The distance between stars feels small due to the galaxy map

Just a point that I've recently fathomed, but there is absolutely no reference point in game that let's you get a sense of scale in terms of the distance between stars. It has kind of made the galaxy seem pretty small in my mind. The stars, even in realistic mode, are vastly oversized on the galaxy map and it's created this delusion in my imagination.

So yeah, I've decided that that bothers me. Would be awesome if we could have some option to set the scale to "ultra realistic".
It only feels small to me now that I've been to the edges of space. If there was perhaps a limit to how far out we could manually zoom and instead was a button to click for a "galactic top-down" view, it would feel much large.
I take it you took my words "ultra-realistically" in the wrong context.

The only context in which I can place them is that you wanted to set the scale to "ultra-realistic" - which would mean rendering everything realistically. That is going to take quite a little bit more horsepower than your PC, my PC, a rendering farm, or even all the computers in the universe. As Carl Sagan said "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

"The Betelgeusian brothers"

Looking at the galaxy map, if the engine allowed for it, you should see the other giant from the other, but then you jump to it, and realize that already at 50,000ls away, it just looks like a dot in the sky, when the systems actually are 0.8LY away from each other.

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