The Canonn - Interstellar Scientific Research

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Seems killing security authority ships will have a big impact on Canonn influence. I think today I might have to try this theory out.

If you see my with a big bounty today, remember, I am on your side :D
I have done another 1m in bounties (only took 1 hour today) , but cant say I'm impressed with the 0.2% swing, especially as the effect is supposed to be doubled.
I get no missions, only got 1.5

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Seems killing security authority ships will have a big impact on Canonn influence. I think today I might have to try this theory out.

If you see my with a big bounty today, remember, I am on your side :D

Don't go too far, once you are hostile, not sure it will be easy to fix it. No rep decay with minor factions.
Seems killing security authority ships will have a big impact on Canonn influence. I think today I might have to try this theory out.

If you see my with a big bounty today, remember, I am on your side :D

i think doing that in a high res is best. and, ehm, piracy as a side effect.
11 authority kills and 7 civilian Canonn destroyed. I have dropped to neutral so let's hope those murders had a good dent on Canonn influence.
todays influence report
The Canonn 45.0% down 4.9%, Boom pending, Civil Unrest recovering
Varati Independent Union 32.6% up 2.2%, Boom pending, Civil Unrest recovering
Varati Blue Public Limited 10.1% up 0.6%, Civil War
Varati Ring 6.7% down 0.6%, Civil War
Labour of Varati 5.8% up 2.7%
great work cmdrs big change today :D
keep backing Varati Independent Union not the Canonn and Labour of Varati!

VIU civil war is now over so no more bonus to bounties, still a good way to raise their rep!
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I have done another 1m in bounties (only took 1 hour today) , but cant say I'm impressed with the 0.2% swing, especially as the effect is supposed to be doubled.
I get no missions, only got 1.5

that should have counted towards todays change if you handed them in yesterday :D
Just to say that the Canonn site will be down for a few minutes after this post appears. Nothing serious. Just needed to patch the server.

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Okay that was much quicker than I thought it would be lol...
todays influence report
The Canonn 48.7% up 3.7%, Boom, Civil Unrest recovering
Varati Independent Union 30.4% down 2.2%, Boom pending
Varati Blue Public Limited 9.9% down 0.2%, Civil War recovering
Varati Ring 5.7% down 1.0%, Civil War recovering
Labour of Varati 5.3% down 0.5%,
swing went the wrong way don't know if its because of player actions or bug, probably a bug will see what happens the next few days
keep backing Varati Independent Union not the Canonn and Labour of Varati! Varati Blue Public Limited and Varati ring have ended their war so avoid backing them too now.
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Have been doing.VIU missions between Varati and next door (along with a bit of authority persecution at home - they were looking at me funny guvnor), so perplexing to see Canonn influence on the rise. Wonder if it's in some way linked to the end of the other factions' civil war...
Have been doing.VIU missions between Varati and next door (along with a bit of authority persecution at home - they were looking at me funny guvnor), so perplexing to see Canonn influence on the rise. Wonder if it's in some way linked to the end of the other factions' civil war...

yesterday or today? your actions from yesterday counted towards todays influence change and todays actions will be shown in tomorrows
Influence has swung the wrong way several times in recent weeks but seemed to be rectified after a couple of days, but could be wrong about this
Lockdown is bugged, during this state our actions are not supposed to affect influence yet changes were achieved
It could even be the killing of authority ship that's bugged ;)
todays influence report
The Canonn 52.8% up 4.1%, Boom, Civil Unrest recovering
Varati Independent Union 28.7% down 1.7%, Boom pending
Varati Blue Public Limited 8.9% down 1.0%,
Varati Ring 4.9% down 0.8%,
Labour of Varati 4.7% down 0.6%,
swing went the wrong way again probably a bug hopefully we will see an adjustment
keep backing Varati Independent Union not the Canonn and Labour of Varati! Varati Blue Public Limited and Varati ring have ended their war so avoid backing them too now.
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I did another 1m in foreign VIU bounties yesterday (dont know if before yesterdays tick or not), but it seems that it is having no effect.
Thats all I can do with a 1.5 Account, so am going to give up for now. I'll be back in when there is a War in Varati, or some other way to effect influence that doesn't make me hostile.
Having a break from Varati until the influence sorts itself out. Going to concentrate on the last couple of ranks for a corvette. Will be back then.

Is it worth pushing for expansion then coming back at a later date to take the last station? Looks like it would be easier to expand than cause a civil war.
todays influence report
The Canonn 46.4% down 6.4%, Boom
Varati Independent Union 35.1% up 6.4%, Boom pending
Varati Blue Public Limited 8.9% no change,
Varati Ring 4.9% no change,
Labour of Varati 4.7% no change,
That's more like it :D
difference in influence is now only 11.3%
keep backing Varati Independent Union not the Canonn, Labour of Varati, Varati Blue Public Limited and Varati ring
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Seems the influence change for the last few days has kicked in. Maybe a couple more strong days of supporting VIU will get us to civil war.
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