigger and faster vessels. Yet it is a potent race ship that many of us have come back to and appreciated and can often outperform the more expensive ships in a race. (I've no idea if this will stick but you deserve some credit for the progress you have made this race. o7). CMDR Martinjameson gave the course one last go in his DBX Wassup Whippet, in the final minutes of the race, and was rewarded with the sight of the Earth-like World, Arawn, being directly in front of the star Annwn when leaving Gallimaufry, appearing as a fiery ring, and a time of 30:43 that is two seconds faster than CMDR Boundness' own DBX Special Snowflake. CMDR Epaphus did not leave it quite that late but only had a few hours to go when he completed a run in 30:30 in his DBX Redacted, leaving him in 8th place. There were more late entries to come, with CMDR Tobias Von Brandt scrambling to complete the course in his DBX Chelone before rushing off to enjoy the New Year festivities, recording a time of 30:09, placing him in 6th (provisionally, as the evidence is still processing), one second behind CMDR Ozric's Asp Explorer Isil and nine seconds ahead of CMDR Inga Stevenson's DBX Medusa's Gambit. The final last-minute entry was also blessed with the dark side view of Arawn, which is no different in Legacy, with CMDR Bruski bringing the DBX Razorbear into play, his Bobbleheads declaring 'For Odin' and a soundtrack that rocked as well as his time, achieving 27:48, placing him 5 seconds ahead of CMDR Shaye Blackwood's Asp Explorer Ask and leaving CMDR sulu's DBX The Crimson Haybaler in third. A fine last-minute victory: what a way to end the year! o7


EDIT: CMDR Tobias Von Brandt's last-minute Ophidian class entry has now been verified. The correct time is shown above. Congratulations on your equal 5th place with CMDR Ozric!
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Thank you Edelgard von Rhein for this fantastic race!
I had a blast and my famous 3 days around christmas before the "racing elite" swapped in and pushed me and my snowflake back to my place :D I will return the mic as soon as I find it in my cockpit - get lost during all this corkscrewing - and I feel dizzy myself a bit..

To the happy part: I managed place 6 in unlimited which out of my records is my all time best place in any race I have participated.

Till now I have learned a lot and when ever a FA-off race is beeing held I will rock the podium, hopefully :ROFLMAO:

I hope you all had a nice start in the new year - o7 to all of you!
Sidewinder Spirit. I like the sound of that award. And I feel homoured to recieve it. Thank you.

I still have that first Sidewinder. I never got rid of it:
Heart Of Gold.jpg

I think I should fly her once again... Been a while since I last sat in her seat.

There is this RP part of me that gave her a backstory... In short, this ship is a family heritage.
I have the most important part of the Race here, for anyone who remembers the Yggdrasil race by Polly:

Full Run:
Skip to 4:00 for launch, this was my second run and I had to fix some previously unexplored bookmarks from my first.
Skip to 27:00 for conversation with kid
Skip to 30:00 for finish
Other timestamps available in the youtube description


Volunteer Moderator
Great race, once again, Edelgard. And great racing everyone. Well done to the podium placers. It's nice to see me and Shaye not allowing the terrible DBX to take over the leaderboards in the Ophidian class 😊
Yeah, in the small and medium classes, there is no way around Lakon Spaceways if you want/need the maximum jump range...
I take that back, partially. In the small class, there's no way around Lakon Spaceways' DBX, if you want maximum jump range.
But in the medium and large categories, Faulcon DeLacy has the edge with the Krait Phantom and the Anaconda.
I take that back, partially. In the small class, there's no way around Lakon Spaceways' DBX, if you want maximum jump range.
But in the medium and large categories, Faulcon DeLacy has the edge with the Krait Phantom and the Anaconda.
For pure jump range, yes. For this race in the Ophidian class, both ships sacrifice a lot of real-space speed to exceed the DBX's jump range when it's kitted out for real-space speed. The AspX, with its slightly superior real-space speed and agility, was the only real contender in that class, and that assumes you have the skill to take advantage of it. Even then, the DBX has a slight advantage in Supercruise maneuverability.

In fact, that tends to be the case for most Buckyball races I've participated in. It really depends upon how much time you'll be spending in real space, vs how much time you'll spend jumping. Much like Nascar of old, Bukcyball races trace their roots back to the smuggling meta way back in the early days of Elite Dangerous, where you wanted both great jump range and great speed.

I'm planning on spending some serious time attempting to get Haulier than Thou closer to fully engineered. I could've shaved off two extra jumps during this race, if it had been engineered better. The Hauler is a very solid "Jack of All Stats" when it comes to Buckyball Racing ships. Speed: A-; Jump Range B+; Real-Space maneuverability B+; Supercruise maneuverability: A.

Plus, I just love the idea of a "Racing Hauler." Until the original engineering update, it was among the slowest ships in the game. Thanks to enhanced thrusters, it's among the fastest. :p :cool:
Too slow in Regulation and better options in unlimited

This. The Krait Phantom, in Unlimited, is another "Jack of all Stats" ship. The Hauler has the edge on speed, maximum jump distance, and especially maneuverability. The Phantom's sole advantage is overall jump range, which wouldn't have been a factor in this race, where you can top off your tank with each jump.

This. The Krait Phantom, in Unlimited, is another "Jack of all Stats" ship. The Hauler has the edge on speed, maximum jump distance, and especially maneuverability. The Phantom's sole advantage is overall jump range, which wouldn't have been a factor in this race, where you can top off your tank with each jump.
I see the sublight speed advantage, but maximum jump distance? Hauler: 57 ly; Phantom: 76 ly (the DBX has a theiretical max jump range of 81). The overall jump range (before you run out of fuel) isn't that different between these two - about 20 ly difference.
The nimbleness is a double-edged sword for me. With my controller's quite short thumbsticks, these extremely manoeuverable ships get really twitchy and hard to point into the right direction, particularly in situations that require a swift reaction.
I'm almost more comfortable bringing the Curious Dryad onto the pad than the Interstellar Travelall.
I see the sublight speed advantage, but maximum jump distance? Hauler: 57 ly; Phantom: 76 ly (the DBX has a theiretical max jump range of 81). The overall jump range (before you run out of fuel) isn't that different between these two - about 20 ly difference.
The nimbleness is a double-edged sword for me. With my controller's quite short thumbsticks, these extremely manoeuverable ships get really twitchy and hard to point into the right direction, particularly in situations that require a swift reaction.
I'm almost more comfortable bringing the Curious Dryad onto the pad than the Interstellar Travelall.
It depends upon the race, really. In this race especially, you want a good balance of jump range and real-space speed. A max-jump kitted out Phantom may be able to 76 light years, but that's only one fewer jump on the route than the the Hauler can do. Meanwhile, the eventual engineering goal for Haulier than Thou will be able to maintain speed of 448m/s at each of the nine real-space stops, while the Phantom's max speed is 381m/s.

Considering that there was, at best, a total distance of about 128 kilometers of real space you have traverse, I'd want something faster than the Phantom. The Hauler can ideally cover that distance in about 285 seconds, the Phantom about 335 seconds, so at best, it'll take 50 seconds longer. And that's not even factoring in the difference between boost speeds. When you consider the increased agility of the Hauler over the Phantom, in and out of Supercruise, the Hauler is the superior choice between the two.

For this race.

Granted, what I listed above is my aspirational goals for Haulier than Thou, rather than it's current state. As you can see, it has quite a ways to go yet... though I've already increased its jump range enough to have removed one of the two excess jumps from the last race. I was rather surprised by how many legacy engineered modules that ship still has. :)

The next race? Who knows... maybe it'll be one where the iCourier's superior speed will have an advantage. Maybe it'll be one where jump distance is king, and the DBX have the advantage. Or maybe it'll be one where you need a good balance of both, and I'll bring out the Racing Hauler again. And maybe the next race will require rapid refueling, in which case the Phantom will have an advantage over the DBX. Or maybe there'll be a race where you need to consider cargo or passenger capacity, or heat tolerance, and none of ships I listed will be ideal.

That's the fun thing about Buckyball Racing. Every race has different requirements, and no one ship can fulfil them all.
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