The new long-awaited, Odyssey Mission-sharing-feature.

Okay, a friend and me logged back in to Odyssey, to finaly do some missions together.
We went to a station, got some missions and jumped to our first destination.

My friend tried to share the misions with me only to realise he could only share one!
Okay, don´t mind, we completed the mission, only to now realise that he could still not share another one.

So i went on my way back to the station, to give in the mission so he could share the next one,
but behold, i can not complete the mission? He has to!

So he, went back to the station only to complete it ,so i could complete, so he could share the next mission.

Basically, beeing limited to only 1 shared mission is punishing people engaging in Multiplayer
by forcing you to constantly hop forth and back between mission-givers and mission-targets.

We did not do the 4 missions.. we did 2.. and then my game crashed.

Is this the new Odyssey-Multiplayerfeature? Where it´s better for everyone to solo missions, than to support one another?
We did not continue and we do cnot plan to..after all those weeks, we are only asking ourself what has happened to our beloved playground?

Sorry for the salt, but i see no sense in limiting Teams to 1 mission only.
To prevent stackin? change balancing and people would not need to relog or stack..
Credits are worthless and the implemented gameloops want you to grind solo.
Elite´s sole standout feature, is the under-advertised milkyway, which is on it´s best way to change for the worse.

Now my Spacegame wants me to go pewpew and steal only.. thats okay..
but at least let me do it with friends, without the feeling of having an disadvatage, by doing so.


Being limited to share only one mission, will keep players in solo.
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Needs a tl;dr 🤣
Not working as intended, need more work.


Need this;

I got a pool of missions, I share with a friend one mission at the time, we complete the mission, and I can share the next mission where we are, we complete the mission raise and repeat, when all missions are completed we go and collect the rewards AND THEY SHOULD BE DIVIDED IN 2,3,4 the numbers we shared the mission with other players.
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