Indeed ... to cite a recent example Diablo 3 was released last year in May with the premise that Inferno mode (hardest difficulty) was rough - "you will die" they said and sure enough we did. Over time as the cries on the forums got louder Blizzard slowly patched the game and decreased the diffiuclty to the point now that Inferno is (excuse the expression) "faceroll"I hope Talking about Elite Status they don’t make it too easy! Game these days try to hard to please! I want to fall out of love with Elite and then come back stronger!
That is a shame as I no longer play Diablo 3 - there is no challenge left and that is something the ED Devs need to take a hard look at. Once you're at the top, having undertaken a difficult journey (but rewarding one), have the best ship and all the right equipment, will there still be things to do ?