The Real Stars of The Galaxy: Our Glorious Space Ships!

I've thought about redoing my sig to link to the Ronin I registered earlier in the thread. It's career is coming along splendidly and I've done numerous edits to the registration to include updated info and accomplishments. [up]


I think it might gain more traction if the OP were still active here, but it's a lovely thread none the less. :)
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The RRC 'Longshot' (DBX)
The Rock Rat Container 'Longshot' Diamondback Explorer

It was around waypoint 14 of the 3302 Distant Worlds Expedition, when, due to exhaustion from endless prospecting runs, i fell asleep in my SRV and ran out fuel.
As this had been my only SRV and a Rock Rat can not live without one, i had to leave my Asp behind and race out there again.
I had this DBX i bought just before DWE, mostly cause i liked the looks and wanted to check it out, sitting in a Coriolis station and i hastily outfitted it, leaving the AFMU out in favor of two SRVs, hence the name 'Longshot':
I also slapped on this sexy chrome paint job i bought during the sale and i was good to go!


After 4 days of intensive jonking, i caught up with the fleet around waypoint 18 and i was already falling in love with this little tin can!
It went on to fulfill its purpose flawlessly, even though i dipped into the occasional neutron star or bellyflopped at Beale Point.
It was the perfect ship for a Maître Shenanigateur and it went on to become the ship, crossing the Abyss furthest west to date:

After some more exploration in the western regoins of the galaxy,


the 'Longshot' hit home and brought me safely back to civilization.

It will always hold a very special place in my heart.

CMDR Greytest
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The Imperial Courier class Short-range Reconnaissance Vehicle Mark 4 (SRV-4) Icarus began as a test bed to investigate the capabilities of the class.

That ship is beautiful! I am buying one as soon as I am back from somewhere!

And this thread is one of the best on the forum. Great advertising for E : D!

And I am talking with myself in a necro thread! :p
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I've gone ahead and started a followup thread here, since this thread and the OP hasn't been updated for a very long time. →–-Followup-amp-Continuation

Feel free to submit your ship entries there, if you would like to do so.

I will be maintaining and updating the thread on a regular basis.

I'm changing the format a little by limiting entries to one ship per Commander. See the above linked thread for more info.

Cheers, and fly smartly, Commanders. o7
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