The Explore the Core Expedition

The journey continues






Expedition Logs: Week 6

This is the last full week of our amazing journey to the core and back on the Explore the Core Infernal Expedition, and it was once again filled with some spectacular destinations. We've now traveled over 90,000LYs on D SCAN WLL SOON B OVER, with only about 13,000LYs ahead of us as we complete our expedition on Saturday in Gebel. All commanders reporting their data have flown a combined total of over 3.5M LYs, however, and jumped over 32,000 times so far. In addition, a total of 22 Exploration Elites were achieved by our commanders so far, as well as one Exobiology Elite!

Our first stop this week was Choream Gigantum, a system with multiple pairs of gas giants orbiting extremely close to each other allowing for stunning views from the carrier bar and observation deck. After a couple of days of exploration here, we departed for The Shiner, a system with the largest known rings in the galaxy located 2500 LYs above the galactic plane.

While exploring around the Shiner, CMDR Kami found a planet with a thin water atmosphere with lots of interesting and valuable life. These planets also usually have deep canyons which make excellent locations for canyon racing, which we of course did. We held both stock Viper and unlimited class racing here. Once again, the unlimited class racing proved to be quite deadly as speed does not translate easily to maneuverability!

Our next destination was 6300LYs down through the galactic plane to the deepest system we visited on our journey. Tria Flyi AA-A h1 is almost 3800LYs below the galactic plane and is only accessible via fleet carrier as the nearest system is over 400LYs away. The system itself is quite remarkable as it has 2 black holes which are visible from the surface of the atmospheric planets as well as a neutron star with the entire galaxy laid out above it. After a short stop we proceeded on our journey to meet up with CMDR Chewcat1, who had been gathering Occupied Escape Pods for our team of Vista Genomics scientists to experiment on.

The Kingfisher Nebula was our next stop. This deep blue and purple planetary nebula has a beautiful backdrop to the many stars and landable planets it hosts.

The expedition is now at Sky Motion, a system similar to the famous World of Death, where a landable planet enters the exclusion zone of a white dwarf and gets very toasty in the process. Once again our expedition astrophysicist, CMDR Solandri, had calculated the exact times the planet would be outside the exclusion zone for the crew to land. While at this stop, CPT Mark Harlock held one of his famous ELW hunts, with the prize being the first scan!

As this is the last full week of the expedition, and with only one stop before the completion of our expedition, a big thank you goes out to all who made this expedition possible, and all who helped make it amazing! We've made some amazing discoveries, held some spectacular events, and made lots of friends along the way! o7 to all!



Expedition Leaderboards: Week 6 status

Note these are only from systems discovered on Leg 2 of this expedition by the Expedition crew:

Leg 2 Leaderboards
Most bodies in one system
2Chewcat176Floarps HL-Y d2
3Chewcat170Xeehaei SA-U d4-10
Highest Value UC system
CommanderValue (cr)System
1Knighthelm30618,903,475SCHAO PRUAE BV-X E1-33
2Kami17,733,853DRYAU SCRAA PO-X D2-5
3Joe Ironborne15,433,982SCHAO PRI CD-Q D6-9
Highest value Exobiology system
CommanderValue (cr)System
1Chewcat16,625,200Floarps OA-L d9-34
2Tredwell5,295,800FLOARPS LD-Z D1-1282
3SingleMaltOnRocks (Dimmler)2,627,300Hypoe Flyi TA-M d8-7733
Highest Landable Gravity body
CommanderGSystem / Body
1Chewcat14.93Shrogea JR-V e2-673 2
2Noob 19574,66Hypoe Pra YE-A f12 ABC 2
3Chewcat14.53Hypio Proo AA-A g2 AB 11
Smallest (lowest radius) body
CommanderRadius (km)System / Body
1Infernal Mousse142Dryau Scraa JM-W f1-135 C 3 b
2Infernal Mousse154Dryau Scraa JM-W f1-135 C 3 a
3Bender Rodriguez155SHROGEA DG-N D7-2543 2 A
While at Sky Motion, we took a side excursion to a nice Nitrogen atmosphere Icy planet for some event fun. CMDR Dimmler scouted out the location for us on Eidaik GK-E c25-5 4 a, only about 91 LYs from Sky Motion. We started the rim of a crater with sheer dropoffs for some stunning views. This was followed by a short flight to the bottom of the crater where we held a couple of SRV races across the icy landscape while dodging the Fonticulua fields. The views from the crater bottom were quite amazing as well, with the sides of the crater appearing to be a huge wave about to engulf us all.




After the races at the bottom we decided to jump from the crater rim on foot to see how far down we could make it. The rim height is more than twice the height of Mt Everest on Earth, although the gravity here is much lower. Most of us did not survive, although CMDR Infernal Mousse was amazingly able to fall / slide all the way down! At the bottom, his dolphin was not able to land, although there was a boarding circle which did function allowing him to board his ship.



After the on foot jump, we decided to do an SRV race to the bottom from the crater rim, which was also quite fun!





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I came along for the second half of this as I needed a lift back to the Bubble from Sag A* and I must say that I really enjoyed this trip. I didn't really get to do any of the events due to my timezone and other committments, but I must thank InfernalMousse for organising this.

Here are a few of my pictures:



See you on the Star One trip. o7
Viridian Dreams was the last stop on our expedition before our return to the bubble. The highlight of the system is, of course, the fluorescent green gas giant. After parking D SCAN around the green giant, the crew tried to assist in the delivery of critical supplies by defending a freighter from the attacks of merciless pirates! After narrowly escaping the first round of attacks, the freighter unfortunately took too much damage and was lost!





After the battle, the remaining commanders gathered on the nearest moon to create new artworks and have some fun in our SRVs


Expedition Logs : Final Entry

After 6 weeks, 103,00 LYs, and over 222 Carrier jumps, we've arrived back at Gebel in the Bubble. It's been another incredible adventure with a truly awesome bunch of commanders. This has been our 4th major expedition, and was by far my favorite so far. For the first time we have been able to gather together to experience the carrier jumps and have social interactions on foot, and this added an additional dimension to the expedition. We also organized our events better, and added the expedition leaderboards to encourage more exploration and sharing of experiences. An amazing 23 Exploration Elites were earned during the expedition (see below) as well as one Exobiology Elite.

There was also so much more we did this time, and many people who helped:
  • @Chewcat1 organized a study of shepherd moons to add to our understanding of them.
  • @Solandri was able to make precise calculations on planetary motions which allowed us to time the planetary collision at the Dryau Awesomes and time the approach and landing times at Sky Motion. @Solandri also once again provided an opportunity for our crew to buy exploration ships and modules twice during the expedition on CASTIANA; which was a tremendous help to especially the newer commanders who joined us.
  • CMDR Erbus5 followed us for half the expedition with SENSE AMID MADNESS and performed countless rescues of commanders who were left behind D SCAN during jumps (including D SCAN's captain!), and also opened his carrier to those who wanted to mine during the expedition.
  • CMDR Kerada Provided a shuttle back to the bubble on COSMIC DANCER from Sag A for those who wanted a short break back in the bubble
  • @CrimsonBear (CMDR Jaxon Shenanigan) provided a return service from the Bubble to Azura space on ACE OF SPADES.
  • A special thanks to @Tyy'sun Eson and the fine commanders at the Azura Initiative for providing some very memorable events and making us feel welcome in Azura space.
  • @CptMarkHarlock for organizing 2 ELW hunts during the expedition.
  • Also a very special thanks to all of our Search and Rescue crew for helping commanders in need during the expedition, and to all the commanders who helped organize events.

Finally, and most especially, a huge thanks to all who joined us on this adventure and made it the really amazing experience which it was. We all had such a great experience because of you! Sharing these experiences with each other was the best part of the expedition!

On our final jump back to Gebel, many of us were able to gather together on the viewing deck for one final amazing experience. Everyone was so excited that no one was able to sit down, and many commanders started jumping up and down! What followed is shown below:




And the welcome party waiting for us at Gebel:


Expedition Leaderboards (Leg 2)

These are only systems discovered by commanders on Leg 2 of this expedition:

Leg 2 Leaderboards
Most bodies in one system
1Bender Rodriguez115NYEAJAAE ZV-T D4-137
3Chewcat176Floarps HL-Y d2
Highest Value UC system
CommanderValue (cr)System
1Knighthelm30618,903,475SCHAO PRUAE BV-X E1-33
2Kami17,733,853DRYAU SCRAA PO-X D2-5
3Joe Ironborne15,433,982SCHAO PRI CD-Q D6-9
Highest value Exobiology system
CommanderValue (cr)System
1Chewcat16,625,200Floarps OA-L d9-34
2Tredwell5,295,800FLOARPS LD-Z D1-1282
3SingleMaltOnRocks (Dimmler)2,627,300Hypoe Flyi TA-M d8-7733
Highest Landable Gravity body
CommanderGSystem / Body
1Chewcat14.93Shrogea JR-V e2-673 2
2Noob 19574,66Hypoe Pra YE-A f12 ABC 2
3Chewcat14.53Hypio Proo AA-A g2 AB 11
Smallest (lowest radius) body
CommanderRadius (km)System / Body
1Infernal Mousse142Dryau Scraa JM-W f1-135 C 3 b
2Infernal Mousse154Dryau Scraa JM-W f1-135 C 3 a
3Bender Rodriguez155SHROGEA DG-N D7-2543 2 A

EDSM statistics for the expedition:

Not listed here but a real achievement we were all proud of: The expedition was usually trackable via the INARA security statistics. Every system we entered usually became one of the most dangerous in the galaxy. Note all of the PvP during the expedition was always consensual and any non-consensual combat was strictly prohibited.

Screenshot (129).png

Expedition Hall of Fame (Elite Ranks Earned):

CPT Mark Harlock - Elite II
CMDR Mikklen - Elite III
CMDR Squirrelboy1225 - Elite I
CMDR Nicodemus Black - Elite
CMDR Pupett345 - Elite
CMDR Skullever - Elite
CMDR noob1957 - Elite AND Elite I
CMDR Chewcat1 - Elite I AND Elite II AND Elite III
CMDR Erbus5 - Elite V
CMDR ZaijiaN - Elite
CMDR Agga Salk - Elite III
CMDR Mindarse - Elite I
CMDR Tyler Leopold Stark - Elite
CMDR Athum - Elite II
CMDR Rex Kramer XV - Elite I
CMDR Stahl Dorn - Elite IV
CMDR Annoura - Elite
CMDR Bandokar - Elite
CMDR Infernal Mousse - Exobiology Elite I

o7 all!
See you all on the next expedition!
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Thanks to everyone that participated In the shepherd moon survey! A total of 21 bodies with moons were recorded, 9 of which have visible rings.

Link to Spreadsheet

Here some screenshots of the more picturesque examples discovered.

Floarps OA-L d9-25 7 - Chewcat1
Floarps OA-L d9-25 (20220503-192631).png

Myrielk KZ-F d11-1134 11 - Knighthelm306

Xeehaei SA-U d4-10 16 - Chewcat1
Xeehaei SA-U d4-10 (20220504-170720).png

Floarps HL-Y d49 CD 1 - Chewcat1
Floarps HL-Y d49 (20220502-202803).png
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