The great big Odyssey Screenshots thread


CMDR's Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220919


Two systems today, both mildly interesting, both class A primaries. The first had a number of Metallic Worlds, one sporting a wide ring:
Metallic Body Ring

It also had a secondary Class A star.
Partial Eclipse
You could probably stack up quite a sum if you had the patience to scan every world.

The second had many ringed bodies, around two of them a moon with crystalline shards.
Phroea Phio RO-X d2-108 B 4 a - Ruthenium
Phroea Phio RO-X d2-108 B 3 a - Antimony

The second of which had massive 5 vent fumaroles.
Human for Scale

And that's my lot for today. o7

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CMDR's Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220920


Having moved to this sector we appreciate the differences inherent to each sector. We are working our way back to the T and L class fields we spotted earlier. Stars are sparser here.

We are seeing more of certain phenomena. Certainly I never tire of seeing blueberry and cream Gas Giants. They just leave a taste in my mouth.
YABueberries and Cream

Objects in close and fast orbits are also more frequent for some reason.
BandC Close Moon
Close and Fast 5

And then, just occasionally, you stumble on something:
NonHuman Signature
NonHuman Probe
I may be the first CMDR to step foot on this world... but someone... something... has been here before.


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CMDR's Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - Stardate 220921


Today's Discoveries:
1 ringed moon
Nitrogen and Neon

1 Nitrogen/Neon atmosphere moon with volcanic activity (that we did not find on the first pass - time ran out for us)
Particular Fonticular

1 Icy Ring with a density over 10 and multiple overlaps of Tritium, Void Opals and Low Temperature Diamonds.

I think the TFS Nostromo is going to be busy for a while.

This may mean less updates! o7

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CMDR ]M[ - 2022.09.22 - Witch Head revisited

after a few days of flying about, mostly lost somewhat aimlessly...

decided to kick back, put feet up & take a taxi in to the Witch Head Science Centre from Shenve...

...on a job to uhhmm collect something for errr somebody in HIP 23759, got distracted by a couple of Bark Mounds...

...the view from over that little ridge on 6 E looked good...

...decided to take a bit of a hike, stop for a better look...

got lost in that view...


even lost track of time...


didn't hear my suit's air supply warning even...

...ok not quite what I meant by breath-taking view, but still... :]
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