I reckon there has to be beacons around ELW's and terraformables, in system with Zarura possibly or at least very close by. I did not look because I personally detest searching for signal sources. May be worth a look though.

I didn't think of terraformed worlds, that's a good thought. Not sure how long it takes for a world to be terraformed though. Any ideas on how that all works?

There should be those beacons and yet none have been found, it's the mile wide inch deep thing. If you're searching for a needle in the haystack there's a pretty good chance Fdev forgot to think it through enough to tossing a needle in it and they'd never tell you.

At one point people were looking for ALW and ELW that have been attacked and started finding LW's with no atmospheres; are these killed worlds? That was quietly fixed over a past update and they now have atmospheres. However unless someone manually fixes that in EDSM and EDDB that first scan data stays forever and even the fixed updates don't propagate unless you manually wipe your own DB and download current snapshot.

Myself haven't run into any LW's marked terraformed Riftward. Notice the Pristine reserve tag is showing up for everywhere new now.

There's lots of examples where stuff hasn't been thought through past the superficial. Take the prison Kahina was being transported to, Koontz Asylum, which in no way had anything of a prison vibe about it, more of a "this will do".
What about Hawkins gap, conflux amd col70 systems
No ships found there yet

Three different zones. There might have been only one megaship, but why would the other two directions not have any, just the Riftward one? Also, the three expeditions all happened at the same time (based on the abandoned settlement logs), so the Zurara couldn't have supported all three. Not to mention that they were never meant to return.

Or many more than just three megaships. Nothing to indicate there were just three. Although I admit that three areas make it seem not implausible.
And with so many Commanders entering the fray with little or no coordination ... we'll all be randomly killing each other in "the name of Salome!" or "for Imperial justice!" or whatever other cause we've chosen to champion.

Been tryin to think of a real world event it reminds me of and I think I found it.

"Parteee, wanna come?"
'I guess'
"Gonna be awsum, we're gonna meet up at Denny's, Hell's Angels and Desperados are both gonna be there."
'are you sharting me?'
"Cool huh, course ATF, FBI, DEA state and all the locals are gonna be there too. Best of all, open carry so bring your Sunday guns."
'so where's this happening?'
"Get this! It's the Denny's just down the road from the old Branch Davidian's place in Waco"

A motorcycle backfired and the rest is history.
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Ha ha. The Groups will have their work cut out, with false flaggers and Discord eavesdroppers.

Add a few hundred indy pilots to the mess and the chaos is complete. :D

I will most likely be a few hours late for the event, so I hope I can catch up at some point. I might wait in Witch Head. If their not heading in that direction, it's not much point in following anyway.
Drew said in an interview that the event is heading to a system in the bubble.
The logs state often enough that they where using Anacondas, a fleet of Anacondas. I personally think the megaship was just added as a bonus because they wanted us to find it before the 29th (hence the riddle) and it would have been a little underwhelming if there was only an Anaconda. I doubt that there are more then this one megaship...
Who is she and what does she want?

I haven't read the Oolite sagas, so what's her motivation in all this in the first place. In Altera when she talks to the guy in the shadowy cowl [I'd really like to try an inconspicuous shadowy cowl meet in the food court of a mega mall or shadowy cowl flash mob, probably a good way to stage a suicide by mall cop] is he dark wheel, inra someone else? I like INRA the most for things as they are conspicuous by absence of ever being mentioned.

"Dynasty" expeditions. The name might imply the Empire?

Why is Rebecca chasing this stuff in the first place?

I'm starting to think INRA is Sirius Corp. Every shadowy organization needs a public face for hiding their nefarious intentions and buying off politicians, right?
We need picket ships on the six connecting "open" systems on the 29th - would like to know what's at the "gates" so to speak - we just might find out if the Col 70 region is locked to keep us out ........or something else in ?

No doubt that we (the players) are being kept out. Wreaked and Co are operating away in there. Dunno about keeping them in though. Col 70 is a bit of an odd one as there are huge unlocked areas within it. Witchead, Trapezium, Spirograph, and an NGC group are all inside the Col 70 'sphere/bubble'. The Col 70 'outer wall' is only about 150ly thick around the system that the UPs refer to. It's all all a bit of a strange arrangement for a 'keep them in' scenario.

If Drew and FD wanted to spice things up a notch then i agree. I mean i would hate a war going on outside my front door :p

This is actually a really good point. Whatever is on the other side of those permit systems might not like the sudden build up of ships next door.
This is actually a really good point. Whatever is on the other side of those permit systems might not like the sudden build up of ships next door.

Speculation of course :p

I read somewhere that Drew and FD may have a plan to kind of 'rescue' Salome.


Think about it like this... 46 Eridani, many ships battling, while Salome is trying to escape.

Table's turn against her..

Thargoid (whatever) ship comes out of nowhere... takes everyone offline, including Salome.

Her ship 'magically' comes back online before everyone else. She escapes... maybe to COL 70? this would be perfect as no one can follow her.

Only then for everyone to battle it out to try and find her again.

Obviously this will never happen.. would be good if it did though.

THIS is what is probable going to happen...

46 Eridani, Discord group, 50 rail guns, the end!
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Speculation of course :p

I read somewhere that Drew and FD may have a plan to kind of 'rescue' Salome.


Think about it like this... 46 Eridani, many ships battling, while Salome is trying to escape.

Table's turn against her..

Thargoid (whatever) ship comes out of nowhere... takes everyone offline, including Salome.

Her ship 'magically' comes back online before everyone else. She escapes... maybe to COL 70? this would be perfect as no one can follow her.

Only then for everyone to battle it out to try and find her again.

Obviously this will never happen.. would be good if it did though.

THIS is what is probable going to happen...

46 Eridani, Discord group, 50 rail guns, the end!

I spitballed something like this previously in the thread. We know she and her allies have been tinkering with meta alloys. If one of the Hyperdiction ships comes and disables everyone, her ship might not be affected like the others because of some special engineering. It's a great way to start off the chase. Definitely tinfoil hat stuff, but how crazy would that be?
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Speculation of course :p

I read somewhere that Drew and FD may have a plan to kind of 'rescue' Salome.


Think about it like this... 46 Eridani, many ships battling, while Salome is trying to escape.

Table's turn against her..

Thargoid (whatever) ship comes out of nowhere... takes everyone offline, including Salome.

Her ship 'magically' comes back online before everyone else. She escapes... maybe to COL 70? this would be perfect as no one can follow her.

Only then for everyone to battle it out to try and find her again.

Obviously this will never happen.. would be good if it did though.

THIS is what is probable going to happen...

46 Eridani, Discord group, 50 rail guns, the end!

Give this man a cigar...

That "thargoid" pulse that disables ships - it seems "very" plausible that we might see this in action on the 29th - interdictions perhaps also ?
And I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of the connecting Col 70 systems permits come off during it either - can they patch that on server .... live ?
Going online now - going to give Eridani 46 and all connecting systems a damn good going over - that system gives me the goddam creeps.
All scanners should be in utility slots. They should also have their own "scan group", instead of using slots in the fire groups that we really should be dedicating to things that, you know... Fire.

I think they should be add-ons to the normal sensors. Lets make a separate thread! Great suggestions.

- - - Updated - - -

Zurara Ship Log Entry - 3/4


The folks managing the cargo, jees, they were all psychos.
The moment we completed the mission they just
'snapped'. Killed the ship and killed themselves. Some
kind Of mental conditioning. Doc said. We tried to get word
out to the other vessels when we found out. We got a
signal out. but I don't know if anyone received it. It will
probably freak them out. I don't think they know we're

We dropped a series of beacons out here, all targeted
around Earth-like or terraformable worlds We prepped
some of the terraform candidates with seeders and
No one can figure out why it was necessary. but
that was the mission. Just as we were turning back...
boom, those cargo-handlers went nuts.



So ... are we looking for Earth Like Worlds in the Rift area that have a description that reads "This planet has been terraformed"? Or are we completely done with the Rift and now have to look elsewhere to see where the conspiracy leads?

Nah, we just need to officially say what we are looking for, so FD can then make something for us to find and sneak it into the next patch lol.
I spitballed something like this previously in the thread. We know she and her allies have been tinkering with meta alloys. If one of the Hyperdiction ships comes and disables everyone, her ship might not be affected like the others because of some special engineering. It's a great way to start off the chase. Definitely tinfoil hat stuff, but how crazy would that be?

Exactly, this event could open the door to more alien encounters. If this is the case and Salome manages to survive, maybe we will get some information on this special engineering that could help us keep our ships online during a hyperdiction or whatever... my mind runs wild!

Give this man a cigar...

That "thargoid" pulse that disables ships - it seems "very" plausible that we might see this in action on the 29th - interdictions perhaps also ?
And I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of the connecting Col 70 systems permits come off during it either - can they patch that on server .... live ?
Going online now - going to give Eridani 46 and all connecting systems a damn good going over - that system gives me the goddam creeps.

I'm hoping for something spicy to happen, surely it cant just be ''oh have a fight, shoot some stuff, protect Salome'. Even if a ton of people come to wipe her out, surely that can't just be the event? 50 railguns, dead!! event over! This would obviously kick up a fuss all over the forums, which i'm sure FDev know. No, i'm pretty damn sure something will blow our mind.

EDIT: And Drew need's something exciting to put into his book too!

Hmm, not sure whether they can patch when the server's are online, perhaps i'm wrong? Maybe Salome has to 'trigger' something to happen by flying in a certain direction or something along those lines.

I'm going back to 46 Eridani myself in the next few hours.
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I seem to remember that one of the characters is for the console platforms only. Maybe Singh is the one.

Yuri is the console char

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly, this event could open the door to more alien encounters. If this is the case and Salome manages to survive, maybe we will get some information on this special engineering that could help us keep our ships online during a hyperdiction or whatever... my mind runs wild!

I'm hoping for something spicy to happen, surely it cant just be ''oh have a fight, shoot some stuff, protect Salome'. Even if a ton of people come to wipe her out, surely that can't just be the event? 50 railguns, dead!! event over! This would obviously kick up a fuss all over the forums, which i'm sure FDev know. No, i'm pretty damn sure something will blow our mind.

EDIT: And Drew need's something exciting to put into his book too!

Hmm, not sure whether they can patch when the server's are online, perhaps i'm wrong? Maybe Salome has to 'trigger' something to happen by flying in a certain direction or something along those lines.

I'm going back to 46 Eridani myself in the next few hours.

Healing beams and 50 allied rail guns pointing at the attackers rail guns plus Salomes FSD drive constantly jumping. She will be hard to catch.
Yuri is the console char

- - - Updated - - -

Healing beams and 50 allied rail guns pointing at the attackers rail guns plus Salomes FSD drive constantly jumping. She will be hard to catch.

Yeah, true. Don't mind me i'm just rambling :D are healing beams really that effective though?
Healing beams and 50 allied rail guns pointing at the attackers rail guns plus Salomes FSD drive constantly jumping. She will be hard to catch.

If the whole event consists of watching Salome buckyball a couple of hundred LYs, then this week's salt is going to look like a toddler's temper tantrum against the excrement-storm that will break loose.
I assume Drew has something a little more interactive planned.
Speculation of course :p

I read somewhere that Drew and FD may have a plan to kind of 'rescue' Salome.


Think about it like this... 46 Eridani, many ships battling, while Salome is trying to escape.

Table's turn against her..

Thargoid (whatever) ship comes out of nowhere... takes everyone offline, including Salome.

Her ship 'magically' comes back online before everyone else. She escapes... maybe to COL 70? this would be perfect as no one can follow her.

Only then for everyone to battle it out to try and find her again.

Obviously this will never happen.. would be good if it did though.

THIS is what is probable going to happen...

46 Eridani, Discord group, 50 rail guns, the end!

All interesting speculation ... apart from where are you getting the info that that a rescue is a plan at all? As far as i can tell, from Drew's interviews i'm seen, that isn't the case. The players are to be deciding the outcome - throwing a 3rd part into the mix would just feel like be cheating I cannot see them doing that, it just cheapens things unecessarily. Thargoids (or whatever) are longer term stuff imho.

I'm sure I read somewhere that the starting point was 46 Eridani and then Salomé would be heading corewards... but not sure where I read that.

I'm still trying to get my Sol permit, so haven't had a chance to do much else... stuck on 100% Midshipman and it wont budge :/

I'm still not sure what ship to get for the 29th.. I want something fast with good range and ok at pvp.. I realise my Viper fuel tank is too small to use, so am thinking of fitting out a Diamondback Scout.. or is there something better?
I'm hoping for something spicy to happen, surely it cant just be ''oh have a fight, shoot some stuff, protect Salome'. Even if a ton of people come to wipe her out, surely that can't just be the event? 50 railguns, dead!! event over! This would obviously kick up a fuss all over the forums, which i'm sure FDev know. No, i'm pretty damn sure something will blow our mind.

EDIT: And Drew need's something exciting to put into his book too!

I think there may be a lot over overthinking going on about this event. Have we not learned from the clues to not overthink things? XD

Think bigger - this event is just one milepost in a bigger journey. It probably will be 'oh have a fight, shoot some stuff, protect Salome' - why is that not enough it is a HUGE thing to happen!

Not exciting enough for Drew's book? LMAO. The fact this is happening is the exciting part - the outcome, well that's just how this part of the story ends. The repurcussions will not doubt ripple down through the game for some time to come I suspect.

I have a feeling some of those disappointed are going to be among those that felt rift mystery was 'just a POI' *sigh*. Take off the blinkers. We are nowhere near figuring out what all this might mean yet!

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