Community Event / Creation The Elite Cryptic Crossword

Not Thargoids. Something you can see, in the original Elite (and for that matter the sequels) without even leaving the station ... though it's perhaps more of a risk if you do leave the station!


Volunteer Moderator
I like getting the right, but don't like making up clues. It's much harder than one would think.

70A: It's the same inside Jon, if all mixed up. That's the spirit.
I don't know why you are all so nervous to answer the clue. If you don't like setting the next clue you should just do what I do.. make up a simple one. The clue's answered quickly and the poison chalice passes to the next person :)

Is it Jameson?
He we go then. Less of a puzzle, more of a test of typing speed ;) :-

71A: Did this supervisor make an impression on the community? (4,4)
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