The Cassiopeia Project

Heading for Hypiæ Aim JY-Z d13-8 to triangulate co-ordinates and screenshot stellar data. That will leave the remaining Glufee, Phrœ Eæc, Gludgoe and Hegoi systems on the spreadsheet to be triangulated. I suggest that commanders returning to the Tycho search area to gather this data post which systems they intend to gather data from to prevent unnecessary repeated effort o7

I am basically working my way "core-ward" collecting data as I go. If someone arrives before I do that is perfectly fine. I'm currently working on the "Glufee" systems but am done for the day. I won't be back online for another 20 hours or more so if someone wants to collect the rest of those I perfectly happy with that!

- - - Updated - - -

Like Cpt.Bilsn and CMDR_Halceon I seem to have struggled to get to anywhere useful before everything was sorted. Finding myself 6klys away from the Cas A area, having just crossed the Heisenberg Bridge, and with few co-ors left to search, I've decided to head back and give my data to the CoR while I still have the chance. If there's anything still to do after that I can head back down. I've contributed nothing other than a bit of chat so far :)

Nothing about this has been a concern for personal achievement. We're accomplishing something for the community. Many people have tried to locate Cas A in the thought that it was linked to the Formidine mystery. Every one of us, even those who couldn't complete the journey, have contributed toward the goal of proving or disproving the link. Personally, I salute you all. I doubt this hunt would have gotten this far without all of our collective enthusiasm. Thank you Commanders!
Here's another achievement of the expedition, constructed when my junior copilot was under the weather with space sickness. I constructed the frame, and he did the details. I couldn't find any image for "Lego Type 6 Transporter" on Google, so I humbly post this for posterity. Constructed from the Lego Millennium Falcon (a great set for rebuilding something else), which explains why Leia and Chewy are making an appearance. And some bad photo editing to make my copilot smile.

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Nothing about this has been a concern for personal achievement. We're accomplishing something for the community. Many people have tried to locate Cas A in the thought that it was linked to the Formidine mystery. Every one of us, even those who couldn't complete the journey, have contributed toward the goal of proving or disproving the link. Personally, I salute you all. I doubt this hunt would have gotten this far without all of our collective enthusiasm. Thank you Commanders!

And of course, the Project would not have even got off the drawing board without the vision, organization, dedication and hard work of the Mission Commander. Thank you Commander McMillan, it's been an education. I've personally learned a lot. I hope the Devs do the right thing and commemorate your efforts in-game o7
Yes, thanks to everyone who organized and participated. I've enjoyed the expedition and getting to know other commanders.

I think I'll plan to swing by our first candidate NS this weekend (who knows when I'll next get out this way), then head back to the Tycho search area (if anything is left), returning via Heart and Soul to check things out.

I've been burned by CGs before, but I might try to return by Thursday in case it needs help getting over the top.

I'd be open to a meet up if others are interested, whether out here or in the bubble.
Kind of sad that I didn't get to use any of my fuel limpets (I've been lugging around 60 tons of them just in case), but aside from that it's been a great adventure exploring with you all. Really looking forwards to seeing the results of our search, if there's anything I can do to help process data don't hesitate to ask :)
Just entered data for Hypiæ Aim JY-Z d13-8 on spreadsheet. Heading back to the Bubble now, although I'll try and get to any debrief meeting if there is one.

Dumping all limpets now - Can't remove myself from 'Rescue' role on Discord but be advised that I can no longer provide refuelling. Although I do have a mining laser for anyone stranded without jumponium.

RoCs &c.

As I've been going over our accumulated data I've found one set of coordinates that appears to have been incorrectly surveyed. The stars listed next to coordinates -6580.368042:178.904721:-3798.256117 are well beyond the 50 light year distance. I've arrived at the coordinates myself and have identified four fresh candidate stars. I'm hoping to have time tomorrow to properly survey them and fill out the data sheet.

I've been toying with the idea of returning home in time to participate in the current exploration Community Goal but have decided to "stay of target" and complete this task. Besides, sitting this one out means I don't have to make the difficult choice of actively working against my Federation by helping CoR. There is still a mountain of work that has to be done and I plan on finishing the job.

Once again I'd like to thank each and every one of you for participating in this adventure. It continues to be some of the most fun I've had as an explorer and I look forward to participating in similar expeditions in the future.

Keep flying Commanders!
I'd just like to add my thanks with others to Finn for organising an interesting and different expedition, well done. Here's looking forward to the next one.
It was a great expedition! Thanks everyone and of course thank you Finn o7 Had a lot of fun! Looking forward to the next one.

Fly safe Commanders
I've been toying with the idea of returning home in time to participate in the current exploration Community Goal but have decided to "stay of target" and complete this task. Besides, sitting this one out means I don't have to make the difficult choice of actively working against my Federation by helping CoR.

Actually for my part I'm absconding to sell my data to the Federation, not the Children of Raxxla. Mainly because after what I've learned about the CoR during this mission, I've realized that I dislike them enough to do the Feds a favour at their expense. But also because I need the money; I had an 11mil insurance payout testing the combat loadout for this mission, and had to sell parts on my Asp to cover insurance for it.

What's more all of the remaining systems on the Tycho spreadsheet with missing data are directly along my return route, so I'll fill them all in as I go unless anyone else does first.

Good luck with the rest of the mission Cmdr it was a privilege being part of it o7
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Commanders Diffen and McMillin: It looks like you'll finish the job before I get into position, but I'll check the spreadsheet just to be sure when I get there.

A question: Do you have preferred software that's giving you the coordinates? It looks like there are a couple: Captains's Log and
ED Discovery, with Captain's Log suggesting that it has the advantage of storing your logs in a database that Frontier won't decide it might erase and maybe storing more data on planets (?), and EDDiscovery integrating your data online, which seems like a gesture of good citizenship. I'm thinking it would have been nice to run one before I started off.
Commanders Diffen and McMillin: It looks like you'll finish the job before I get into position, but I'll check the spreadsheet just to be sure when I get there.

A question: Do you have preferred software that's giving you the coordinates? It looks like there are a couple: Captains's Log and
ED Discovery, with Captain's Log suggesting that it has the advantage of storing your logs in a database that Frontier won't decide it might erase and maybe storing more data on planets (?), and EDDiscovery integrating your data online, which seems like a gesture of good citizenship. I'm thinking it would have been nice to run one before I started off.

Personally, I use them both. I like how eddiscovery incorporates a visual map but prefer the custom notes in captains log and the pie chart showing planet materials.

If I could use only one though it would be eddiscovery.
Personally, I use them both. I like how eddiscovery incorporates a visual map but prefer the custom notes in captains log and the pie chart showing planet materials.

If I could use only one though it would be eddiscovery.

An obvious solution, in retrospect. I had somehow assumed they would interfere with each other, but no reason they would, I guess. Thanks!
Actually for my part I'm absconding to sell my data to the Federation, not the Children of Raxxla. Mainly because after what I've learned about the CoR during this mission, I've realized that I dislike them enough to do the Feds a favour at their expense.
I would be interested to hear what you've learned about CoR during this mission to colour your opinion so harshly.

As for turning in data to the Federation, a 2 to 1 lead with 4 days to go is unlikely to get turned around. You'd make more Cr selling to the CoR CG.
I would be interested to hear what you've learned about CoR during this mission to colour your opinion so harshly.

As for turning in data to the Federation, a 2 to 1 lead with 4 days to go is unlikely to get turned around. You'd make more Cr selling to the CoR CG.

I can give you lots of reasons:

They're a cult.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda and an Imperial aristocrat leader.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda and an Imperial aristocrat leader with pretentions of mystic power.

Whilst I believe that the mysteries of the Galaxy belong to everybody, they've claimed ownership of the Raxxla Legend for themselves.

Any other in-game mystery that people are talking about they will claim to know more about than anybody else by virtue of privileged information.

They claim to be some kind of illuminati that governs by hidden means in-game factions that I support.

The Great Cmdr Erimus of the CoR who so generously graced this Project with his personal involvement never showed up after the Departure Ceremony.

The CoR undermined this Project by simultaneously organizing a CG in precisely the area which we were investigating.

They talk to me like I owe them something.

And finally, I don't need a reason. I just don't like them.

I'm not trying to turn around the Fed-CoR CG competition. I'm not a big fan of the Feds either. Neither is profit my primary concern in selling my data to the Feds. I'm selling my data to the Feds purely as the only adequate expression of my dislike of CoR available to me. Any cash reward is pure bonus.

Finally, unless you're an active member of this Project (and I don't remember you, and you haven't posted here before) I don't owe you any explanation at all. No one tells me what to do with my exploration data, especially not CoR. I do whatever I like with my exploration data.

This Mission is not over yet, and whilst I may have ditched my fuel limpets and my rescue role, I'm still combat armed and ready, and quite prepared to fulfil my secondary role as bulwark and defend the Project from CoR interlopers who intend to stop Project Members from delivering their exploration data to whomsoever they choose. Fair warning Commander.
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Fair enough about your opinion Commander Diffin.

I need to correct one point...
The CoR undermined this Project by simultaneously organizing a CG in precisely the area which we were investigating.
CoR didn't ask for or schedule the CG. It just got dropped on them by Frontier. If you've got a problem with the scheduling, take it up with Frontier.

My opinion is you come across as belligerent, argumentative, opinionated and hostile. Based on your posting, I just don't like you. I don't need a reason to explain myself , nor must I be a member of the Cassiopeia Project to post on Frontier's forum.
I'll give you the only reason you need not to give the data to the feds:

Last time we had one of these they found nothing. if the devs wanted them to find something they would have at that point

Also they tried to stop this trip in the first place and have been at the forefront of calls for explorers to stop exploring and "leave it to the professionals".... these would be the professionals who earlier in the year were saying there were no aliens and the thargoids were just a story for scaring kids....
Whatever you believe, the CG involving CoR was not even asked for and it came out of the blue, so it was not purposely pitted against Jaitou's expedition. FD schedule CGs, not the players.

I was very much looking forward to the Cas-A expedition. I helped promote it via FleetComm and the Expedition Hub. I enjoyed the first week I was involved.

The CG and the coming DWE Fleet reunion event are the only reasons why I haven't had much time to commit to the rest of the journey... but with an attitude like yours Diffin and the way you feel about how others play their role, I'll stay clear and leave you to it. I've got too much respect for Jaitou to cause angst on his event, so you'll be delighted to know that CMDR Erimus (CoR filth *spit*) has decided he won't pollute it any further.

To Jaitou, I apologize to you if my presence on the expedition caused you any headaches with certain members. For what its worth, CoR did not schedule the CG and did not know about it until the Cas-A event was well underway. I'm pretty sure you're discerning enough to know that, but I just wanted to make it clear.

Good luck o7.
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I can give you lots of reasons:

They're a cult.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda and an Imperial aristocrat leader.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists with a hidden agenda and an Imperial aristocrat leader with pretentions of mystic power.

Whilst I believe that the mysteries of the Galaxy belong to everybody, they've claimed ownership of the Raxxla Legend for themselves.

Any other in-game mystery that people are talking about they will claim to know more about than anybody else by virtue of privileged information.

They claim to be some kind of illuminati that governs by hidden means in-game factions that I support.

The Great Cmdr Erimus of the CoR who so generously graced this Project with his personal involvement never showed up after the Departure Ceremony.

The CoR undermined this Project by simultaneously organizing a CG in precisely the area which we were investigating.

They talk to me like I owe them something.

And finally, I don't need a reason. I just don't like them.

I'm not trying to turn around the Fed-CoR CG competition. I'm not a big fan of the Feds either. Neither is profit my primary concern in selling my data to the Feds. I'm selling my data to the Feds purely as the only adequate expression of my dislike of CoR available to me. Any cash reward is pure bonus.

Finally, unless you're an active member of this Project (and I don't remember you, and you haven't posted here before) I don't owe you any explanation at all. No one tells me what to do with my exploration data, especially not CoR. I do whatever I like with my exploration data.

This Mission is not over yet, and whilst I may have ditched my fuel limpets and my rescue role, I'm still combat armed and ready, and quite prepared to fulfil my secondary role as bulwark and defend the Project from CoR interlopers who intend to stop Project Members from delivering their exploration data to whomsoever they choose. Fair warning Commander.

Consider this a virtual rep as I can't rep you for real, it seems.
Oh no! Drama!

To Jaitou, I apologize to you if my presence on the expedition caused you any headaches with certain members. For what its worth, CoR did not schedule the CG and did not know about it until the Cas-A event was well underway. I'm pretty sure you're discerning enough to know that, but I just wanted to make it clear.

Good luck o7.

No worries! I was actually surprised to see you sign up and even more surprised to see you attend the launch event. I'm signed up for the Sagittarius/Carina expedition but have been a no-show. There always seems to be something that comes up to change my plans at the last minute. The Rift/Conflux/Gap community goal was a total surprise.

I'll give you the only reason you need not to give the data to the feds:

Last time we had one of these they found nothing. if the devs wanted them to find something they would have at that point

Also they tried to stop this trip in the first place and have been at the forefront of calls for explorers to stop exploring and "leave it to the professionals".... these would be the professionals who earlier in the year were saying there were no aliens and the thargoids were just a story for scaring kids....

This is my take. Mars High Astrocartography is NO FRIEND to explorers. As a Federation citizen I feel obligated to side with the Feds on a competitive CG. Not in this case though. That Devene fellow can't be trusted and he certainly can't be trusted with my data.

I can give you lots of reasons:

They're a cult.

They're a cult of Imperial terrorists ... And finally, I don't need a reason. I just don't like them.

This Mission is not over yet, and whilst I may have ditched my fuel limpets and my rescue role, I'm still combat armed and ready, and quite prepared to fulfil my secondary role as bulwark and defend the Project from CoR interlopers who intend to stop Project Members from delivering their exploration data to whomsoever they choose. Fair warning Commander.

There are plenty of role-play reasons to view CoR with suspicion and even more reasons to question the motives of their oft-absent leader, Salome. As for the members themselves? I know a lot of these guys far too well to view them with any suspicion at all. CoR, at the core, are interested in the in-game lore and that is something I am totally behind 100%. We need more player groups, in my opinion, that take the lore seriously and promote the background story that so often gets lost for most of us.

Whoever you chose to sell your data to ... that's your choice. I wish you a safe journey home!
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