I think I figured it out, I do apologize to everyone for mucking up this thread with my incompetence. Long story short, the Lycaon is a disease-infested threat to humanity and must be eliminated. Also, Fleet 3 FTW (just saying)


( How did you get your name to match the colour of Sap core BTW )
On why the Zurara was still powered.

The Zurara's main reactor was damaged beyond repair preventing the ship from hyperspacing. Life support was sabotaged and the crew were only able to restore battery backup. The conspirators aimed to destroy the ship, but were stopped by the crew. In the first log you'll note the hexedited cargo handlers were overpowered before carrying out all of their intentions. The Zurara was crippled, but not powerless and it's been there ever since.


You say that now, but you'll feel different come the 29th when Salome rocks up in Tartarus system to expose the hidden INRA base ;)

- - - Updated - - -

It wasn't Salome who found the Zurara (or whatever it's called). The mystery will be solved with or without Salome.

Well, we've been trying to put together the assorted facts, myths, innuendo, clues, findings, Galnet reports, crackpot theories and hypotheses for two years now and haven't got very far in solving it until last week when Zarura was served up on a plate, although it's been evident for a while that the FRift mystery wasn't a floating coffin ship but the "hidden tapestry" of plot behind it. Salome says she's solved it, so let's keep her alive to tell the tale. She can be executed afterwards if you want, though slavery might be more apt; I need a ship's cook and cargo handler so I'd take her. ;)
On why the Zurara was still powered.

The Zurara's main reactor was damaged beyond repair preventing the ship from hyperspacing. Life support was sabotaged and the crew were only able to restore battery backup. The conspirators aimed to destroy the ship, but were stopped by the crew. In the first log you'll note the hexedited cargo handlers were overpowered before carrying out all of their intentions. The Zurara was crippled, but not powerless and it's been there ever since.



Hey Drew; doesn't the first log refer to "the invaders"? It's a little confusing. That first log makes me think that someone had boarded the ship. Subsequent logs indicate that the sabotage was performed by the cargo handlers. Was the person making the log entry simply referring to the cargo handlers as "invaders" for abandoning their posts and invading the Command and Control spaces?

Or are you going to leave this one in the hands of us Rifters to speculate about? :)
How about this for tinfoil - Gottlieb pinball machines, the last single player machine was "Asteroid Annie and the Aliens" [alien]

Gotta say after visiting this ship as well as the Zurara, I am really impressed with them. The sounds, ship details and the voice logs are incredible. All welcome additions and a really cool way to tell a story. +1 rep FDev, thankyou o7

I'm about 20 jumps away from Zarura in a 40ly AspX, would have been there yesterday but got a bit bogged down in the very sparse area of the Rift, actually quite close to the RR line. Don't see that Rebecca could have made it in a 27 ly ship without jumponium if she followed that route. Don't see that Zarura could have done it either.
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I'm about 20 jumps away from Zarura in a 40ly AspX, would have been there yesterday but got a bit bogged down in the very sparse area of the Rift, actually quite close to the RR line. Don't see that Rebecca could have made it in a 27 ly ship with jumponium if she followed that route. Don't see that Zarura could have done it either.

They were using a fundamentally different hyperspace technology. The hydrogen fuel of those drive systems could be stored in regular cargo space so they wouldn't have had to make as many refueling stops. If we treat Drew's hyperspace lore document as "canon" then you also have to account for the possible use of "undocumented wormholes" in space that allowed for a single hyperspace jump of 655 light-years.

Besides ... megaships are supposed to have ENORMOUS jump distance capabilities. Jaques' Station was able to go all the way to Colonia in what appears to have been a single jump ... though it is possible that some force beyond our imagination interceded in that event.
They were using a fundamentally different hyperspace technology. The hydrogen fuel of those drive systems could be stored in regular cargo space so they wouldn't have had to make as many refueling stops. If we treat Drew's hyperspace lore document as "canon" then you also have to account for the possible use of "undocumented wormholes" in space that allowed for a single hyperspace jump of 655 light-years.

Besides ... megaships are supposed to have ENORMOUS jump distance capabilities. Jaques' Station was able to go all the way to Colonia in what appears to have been a single jump ... though it is possible that some force beyond our imagination interceded in that event.

You could also scoop from gas giants, with the old ships. This gives a few more options, when it comes to scoopable systems.

The wormeholes collapsed before 3250, so they were not available for Rebeca in the 3270s.

The mention of GalCop still confuses the timing a bit though.
They were using a fundamentally different hyperspace technology. The hydrogen fuel of those drive systems could be stored in regular cargo space so they wouldn't have had to make as many refueling stops. If we treat Drew's hyperspace lore document as "canon" then you also have to account for the possible use of "undocumented wormholes" in space that allowed for a single hyperspace jump of 655 light-years.

Besides ... megaships are supposed to have ENORMOUS jump distance capabilities. Jaques' Station was able to go all the way to Colonia in what appears to have been a single jump ... though it is possible that some force beyond our imagination interceded in that event.

The problem I found was not one of fuel capacity, but lack of jump coordinates to jump to since you need to target a star within your fsd range to be able to jump. I have jumponium so used a couple of basic injections, two standard & one premium to get round the problem and back into a region with accessible stars, but Rebecca couldn't have done that, so the implication that the RR line was her route is, I think, flawed. She must have crossed the Rift by one of the bridges and then returned to the RR line to get to Zarura.
I'm about 20 jumps away from Zarura in a 40ly AspX, would have been there yesterday but got a bit bogged down in the very sparse area of the Rift, actually quite close to the RR line. Don't see that Rebecca could have made it in a 27 ly ship without jumponium if she followed that route. Don't see that Zarura could have done it either.

The Universe is a very big space full of unimaginable things - how about that :) (Can you imagine humans piloting any ships in 1000 years? Sarah's NPCs can do it better then me already ;) )
The problem I found was not one of fuel capacity, but lack of jump coordinates to jump to since you need to target a star within your fsd range to be able to jump. I have jumponium so used a couple of basic injections, two standard & one premium to get round the problem and back into a region with accessible stars, but Rebecca couldn't have done that, so the implication that the RR line was her route is, I think, flawed. She must have crossed the Rift by one of the bridges and then returned to the RR line to get to Zarura.

An unmodified Anaconda had a max range of 18.37 ly back in FFE, so I hope they were able to do better in the 70s.
The problem I found was not one of fuel capacity, but lack of jump coordinates to jump to since you need to target a star within your fsd range to be able to jump. I have jumponium so used a couple of basic injections, two standard & one premium to get round the problem and back into a region with accessible stars, but Rebecca couldn't have done that, so the implication that the RR line was her route is, I think, flawed. She must have crossed the Rift by one of the bridges and then returned to the RR line to get to Zarura.

Oh, I'm sure Rebecca "took the long way round". The Reorte/Riedquat line doesn't necessarily indicate a route ... it points to the destination. She probably contrived the R/R line after having located the Zarura. If the Zarura had been located somewhere else she would probably have picked two different systems to point the way.
The problem I found was not one of fuel capacity, but lack of jump coordinates to jump to since you need to target a star within your fsd range to be able to jump. I have jumponium so used a couple of basic injections, two standard & one premium to get round the problem and back into a region with accessible stars, but Rebecca couldn't have done that, so the implication that the RR line was her route is, I think, flawed. She must have crossed the Rift by one of the bridges and then returned to the RR line to get to Zarura.

Or there is a route we still haven't found.
Oh, I'm sure Rebecca "took the long way round". The Reorte/Riedquat line doesn't necessarily indicate a route ... it points to the destination. She probably contrived the R/R line after having located the Zarura. If the Zarura had been located somewhere else she would probably have picked two different systems to point the way.


Noticed a few people messing it up. I know I'm being picky, but think of the search engines...

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I know its silly but I just thought, what if the reason for the Zuraras lights being on that Kahina and her crew used the last years to fix the life support and the hyperdrive + enhance it a little bit with the help of Raan Corsen and at the 29th they will jump it back to the bubble, maybe even directly to 46 Eridiani?
Yes, its tinfoil but somehow I am still hoping the 29th will turn out to be more then a PvP event... :eek:
Hey Drew; doesn't the first log refer to "the invaders"? It's a little confusing. That first log makes me think that someone had boarded the ship. Subsequent logs indicate that the sabotage was performed by the cargo handlers. Was the person making the log entry simply referring to the cargo handlers as "invaders" for abandoning their posts and invading the Command and Control spaces?

Or are you going to leave this one in the hands of us Rifters to speculate about? :)

Yeah I noticed this and wondered about it a few pages back. I thought perhaps the invaders and the cargo jandlers were two different groups, but nothing else I noticed in the logs really indicates that except for the one choice of word. Would be good to know if it were intentional.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm about 20 jumps away from Zarura in a 40ly AspX, would have been there yesterday but got a bit bogged down in the very sparse area of the Rift, actually quite close to the RR line. Don't see that Rebecca could have made it in a 27 ly ship without jumponium if she followed that route. Don't see that Zarura could have done it either.

I reckon she surely went around the scenic route. For navigational purposes on a map the RR line holds true, but for travelling you have to make some deviations. Sort of like I could say its 1km east to the shop as the crow flies, but in a car you would have to follow the course of the road rather than a straight run.

Noticed a few people messing it up. I know I'm being picky, but think of the search engines...



I'll find a blackboard and write that down 100 times :)

- - - Updated - - -

I thought perhaps the invaders and the cargo jandlers were two different groups, but nothing else I noticed in the logs really indicates that except for the one choice of word. Would be good to know if it were intentional.

Unless Drew indicates otherwise I'm going to assume the following:

The first log was recorded in the immediate aftermath of the attack and there was still a lot of confusion. Since everything was "hush hush" the Cargo Handlers kept themselves segregated from the rest of the crew. The person recording the log couldn't wrap his mind around the idea that someone aboard his own ship would take steps to strand them all in space. He therefore assumed that they had been attacked by an outside force. Invaders from some unseen ship that had somehow evaded their sensors. It wasn't until things calmed down that he realized the extent of the madness.

Were the Cargo Handlers complicit in their own demise? Did they willingly take the Hexedit and wreak havoc on the Zurara (zu-ra-ra)? Or were they preconditioned ... programmed to respond to some external stimuli that forced them to act against their own innate instinct of self-preservation? Were they victims as well?
On why the Zurara was still powered.

The Zurara's main reactor was damaged beyond repair preventing the ship from hyperspacing. Life support was sabotaged and the crew were only able to restore battery backup. The conspirators aimed to destroy the ship, but were stopped by the crew. In the first log you'll note the hexedited cargo handlers were overpowered before carrying out all of their intentions. The Zurara was crippled, but not powerless and it's been there ever since.



"We managed to overpower the invaders. but not before
they took out the main reactor." "Battery power is about to die." "We're dead in space. with
twenty minutes of life support left."

This doesn't sound like they where able to restore battery power, for me it sounds more like the batter where ok but running out of juice.
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