Good evening CMDRs,
When a fellow CMDR is in need - especially a fellow Fatherhood CMDR - I answer the call!
The TFS Venture is out making a restock of a Special Ops Carrier!
Then we have the Community Goal!
I have an idea in my mind about the ideal ship (for me) to do some heavy-duty multirole deployments... So - back to Jameson
I introduce the
TFS Saul of Tarsus
Why? Because it can take a beating, yet deliver the message! Don't mess with this wee beastie!
Efficient Quad burst lasers with Scramble Spectrum! Triple Seeker Missiles with Drag! SLF and multicannons to finish off. SRV and Limpets to pick up the remains!
Armoured to the teeth, and in the process of being engineered to taste...
and a jump range of around 36-39lys makes this a tough all rounder. Between 500-600Mcr!