The Formidine Rift - Part 2

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Still messing with morse and "Good luck, and ... right on, Commander." So far I've got H 4 S S 5 U 5

Where does the 'Leesti' morse code come from? I don't remember that one.

I think that's Drew's signature or something. I just though it looked familiar so I went to tinfoil with it.
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Originally Posted by avgroenink
Or: 1,26,13

I just received rep for this from someone named Drew.

Very interesting... So either coordinates or pages, or date.... Gah I need better tinfoil...
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The Line and where I placed the beacon markers are probably accurate to within a 100 LYs either side of Dommaarraa's references, so I'd use it purely as a very rough guide and nothing more at the moment.

If there's to be a large scale expedition akin to the Distant Worlds mission, the maps produced for it will be made as accurate as possible. But there is no timescale for an in-depth mission out there yet, at least not from the DW end of things.

Agreed. I've said all along that I think the mention of the R & R line in the book is basically a signpost, simply informing the reader that the "The Rift is that way". We shouldn't get hung up about the specifics of where the actual line crosses the interarm void (at least until Drew decides to give us another clue saying otherwise!) :)

Edit: ^^ this is why I also don't think we can discount the Bovomit sector from having a role to play in the Rift mysteries somewhere in the future. Even though its several thousand lightyears away from the line, its still a significant region of space in the general direction of the Rift, and it holds a mystery within it borders.

I would be more than willing to help organize a large scale investigation, if there is a large enough crowd interested and if I have the time :)
I have a line of thought that's a bit different than the prevalent one regarding the coordinates. What I hope is that Drew doesn't take pity on us and start dropping hints. It's not the destination that's fun it's the journey.

So Drew, if you're seeing this please make us suffer some more :).
Grats for the new thread. I've been following the old one cause I want to get involved too, so here are my thoughts :

I've been pondering over the few clues we are given in regard to a humongous area of mostly uncharted territory. Somewhere out there, there's some content that Frontier and Drew Wagar want us to find. Furthermore, Drew's signature - that he explicitly includes in most of his posts -, matches the last line of the video's narration in Elite: Reclamation. If we're supposed to work out some coordinates out of it, the only way to do that is by converting the letters to actual numbers.

Goodluck, and ... right on, Commander

right : 18,9,7,8,20 : sum = 62

on : 15,14 : sum = 29

Commander : 3,15,13,13,1,14,4,4,18 : sum = 85

It doesn't seem much, at least not when using standard math. However, there's another way of doing calculations these days, the common core math approach (I personally stink at it). Maybe breaking apart the digits before doing the addition, gives you the fixed coordinates for the X, Y & Z axis.

Could it be that a mathematical problem solved using core math, is the answer to our big question ?

Whilst it is not impossible, I think there being anything in that phrase is highly unlikely.

"Right on commander" is from the original Elite and is well known to people who played it. I would rather think this is just Drew using an Eliteism to people who's posts he appreciates.

Hah! You're attempt to lead me on a merry path has been deflected by my Tinfoil chest piece!

But seriously... the EB,P thing WAS important I think. Perhaps there is some kind of ROT 13 cipher in "Good luck, and ... right on, Commander" Maybe he was actually giving us a clue to solving something hidden in the sentence. A bit of practice as it were.
It strikes me as odd. Im no English teacher but the structure is off me thinks. Also, bear in mind that at the start of that message, the coordinates were said to be at the end of the message. Then "The holofac faded, leaving them with just the text." Meaning... that's all they got, and the coordinates ARE in the message.

Just read it.

"The video played.
"If you're listening to this it means your smart enough to have bypassed Galcop, Federation, and Imperial security." The woman on the video smiled. "Not bad, but it's nothing compared to what's coming. I'm guess you'll be pressed for time so I'll be quick. You'll find the co-ordinates at the end of this message. You'll need a tough ship and a good pilot. It's a long way, so make sure you're prepped, no one will be around to help you out. Once you reach the rift you're going to have to plot a way across. There are no stars for dozens of light years and the dark systems haven't been mapped, so take your time, watch your six." The woman leaned in closer to the recording device. "What's there? Wish I could tell you, but they edited my memory pretty good, took me long enough to stitch this lot back together. Whatever it is, it's something that Galcop, the Imps and the Feds don't want us to see. Goodluck, and ... right on, Commander." The holofac faded, leaving them with just the text."

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So I did some digging.

.-.. . . ... - ..
.,.. ......,. ... - EB,P.

This is probably Vigenère Cipher. Now we need a key. The 1 26 13 is probably not it...

The 1, 26, 13 is the key for decrypting EB, P.

It means first digit=1, number of digits=26 and rot value=13.

Normal Rot13. That mystery was solved 10 monts ago. :)

I still don't remember the Leesti morse from Drew's sigs back then.
The 1, 26, 13 is the key for decrypting EB, P.

It means first digit=1, number of digits=26 and rot value=13.

Normal Rot13. That mystery was solved 10 monts ago. :)

Just found that myself recently... I really need to read till the end...

I still don't remember the Leesti morse from Drew's sigs back then.

Me neither, but I'm just grasping straws at this point... Still might be something there...
Did you really cross the rift at this point or were you coming from 'behind'?

Honestly, my path was erratic xD but it led me to this section and opened up an easier way to cross. Basically, I tried taking the R/R line.. Got tired of back tracking, so I skirted the edge toward the bridge and when I noticed a spot with a dense area of stars, I started crossing. Haven't hit a dead end yet. Didn't come from behind, as I haven't made it to the other side yet.
Schafaae PZ-S b58-0 (20160322-150822).jpg

Lot's of stars. I can't remember but I'm pretty sure I was traveling around the -10 mark. It's been an easy path, for sure.
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That's an interesting conclusion. Can we probably turn it around? I never got a rep from Drew so all you guys need to do now is to search for all my tinfoils and - voilà - you *know* what it is NOT.
How's that? [wacky] (hope he's not gonna rep me RIGHT NOW)

Could these numbers point to a certain GalNet article, like January (1), day (13) and word in text? With that in mind I've found an article about the recovery of the Antares with (26) pointing to the word 'voyage' (w/o punctuation and headline) and with the headline it's 'passenger'. Doesn't ring a bell to me, but - anyone?
Didn't drew say as a character writer he likes to switch things up....these might be the right numbers in the wrong combination
Grats for the new thread. I've been following the old one cause I want to get involved too, so here are my thoughts :

I've been pondering over the few clues we are given in regard to a humongous area of mostly uncharted territory. Somewhere out there, there's some content that Frontier and Drew Wagar want us to find. Furthermore, Drew's signature - that he explicitly includes in most of his posts -, matches the last line of the video's narration in Elite: Reclamation. If we're supposed to work out some coordinates out of it, the only way to do that is by converting the letters to actual numbers.

Goodluck, and ... right on, Commander

right : 18,9,7,8,20 : sum = 62

on : 15,14 : sum = 29

Commander : 3,15,13,13,1,14,4,4,18 : sum = 85

It doesn't seem much, at least not when using standard math. However, there's another way of doing calculations these days, the common core math approach (I personally stink at it). Maybe breaking apart the digits before doing the addition, gives you the fixed coordinates for the X, Y & Z axis.

Could it be that a mathematical problem solved using core math, is the answer to our big question ?

CORRECTION: Command(e)r totals 86. "e" has a value of 5, not 4.

Just sayin'...
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