Congrats Jorki!

I myself am just a few percent away from trade elite but I decided to increase combat rank a little bit more. And you know what? Its dreadful! I have to kill 5 elite ships in order to gain 1 percent increase from master to dangerous! I'll never make it... [blah]
Congrats Jorki!

I myself am just a few percent away from trade elite but I decided to increase combat rank a little bit more. And you know what? Its dreadful! I have to kill 5 elite ships in order to gain 1 percent increase from master to dangerous! I'll never make it... [blah]

I know. I didn't think I'd ever get to Trade elite or Combat high rank because trade missions bore me and I have a touch of arthritis in right thumb and left wrist so combat is a bit uncomfortable (as well as slow reflexes). I think I went to Dangerous purely to get access to one of the engineers (& then found she was locked away & it was a waste of effort!). Did it through bounty hunting in my Vulture in a rather pretty ice ring in a system with Pilots Federation faction. Then the Canonn protection CG (as I was off exploring & just missed the main Canonn CG), then just fighting off the npc pirates. I must say in a Cutter with four turreted beams and a big multicanonn and class 8 engineered shields I don't worry about even Elite pirates in annies or FDL; the cutter is not manoeuvrable so I just go into reverse and let the beams do most of the damage with the MC to finish them off. I did go down to a class 5 engineered shield for my trading push to get up to 720t of cargo space, but with L5 dirty drives I can escape when I don't want to fight. I'm just glad it's over because I have grown heartily sick of the side slip in the cutter & want to go back to something more agile for a while.

I would recommend that you work on your trade rank, because when the main goid invasion starts they are bound to destroy stations and settlements and interdict traffic, which will make trade difficult; there will always be plenty of combat opportunity!

Congrats mate!

Congratulations! Woot!!!

Thanks guys! :)
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I am at 83% tycoon now so not many hauls left. I feel also that trade rank increases reasonably well since I make > 3 million per haul, trading slav..., aeh I mean sugar, in my cutter the "La Amistad"... ;)
I am at 83% tycoon now so not many hauls left. I feel also that trade rank increases reasonably well since I make > 3 million per haul, trading slav..., aeh I mean sugar, in my cutter the "La Amistad"... ;)

Know what you mean. Always said I wouldn't trade slaves. Nowadays I view Imperial Slave trading a bit differently- I'm just helping them to pay off their debts while getting free housing and food, and presumably not having to pay taxes ;)


Know what you mean. Always said I wouldn't trade slaves. Nowadays I view Imperial Slave trading a bit differently- I'm just helping them to pay off their debts while getting free housing and food, and presumably not having to pay taxes ;)

I also want this ! Help me too, please ! [haha]
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Finally. I can catch up/fill in some blanks.

As promised, some close-ups of my galactic exploration map.

These are based on today's EDSM data and at a higher level of detail to the original galactic map. These are at 5 light years per pixel except the last one which is 2 at ly/px. In all cases, the grid lines are at 1000 ly intervals and in everyone's favourite HUD orange :)

First, our beloved Rift. Two images, the first one centered on the EAFOTS clue from Premonition:


The Rift again, this time centered on the Zurara:


On to Hawking's Gap centered on the Premonition clue:


Then the much more travelled Conflux (thanks, Colonia) also centered on the system suggested in Premonition:


Finally, not a Dynasty site, but one I think is especially intriguing. Way up near Beagle Point there is a fascinating cluster of permit locked systems at X=-1000, Z=54000. Reserved, as they say, for future content. This one is 2 light years per pixel.

Rewriting everything related to the FR mYsTeRy ? He'd better starting a new book....
Not everything, but:
Syreadie FRift “M2V class red dwarf, Seventeen planets. Planet two is Earth-like world.” “Found the last one, No need for the terraforming this time" Deployed the last secret cargo package there (not one found in-game! And in-game the first planet is a HMC terraforming candidate whilst the second is HMC not terraformable!!)
Course home -“Laid in and plotted. Nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-three light years to go” but Zurara is ~12,000 ly from Reorte.
Gerrun and Zyair arrange for Salomé's ID bracelet, left behind (on Achenar?) but then engraved (by Luko?) with the Dark Wheel symbol to be planted as evidence on Cemiess to implicate her in the the failed "Emperor's Dawn" assassination attempt on Patreus. This should have been key evidence for Salomé's defence-Galnet reported it as having been left behind by her.
I swear someone here posted about finding a new generation ship recently, but I had a look back to page 880 & I can't find it! Or remember who it was! Grrr, damn memory!

Anyone any idea?
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