Different pew-pew kid who thinks he's a wizard. ;-)

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Deutsche Welle. All very confusing. Fake news. ;-)

fake drews is everywhere these days

One question for all.
You can stack interdicters?
Is that legit?
Two on but only one gets the tether?
Noticed hp had/used two interdicting Kahina.

Don't do much pew-pew, didn't know you could do that.
I'm not sure that is the case. I've not gone and looked up the quote, but I thought Drew said it would be rubbish if it was 'just' a POI, and by that meant it was a POI and a hell of a lot of puzzles and back story to back it up. However I can absolutely see why it might have been taken as 'it's not a POI'.

Again tho I am happy to stand corrected if that is in fact what Drew said.

The quotes I found were:

"Not a case of finding a POI and the mystery is solved - (the mystery is) much more layered and nuanced than that."

"It is possible to find the rift and what it contains today (in fact, since Gamma back in 2014). However, at this point it's unlikely you would recognize it for what it is, though it is becoming clearer day by day.
There may be some brute force searching, but it's not strictly necessary.
To give a little clue, you are not looking for a specific POI because:
A: That would be naff and dull (and over almost straightaway) B: This is a story you're taking part in, not a 'Find the red key and open the red door' quest."

Even if you don't consider that to be 'explicitly ruling out' a POI, I don't think we could call the finding of Zurara and Teorge logs to be 'nuanced' and the story was indeed 'over almost straight away'.
I'm still not sure how close I came, though within about 500LY is a good guess (I need to properly go through my logs), but 500LY is still many thousands of systems. Regardless, I would have been happy to have stumbled upon a dead Anaconda, but would have been confused regarding the: "it's not a POI" bit. Of course, I understand that Drew was talking about the whole mystery, but at that stage, we didn't even have the beacons (or at least, didn't know of them - maybe they did exist? I doubt it, but who knows, no one has really admitted to anything at this stage.)

The voice acted Zurara is a very cool addition, and honestly, I think for the better. My biggest bugbear over the whole saga has been "it's not a POI".

I think a lot of us Rifters will have learned to trust our guts when it comes to looking for something. I do, however, suspect that the beacons were put in place about the time the Cobra sent it's message from Tionisla, so the mystery was growing and being developed, but what we were looking for was well beyond.

Is there some story to the wagging tail?

I think I am going to start building a fleet of combat Vultures, engineering them, and then stationing them at various "far out" bases. I've already spent more than double the cost of my Vulture in shipping fees for the thing...


I think FD should create a new mission type- ship delivery. It seems to pay better than most other types, I want to be a delivery driver!

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I'm not sure that is the case. I've not gone and looked up the quote, but I thought Drew said it would be rubbish if it was 'just' a POI, and by that meant it was a POI and a hell of a lot of puzzles and back story to back it up. However I can absolutely see why it might have been taken as 'it's not a POI'.

Again tho I am happy to stand corrected if that is in fact what Drew said.

Not that I know of. But I like to think it is incorporating Thargoid tech, which might explain A, why it moves and B, the nighty-odd Ly jump range.

This is exactly what I do with my Pythons. I have three already, but am trying to talk myself out of putting two more together and engineering them.

Go on, you know you want to! [yesnod]
I love my Python, but currently engineered as an armed trader with only 24ly. I personally think the Python is the nicest ship of all and would be really happy if we got an upgrade to allow 50-60 ly jumps since the Annie is nice for long distance but turn rate is so slow. I'd like to know how the npc security Annies are engineered because they seem to turn faster than mine.
The quotes I found were:

"Not a case of finding a POI and the mystery is solved - (the mystery is) much more layered and nuanced than that."

"It is possible to find the rift and what it contains today (in fact, since Gamma back in 2014). However, at this point it's unlikely you would recognize it for what it is, though it is becoming clearer day by day.
There may be some brute force searching, but it's not strictly necessary.
To give a little clue, you are not looking for a specific POI because:
A: That would be naff and dull (and over almost straightaway) B: This is a story you're taking part in, not a 'Find the red key and open the red door' quest."

Even if you don't consider that to be 'explicitly ruling out' a POI, I don't think we could call the finding of Zurara and Teorge logs to be 'nuanced' and the story was indeed 'over almost straight away'.

Get over it, you're a big penguin now! :D
Pretty much flies in the face of Drew's blog posts and other statements at the time. He was quite adamant the story was dead. Until, as I recall, this forum and others grabbed their pitchforks and torches and waved them at people. And trips to Cambridge were made by a certain author.

We just don't know what they had agreed about in 2014/15 regarding how the story would be implemented ingame and in which timeframe. We all know that FD are watching this forum and it's "important" threads. But that their communication is, lets say, frugal. It is entirely possible that Drew was waiting for said communication as much as we were and growing impatient. What I know is, that already in late summer 2015 Drew was unhappy about the "slow progression" of the story. The founding of CoR is connected with this unhappiness of him and some of the most active Rifters at that time. The idea was to keep the story alive by player-RP. Fall and winter 2015, while FD developed planetary landing, was completely uneventful. Rift seemed to be abandoned by FD. 2016 saw DWE, and the participation of Salomé was kind of a gap-filler and a way to keep her "alive" ingame. However she was not flown by CoR to Beagle point - that I can assure you.
Near the end of DWE the news about lore-changes came up, that could have been the last straw that broke the camels neck. Drews blogposting and the uprise here might have made FD think twice about further procrastination of the Rift-Story.
Having been one of those people with bloodshot eyes after spending days of game time scouring beige worlds for ruins, I agree. FDev has shown that they are more than happy to let people go off on wild goose chases instead of sparing them the grueling experience.

Yes with all the grind in the game one gets this feeling. I still give FD the benefit of a doubt when it comes to the story but I am more and more thinking they work this way. If this is true, I'll lose trust in them and will probably stop player because my time is way to precious to be wasted on purpose by a video game developer. I can understand that they don't have the manpower, but I expect them to come forward with this and say, "hey sorry, there is nothing to find right now".

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He (Drew) did make a cryptic remark at one point that "The Dark Wheel has [or had?] its role to play" in the Rift mystery. That could mean different things to different people. ;-)

I remember this now, so maybe its the Dark Wheel who's behind Dynasty...!? Since we basically know what Dynasty was, the only way I see (for now) where the DW "has a role to play in the mystery" is if the knew about all this and where organizing it.
Well I flew out in the Python and my Asp is being transported over. The Asp cost about 1.2m. My Clipper, which is also currently stationed at Ceres Tarn in the Pleiades, would have been 16m.

I recommend the Hind Mine in the T Tauri system. It's one of the asteroid bases, with all the nebulae big is the sky, and a ringed planet you approach it looks really good (and the asteroid looks like a skull as you approach ???)

I'm suiwinding to get my ships out there for a day or so.
We just don't know what they had agreed about in 2014/15 regarding how the story would be implemented ingame and in which timeframe. We all know that FD are watching this forum and it's "important" threads. But that their communication is, lets say, frugal. It is entirely possible that Drew was waiting for said communication as much as we were and growing impatient. What I know is, that already in late summer 2015 Drew was unhappy about the "slow progression" of the story. The founding of CoR is connected with this unhappiness of him and some of the most active Rifters at that time. The idea was to keep the story alive by player-RP. Fall and winter 2015, while FD developed planetary landing, was completely uneventful. Rift seemed to be abandoned by FD. 2016 saw DWE, and the participation of Salomé was kind of a gap-filler and a way to keep her "alive" ingame. However she was not flown by CoR to Beagle point - that I can assure you.
Near the end of DWE the news about lore-changes came up, that could have been the last straw that broke the camels neck. Drews blogposting and the uprise here might have made FD think twice about further procrastination of the Rift-Story.

I remember the happy days when MB used to occasionally drop in and give an encouraging but totally ambiguous hint. Does he still exist? Has he been retconned out of existence? Has he been eaten by Thargoids or sacrificed to Cthulhu? ;)
I can't believe the Salomé character had to travel from system to system like us average players.
She must have used her witch-tricks (FDevs) to teleport wherever she wanted.

Drew is quite the avid explorer and could easily have made it to BP on his own. AFAIK his personal account is travelling with the Mercury 7 expedition these days already, left from Colonia.

I think Drew had flunkies to move her. CoR flunkies. ;-)

err... no...

Aren't those the two CoR players that are in the Alessia Verdi short story? Lestenio and that other guy? ;-)

Correct. As I have said previously the Novella is fan-fiction and should not be taken into consideration when discussing in-game lore.

Thorn ? Could be ..but how were they granted to approach her after her trial ? Not sure it would be consistent. Dark Wheel, in that lore, seems much more powerfull and resourceful.

Thorn is a founding member of CoR.

I see you are still having trouble separating fan-fiction from official cannon/lore. I was pretty sure we had gone over this at length previously and had put the subject to bed. CoR is a player faction like any other. We enjoy quite a bit of RP hence why so many stories can be found on our website. It is however 100% independent of FDev or any of it's employees, and run by players, and as such any writings on our website (new or old) need to be taken as fan-fiction unless otherwise included in FDev releases (Galnet, blog posts, etc.)

There still seems to be quite a lot of misunderstanding and hate towards CoR these days... lots of snide remarks towards a group of fellow players for no real good reason as far as I can see. There are a lot of Rifters here that are part of a great many other player groups that don't get bashed the way we do, and to be frank I'm confused as I'm not sure it's entirely deserved considering CoR's involvement with the Rift mystery since the beginning.
There still seems to be quite a lot of misunderstanding and hate towards CoR these days... lots of snide remarks towards a group of fellow players for no real good reason as far as I can see. There are a lot of Rifters here that are part of a great many other player groups that don't get bashed the way we do, and to be frank I'm confused as I'm not sure it's entirely deserved considering CoR's involvement with the Rift mystery since the beginning.

In some cases the remarks are in of themselves RP but in others it just typical us vs them type mindset. Useful to put in some form of indication when it applies.
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There still seems to be quite a lot of misunderstanding and hate towards CoR these days... lots of snide remarks towards a group of fellow players for no real good reason as far as I can see. There are a lot of Rifters here that are part of a great many other player groups that don't get bashed the way we do, and to be frank I'm confused as I'm not sure it's entirely deserved considering CoR's involvement with the Rift mystery since the beginning.

Can't speak for others, but as I already said the Rift mYsTerY-CoR-Dark Wheel-Raxxla represents IMHO the 0.99 of the inch of depth this game has, for one mile wide.
Most creative and exciting plot (besides its poor conclusion ...). And I hope there is more coming.
This is the only reason I am still playing E : D.
I bash you, cultists, as much as I can ..BUT just for RP reasons ! Also when you do great, I post it. So, please, keep being this secretive Church of CoR until we, true believers, get you all fanatics burnt to ashes !!

And, please, get your website accurately actualized. :)
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What do you mean?

Are you using the old website? Or the new site? (See link in my sig)

You could at least precise ON THE WEBSITE that 'The founding of CoR' is just rubbish lore. Less people would get fooled.
But everyone has his own 'communicative habilities' ..[yesnod]
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In some cases the remarks are in of themselves RP but in others it just typical us vs them type mindset. Useful to put in some form of indication when it applies.

it's the "US vs Them" part i don;t understand. Rifter's and CoR's interests have always been aligned, and have always been allies. It seems ever since the Premonition event that seems to have changed for some reason. Despite a lot of the misinformation being cleared up regarding that event, bashing CoR just seems to be "trendy" now, and people hop on the bandwagon for no reason.

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You could at least precise ON THE WEBSITE that 'The founding of CoR' is just rubbish lore. Less people would get fooled.
But everyone has his own 'communicative habilities' ..[yesnod]

It should be common sense that it's not lore, as it's a 3rd party website for a player faction, created by players, and run by players, just like every other player faction website. Why you mistake our site and nobody else's site for cannon is beyond me.

I'm going to say this one more time for clarity sake:

Everything on our website is NOT lore. It's fan-fiction. Period.

It MUST NOT be tied into any in-game story lines or theories for that exact reason.

If you don't like the stories some of our members have written, then stop reading. This thread is about solving in-game mysteries regarding the rift. Opinions of 3rd party player fan-fiction stories are irrelevant here and should be separated to another thread (which you are free to start yourself.) as they are NOT lore or cannon.

I don't know how I can be any clearer, and as such I will not argue this point further.
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it's the "US vs Them" part i don;t understand. Rifter's and CoR's interests have always been aligned, and have always been allies. It seems ever since the Premonition event that seems to have changed for some reason. Despite a lot of the misinformation being cleared up regarding that event, bashing CoR just seems to be "trendy" now, and people hop on the bandwagon for no reason.

For some that's clear for others they like to sort themselves into a box and everything outside the box is suspect. Sad bit of human nature.
I didn't want to comment on the "us vs. them" thing (again), but …

An other option is, that creating a group is always creating an inside circle and an outside - an "us vs. them" situation even if that wasn't the intention and even if those inside the group don't realize it.

Becoming secretive, even for good reasons, increases this "rift" and the interests start to diverge.

In addition, Drew Wagar invited all players - now others with their own agendas and different views on the story are part of it.

The story and the control over it isn't in the hands of a few participants anymore.
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it's the "US vs Them" part i don;t understand. Rifter's and CoR's interests have always been aligned, and have always been allies. It seems ever since the Premonition event that seems to have changed for some reason. Despite a lot of the misinformation being cleared up regarding that event, bashing CoR just seems to be "trendy" now, and people hop on the bandwagon for no reason.

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It should be common sense that it's not lore, as it's a 3rd party website for a player faction, created by players, and run by players, just like every other player faction website. Why you mistake our site and nobody else's site for cannon is beyond me.

I'm going to say this one more time for clarity sake:

Everything on our website is NOT lore. It's fan-fiction. Period.

It MUST NOT be tied into any in-game story lines or theories for that exact reason.

If you don't like the stories some of our members have written, then stop reading. This thread is about solving in-game mysteries regarding the rift. Opinions of 3rd party player fan-fiction stories are irrelevant here and should be separated to another thread (which you are free to start yourself.) as they are NOT lore or cannon.

I don't know how I can be any clearer, and as such I will not argue this point further.

YOU came to me,
YOU are not going to dismiss me when YOU want, but of course you can stop arguing whenever you want. Just stop coming to me again and again.
I LOVE the stories some of your members have written. You just can't understand it. Must be my 'teribble Englich'....
I take good note YOU say 'everything' in your website is not CoR Players Group canon, even the Kamzel writings.
Can't repeat it enough, if YOU don't like my posts, just report them but STOP (or better, don't are so funny, kiddo) telling me what to do in any thread.
Drew is quite the avid explorer and could easily have made it to BP on his own. AFAIK his personal account is travelling with the Mercury 7 expedition these days already, left from Colonia.

err... no...

Correct. As I have said previously the Novella is fan-fiction and should not be taken into consideration when discussing in-game lore.

Thorn is a founding member of CoR.

I see you are still having trouble separating fan-fiction from official cannon/lore. I was pretty sure we had gone over this at length previously and had put the subject to bed. CoR is a player faction like any other. We enjoy quite a bit of RP hence why so many stories can be found on our website. It is however 100% independent of FDev or any of it's employees, and run by players, and as such any writings on our website (new or old) need to be taken as fan-fiction unless otherwise included in FDev releases (Galnet, blog posts, etc.)

There still seems to be quite a lot of misunderstanding and hate towards CoR these days... lots of snide remarks towards a group of fellow players for no real good reason as far as I can see. There are a lot of Rifters here that are part of a great many other player groups that don't get bashed the way we do, and to be frank I'm confused as I'm not sure it's entirely deserved considering CoR's involvement with the Rift mystery since the beginning.

It's not (deserved), but some people are so salty they've preserved themselves (in bile)
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