To the ones who claim Star Citizen is not open development.
Star Citizen Open Development:
50-70 page monthly digital behind the scenes development book. The content of which gets released on their website a few weeks later. (Example:
Occasional full blown design posts covering a lot of aspects of in game design every month or two months. (Example:
1 Letter from the Chairman once every month or two outlining important events or things that need to be talked about with backers. (Example:
1-2 Full of content Lore posts every week. (Example:,
1 Development Progress Update on Star Citizen Alpha and Star Marine every week. (Example:
4 videos every week:
1 video about 20-40 minutes long focused on answering 10 questions from the community for either the CEO, Writers, Producers. (Example:
1 video about 20-50 minutes long focused on giving studio updates from all CIG Studios, talking about the community and giving an developer interview. (Example:
1 video livestream about 2 hours long that informally answers questions during the livestream and talks casually with backers. (Example:
1 video about solving bugs in the latest Star Citizen build about 5-15 minutes long. (Example :
1 Monthly CIG Studio Report which is 40-60 pages long and covers development updates from all CIG Studios in a in-depth level. From Art to Engineering to DevOps and QA. (Example:
100-200 Developer question answers on the forum every month. (Example:
This and include the many conventions CIG goes to revealing new tech they have made and sharing their progress with fans and drinking beers with them.
-The 50-70 development book is paid for by subscribers, the only reason it exists is because there are people subscribing
-Design posts with a lot of ifs
-What does letter by the chairman have to do with open development? If anything it's mostly used to try and put out major fires
-Lore posts - again what does that have to do with open development? that is just building the universe out
- They have a weekly development update on AC and Star Marine because those modules are so far behind schedule it's not even funny. The Star Marine module right now is 7 months behind schedule, they went from a "you will have it within a week" to a 7+ months later and no sign of release. The posts are there like they did when AC was first released, to try to apease the backers because CIG dropped the ball, big time.
-The 10FTC videos have become nothing but waste of time the past year if not longer, the same questions keep getting answered, nothing new is ever learned, just same old questions rehashed differently.
-The live stream, again nothing but "cherry picked" questions get answered.
-Bug smasher - again made popular by some backers who are interested in the technical side, nothing to do with actual development
-The only reason why we have the Monthly CIG Studio Report is because we the backers demanded it, because CIG was not forthcoming with information, it took months of forum warmongering to get that, not because CIG wanted it.
The bottom line is, all you have outlined does not constitute OPEN DEVELOPMENT. Open development means that there is constant communication between the backer base and the developers creating the product. The facts are for 16 months there has been barely any communication from CIG regarding the core of the game, flight, let alone controls. CIG has avoided these topics like the plague because they cannot handle feedback. Another perfect example of this is the controller balance debacle, its now 16 months since AC has been released and controllers are still , where it favors a single device, mouse. What is ridiculous is how out of touch CIG is with the community regarding this feature, so much out of touch that they are now developing Joysticks with Saitek that have mouse balls to use "gimbals". That is how out of touch CIG is. We have provided them 16 months worth of feedback regarding controls and how they can utilize them. What is their response? Stay silent on the topic and come up with hardware which will not equal out the controllers at all.
You can tout all you want about how open CIG development is, but at the end of the day it is not, no matter how you try to spin it. The fact is CIG is very picky in what they are open about. The core hot topics everyone cares about on the forums and testing of the game are never touched or communicated with the community about.