The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

When reducing your tanks, remember that you can always end up in front of MS star. Classified as M class star, but its non scoopable. ;)
Very rare star though, but just reminding that theres stuff ingame which can give nasty surprises..

Which reminds me, im thinking of having fuel limpet controller onboard, will get back to game when 2.4 drops.
Ok so for repair limpets I'm.guessing I need the following:
3D prospector controller (G5 lightweight mod)
Cargo hold
Lots of limpets bought from founders world before we set off
Have I missed anything?

I'm no fuel Rat, nor did I ever used it before, so correct me if I'm wrong...
Think an 1D fuel limpet controller is just fine.
The number says how many limpets you can fire at once, the letter how far you can be from your target... (1D = 1 limpet , 800m)
No need to carry the limpets with you, synrhesize them from tin and iron.
4 limpets each synthesize means at least a cargo hold of 4t...

Each limpet gives 1t of fuel.
in a worst case a stranded conda needs 8t of fuel if a full range jump into safety is required...
So the rescuer needs at least 24t tank,
jump in with 8t, hand over 8t and jump out with 8t - right?!
Think I would like to do this, if I can sort a ship in time. Can you please add my name - thanks.

I should add I have never been on a huge exploration trip. Did sm2 and that was furthest. So prob will be asking lots of advice along way :)
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You get two things while mining, fragments that can be refined into gold, silver, and such things that ends up in your cargo and can be sold. The other thing you get from the rocks is materials (elements) like arsenic, iron, and such that you use for synthesis. Basically, it's a backup if all your SRVs are blown up but you still need mats for jumps and such. It's a tedious method, but if you don't have srvs or if you can't find a planet to land on but need mats, it's the last resort.

I learned this in this thread by joining this expedition. I never knew.

Also, the other thing that some bring is a weapon with fuel slug effect. It's for the purpose of dumping fuel. The reason is that occasionally you want to trim off some of your fuel because the tonnage of the fuel affects your jump range.

Please note that you cannot get standard and premium boost materials with a mining laser.
I'm no fuel Rat, nor did I ever used it before, so correct me if I'm wrong...
Think an 1D fuel limpet controller is just fine.
The number says how many limpets you can fire at once, the letter how far you can be from your target... (1D = 1 limpet , 800m)
No need to carry the limpets with you, synrhesize them from tin and iron.
4 limpets each synthesize means at least a cargo hold of 4t...

Each limpet gives 1t of fuel.
in a worst case a stranded conda needs 8t of fuel if a full range jump into safety is required...
So the rescuer needs at least 24t tank,
jump in with 8t, hand over 8t and jump out with 8t - right?!
Top tip Cmdr. Thank you.
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Hi all,

I'd like to join this expedition for as long as I can. I've been around the bubble a few times, but nowhere near as much as the others here. No Sag A* trip yet, no Beagle point... but go big or go home!

Can you please add me to the roster?
renoFTW | AspX | Ultima Thule | -- | 45 ly | UTC+3 |

Hi all,

I'd like to join this expedition for as long as I can. I've been around the bubble a few times, but nowhere near as much as the others here. No Sag A* trip yet, no Beagle point... but go big or go home!

Can you please add me to the roster?
renoFTW | AspX | Ultima Thule | -- | 45 ly | UTC+3 |


You're always welcome mate. There is a mixture of hard core explorers and guys new to the call of the black here. A lot of good advice can be found here.
Think I would like to do this, if I can sort a ship in time. Can you please add my name - thanks.

I should add I have never been on a huge exploration trip. Did sm2 and that was furthest. So prob will be asking lots of advice along way :)

Welcome aboard, CMDR!
Please let me know when you have more details to the roster in post#2 in this thread.

Hi all,

I'd like to join this expedition for as long as I can. I've been around the bubble a few times, but nowhere near as much as the others here. No Sag A* trip yet, no Beagle point... but go big or go home!

Can you please add me to the roster?
renoFTW | AspX | Ultima Thule | -- | 45 ly | UTC+3 |


Welcome aboard, CMDR!
Seeing so many other people interested and involved in this both here and on the Discord I am so excited to be a part of this.

Stocking on Polonium after max-tweaking the Orca and doing some goods shuttling for a while till things begin.

Feel much more comfortable knowing there is some "security" as well as support going along the journey though hope to not impose and have to ask for any assistance. Orca is highly stripped down just for max-jump and comfortable landing/heat management exploration.

Look forward to meeting anyone and everyone out there. o7
So what's the deal with fitting a smaller fuel tank?
Is this to force the plotter to plot bigger jumps?

The way I see it: with a 64T tank, you can stop scooping halfway, but you could also top it up if required.
With a 32T tank you are always limited to 32T.

Am I missing something?
Is this to force the plotter to plot bigger jumps?

pretty much this.

the effect can be quite drastic depending on ship/hullmass/... and it is also debateable why to reduce your plotted jumprange if you don't need the amount of fuel.

i have reduced fueltanks on all my exploration ships beside the dbe (which i am taking to this trip) - 3,5 jumps on a full tank (e.g. ~28t conda, 18 t aspE) is no difference in awareness to the standard fueltanks allowing 4/6+ jumps. 2,5 jumps (20 t conda, 12 t aspE) still only needs awareness rarely, and that without filtering for scoopables.

the reason i go with 32T on my dbe has to do with the slow fuelscoop - i anyway have to stop once in a while during 1000 ly plots... and every 1000 ly for routeplotting. the "big" standard fueltank allowed me just to stop 2 times on a 1000 ly leg. might be i'm gonna change that to 16T with the new route plotter doing 20k ly.
So what's the deal with fitting a smaller fuel tank?
Is this to force the plotter to plot bigger jumps?

The way I see it: with a 64T tank, you can stop scooping halfway, but you could also top it up if required.
With a 32T tank you are always limited to 32T.

Am I missing something?

When navigating in sparse areas, many explorers want the maximum possible range. Downgrading the fuel tank is a way and it has a significant increase in jump range. For example my Anaconda runs on 18T fuel tank. That gives me two full jumps only and 2T safety, which at the area I am in now make absolutely no difference.

Apart from range the other issue is that the route plotter takes into account your full tank regardless of whether you have less fuel or not. So for example if you want to jump to a system 40 Ly away but your full tank ange is 38 Ly (and your current range is 42 Ly because your fuel tank is half empty), the plotter will not plot a line to that system and the only way to jump is by selecting it manually and jumping to it.

Also regarding scooping just the amount you want, you'd need to stay at the edge of the scooping distance from the star and move quickly out of it when you think you have enough fuel. This can be very time consuming.
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