CQC The CQC/Arena Suggestions thread.

Deleted member 103587

Is this where we cry about Arena/ CQC? Seems Frontier doesn't actually have anything to say here, so we all whine to each other. Yes, I absolutely hate how CQC is managed, as most of you do. ONLY reason I subject myself to this foolishness is I'm an explorer, and this is the ONLY way to get a cheesy combat fix. I say cheesy, because it's actually pretty horrible when compared to the combat of the main game.

1) Combat in main game is better than the 'Combat Specific' portion of Elite: Dangerous.
* Paper Airplanes in space in 'combat specific' portion of game
* No Highest Threat indicator or selection
* no sub-targeting (not that it's needed on paper airplanes)
* 2 reloads on chaff or heat sinks in 'combat specific' portion of game

2) Kill points are bass ackwards. The CMDRs who win are the ones sitting in the shadows, snipping off the last shot for the kill. He who does all the work is then taken down from the rear by the same CMDR. Kill thief gets 100 points for that last shot, other guy only gets 50 points for "the assist" and killed for his trouble.
* Kill points should be dealt to the CMDR who does the most damage resulting in the destruction of an opponent, NOT he who shoots once for the steal.

3) CMDRs are usually oblivious to the one guy getting all the kills repetitively, and carry on shooting at eachother instead of taking out the kill thief.
* No comms of ANY SORT in Death Match.

4) Does Team Deathmatch even work? How about CTF?
* Haven't been able to get into a Team Deathmatch or CTF match in SEVERAL MONTHS, and I try, EVERY. DAMN. NIGHT. Did you scrub these options, but not remove them from the UI? I have crazy good internet with low ping, so I know it's not me.

5) Why am I always stuck with playing against one small group of players every night? The people change every night, but I can only find matches on any given night with the same people.
* I would like to see a metric showing how many people are playing CQC. I can't believe there's only 5 of us on every night.
* Why is it so difficult to find a match in your game?

*Looking at the forums, I KNOW Frontier knows about how destroyed CQC is. There's no advertising for it either. Are these 2 problems related, or have they just given up? Seriously, who OK'd this trash? I want a name.

7) Lately I'm facing off with CMDRs who I can target, and they're right in front of me, but because they spin around my weapons don't actually target them (still targeted, while both parties are stationary, and facing off at about 100 meters). CMDR Bubencov, I'm referring to you. Musta looked pretty cool with all my laser blasts flying past you from point blank range. One minute clip of the : https://www.twitch.tv/wwwscoobylewcom/v/108740159
*Is this an exploit or a function? If a function...WHAT IS DOING THIS? If it's yet another exploit, FIX IT.
***EDIT*** Thanks for the tip, you are correct, there's heat sinks involved in this treatury lol ***End EDIT***

I have a bunch of ideas on how to make CQC even better than it was intended, but I already have a job. Let's start with fixing all these problems, and maybe get CMDRs interested in it again?
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Regarding point 7): CMDR Bubencov is deploying a heat sink. It cools down his Eagle and in consequence you loose target lock. In this situation you need to aim precisely. Everything we see in your video is fine, apart from your aim.
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Is this where we cry about Arena/ CQC? Seems Frontier doesn't actually have anything to say here, so we all whine to each other. Yes, I absolutely hate how CQC is managed, as most of you do. ONLY reason I subject myself to this foolishness is I'm an explorer, and this is the ONLY way to get a cheesy combat fix. I say cheesy, because it's actually pretty horrible when compared to the combat of the main game.

1) Combat in main game is better than the 'Combat Specific' portion of Elite: Dangerous.
* Paper Airplanes in space in 'combat specific' portion of game
* No Highest Threat indicator or selection
* no sub-targeting (not that it's needed on paper airplanes)
* 2 reloads on chaff or heat sinks in 'combat specific' portion of game

2) Kill points are bass ackwards. The CMDRs who win are the ones sitting in the shadows, snipping off the last shot for the kill. He who does all the work is then taken down from the rear by the same CMDR. Kill thief gets 100 points for that last shot, other guy only gets 50 points for "the assist" and killed for his trouble.
* Kill points should be dealt to the CMDR who does the most damage resulting in the destruction of an opponent, NOT he who shoots once for the steal.

3) CMDRs are usually oblivious to the one guy getting all the kills repetitively, and carry on shooting at eachother instead of taking out the kill thief.
* No comms of ANY SORT in Death Match.

4) Does Team Deathmatch even work? How about CTF?
* Haven't been able to get into a Team Deathmatch or CTF match in SEVERAL MONTHS, and I try, EVERY. DAMN. NIGHT. Did you scrub these options, but not remove them from the UI? I have crazy good internet with low ping, so I know it's not me.

5) Why am I always stuck with playing against one small group of players every night? The people change every night, but I can only find matches on any given night with the same people.
* I would like to see a metric showing how many people are playing CQC. I can't believe there's only 5 of us on every night.
* Why is it so difficult to find a match in your game?

*Looking at the forums, I KNOW Frontier knows about how destroyed CQC is. There's no advertising for it either. Are these 2 problems related, or have they just given up? Seriously, who OK'd this trash? I want a name.

7) Lately I'm facing off with CMDRs who I can target, and they're right in front of me, but because they spin around my weapons don't actually target them (still targeted, while both parties are stationary, and facing off at about 100 meters). CMDR Bubencov, I'm referring to you. Musta looked pretty cool with all my laser blasts flying past you from point blank range. One minute clip of the : https://www.twitch.tv/wwwscoobylewcom/v/108740159
*Is this an exploit or a function? If a function...WHAT IS DOING THIS? If it's yet another exploit, FIX IT.

I have a bunch of ideas on how to make CQC even better than it was intended, but I already have a job. Let's start with fixing all these problems, and maybe get CMDRs interested in it again?

I too am an explorer and yet I find CQC fun. While we are aware there are some issues, particularly with the lobby system, CQC functions quite well in my view. Your points all seem to boil down to assuming that you can play CQC in the same way as the main game i.e. joust and shoot at each other until one person dies.

CQC does require some tactics like not sitting shooting at someone while you are getting shot in the back even though that is very tempting to do. It requires hiding behind things, target selection, knowing when to break off your attack and crucially managing your pips.

As steenpass has noted above, CMDR Bubencov is simply using heat sinks effectively. As regards getting a game, come and join the discord channel and you will find many players who you can co-ordinate a game with.
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Deleted member 103587

I too am an explorer and yet I find CQC fun. While we are aware there are some issues, particularly with the lobby system, CQC functions quite well in my view. Your points all seem to boil down to assuming that you can play CQC in the same way as the main game i.e. joust and shoot at each other until one person dies.

CQC does require some tactics like not sitting shooting at someone while you are getting shot in the back even though that is very tempting to do. It requires hiding behind things, target selection, knowing when to break off your attack and crucially managing your pips.

As steenpass has noted above, CMDR Bubencov is simply using heat sinks effectively. As regards getting a game, come and join the discord channel and you will find many players who you can co-ordinate a game with.

To be clear, I hate the idea of everyone vs. everyone, and am ALWAYS looking for team death match. As far as having the skills required to play CQC, here's a 40 minute unedited clip I like to call the highlight reel. It's in Deathmatch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt_W9oKoWTg

I'm still waiting for the game to have all it's parts work, but thank you for not being a scum like that guy^ Steenpass :) (who's negative comments I see have now been removed).
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I think what it comes down to is that you just don't like the Deathmatch format, whether it's dressed up in Elite clothes or no. :) Which is totally OK, some will enjoy it and some won't.

We all share the frustrations about low population and how hard it is to find a game (especially one that isn't Deathmatch).
To add to SushiCW's comment. If deathmatch is not your thing then doubly join the discord. As soon as we get enough players on, we tend to head to team death match. Plenty of games available at the right time.

p.s. steenpass is an honourable guy and you did insinuate that bubencov was using an exploit. Perhaps you would consider removing your negative comment too in the interest of useful discussion.

P.P.S I watched your video. Yes, you can fly the imp but you were up against noobs in those fights and you are level 50 at least. If you want more of a challenge come and join in the evening UTC or do what we often do when there are noobs around, try and win on assists only or use a sidewinder.
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Im joining your Discord Channel tonight (Central European Time)
Played about 30hours, mainly deathmatch. Lookin for some Neat TDM Action. Cya Around
Im joining your Discord Channel tonight (Central European Time)
Played about 30hours, mainly deathmatch. Lookin for some Neat TDM Action. Cya Around


Do bear in mind that while games are still going on at the moment, there are fewer players around than usual right now. Christmas and New Year festivities take up a lot of time :)
CQC might be fun, I just never get to find a game... never ever since a few month ago. I tried yesterday, again after 5 minutes nada, change mode, same happens...
One of the reason the CQC is dead is that the high ranking players are killing it, as they get better they get better
weapons and other equipment that makes them even better.
Seen it over and over, they come and slaughter the low ranking players for 3 or 4 matches until everyone leaves.
I think part of the solution is to make all weapons and equipment available form the start or
just have fixed equipment on all ships, no unlocks, that would make all sit at the same table.
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One of the reason the CQC is dead is that the high ranking players are killing it, as they get better they get better
weapons and other equipment that makes them even better.
Seen it over and over, they come and slaughter the low ranking players for 3 or 4 matches until everyone leaves.
I think part of the solution is to make all weapons and equipment available form the start or
just have fixed equipment on all ships, no unlocks, that would make all sit at the same table.

On one hand, those same players would slaughter noobs just as badly in a stock Condor.

On the other hand, the perception of unfairness is real, and definitely damaging.
On one hand, those same players would slaughter noobs just as badly in a stock Condor.

On the other hand, the perception of unfairness is real, and definitely damaging.
Definitely - but of course, given just how bad some of the alternative loadouts are, giving beginners everything at once would probably make them die even worse - at least as it is you don't get overwhelmed with choice before you know why not to use most of it...

Setting up the initial 12 loadouts with a range of sensible options and having an easy way to reset them back to that might be a good way around that.
One of the reason the CQC is dead is that the high ranking players are killing it, as they get better they get better
weapons and other equipment that makes them even better.
Seen it over and over, they come and slaughter the low ranking players for 3 or 4 matches until everyone leaves.
I think part of the solution is to make all weapons and equipment available form the start or
just have fixed equipment on all ships, no unlocks, that would make all sit at the same table.

The problem with this is that it would lose some of the variety. Most of the experienced players are in Imps with Pulse lasers but there are also great players in Eagles using beam lasers as well as Condors with silent running. I think sometimes the less experienced players feel that there is an enormous equipment gap when it isn't that much.

Every time a player reaches level fifty (well up until the eighth time at least) they get re-set back to exactly the same load out as a complete noob and have to progress through the loadouts again. Their advantage then is that they have learned to fly well, know the maps and pick their targets. Knowing where the power ups are is of course also a help.

Also, most of the high level players I know are aware of not scaring away new players and actively avoid blowing them up too much.

It is inevitable in a game like this that experienced players will be better than new players but all of them were new players too once and they just took the beatings until they got better.
Suggestion 1:
Remove the weapons powerup
Suggestion 2:
Make the stealth powerup a bit shorter, or end as soon as you fire your weapons

Those powerups (primarily the weapons one) are just too fight-deciding. Understanding the importance of the weapons powerup is one of the big things that immediately differentiates new players, and more experienced combatants. If only one or two players are really going for it (or other players fail to focus the guy with the weapons powerup), the fight turns into a terribly lopsided slaughter.
Suggestion 1:
Remove the weapons powerup
Suggestion 2:
Make the stealth powerup a bit shorter, or end as soon as you fire your weapons

Those powerups (primarily the weapons one) are just too fight-deciding. Understanding the importance of the weapons powerup is one of the big things that immediately differentiates new players, and more experienced combatants. If only one or two players are really going for it (or other players fail to focus the guy with the weapons powerup), the fight turns into a terribly lopsided slaughter.

For the weapons powerup, personally I think the way to fix this is to:

1) make the extreme impact of the weapons powerup more obvious (e.g. lasers a different color, "WEAPONS POWERUP" text on the target detail display). Add a message to the loading screen tips about how powerful it is and how important it is to control.
2) Make it slightly tougher to chain successive weapon powerups (e.g. a 15 second delay between it expiring and a new one appearing)

Stealth powerup is fine as it is IMO, although on Ice Field it's probably too close to the weapon powerup which makes for an insanely powerful combo. It already does make you visible when you fire (to the person you're shooting at, at least, or for TDM to the entire enemy team). It's also a useful and important counter to the WEP powerup. All I'd do with this one is to move it further away from WEP on ice field. Either move it to the bottom of the map (instead of in the center, so it's still opposite WEP but further away) or swap the center stealth and the speed boosts on the sides (so there's a stealth on each side and a speed boost in the center).

I agree that these powerups unfortunately make it easier to slaughter noobs, but they're also really important for adding depth and flavor to high level play.
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It's probably been said before, but I'd like to see some kind of "solo" mode vs bots (perhaps FFA deathmatch only), no ranking, just the ability to pick match type, map and any loadout already earned in PvP - just so folks can learn the maps, power-up spawn points and general gameplay.
It's probably been said before, but I'd like to see some kind of "solo" mode vs bots (perhaps FFA deathmatch only), no ranking, just the ability to pick match type, map and any loadout already earned in PvP - just so folks can learn the maps, power-up spawn points and general gameplay.

I agree that having the ability to just fly around and get to know the maps would be good. You can do this when you are in a game with much lower ranking players but it would be nice to have as an option for everyone. Having said that, I still think that the best place to learn is in the Arena as it is even though it can be frustrating at the beginning.
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