I replaced one of the underwing Suckerpunch cannons with a Badger, yes. I prefer the high rate of fire and direct damage of the Badgers to the dual Suckerpunches.
So setup was 1xSuckerpunch energy drainer, 1xBadger laser repeater, 1xTigershark multicannon (nose)
The response with the HOTAS certainly looks alot better now

Thanks for posting this - it's given me some hope.
Shame about the TrackIR thing - hopefully fixed early next year?
Really must get this fired up to have a go myself - hopefully will get some time over christmas.
Yeah, the TrackIR was working better before. The only reason it's 'broken' now is that CIG added the helmet to your character model in flight, and it is not attached to your head's view. When you turn your head with TrackIR the camera turns *inside* the helmet, lol.
And I agree - responsiveness with the HOTAS is much improved from where AC started.
The turn rates are still extremely fast, movements are shacky and there seems to be no mass inertia - feels similar to a FPS.
Getting headache by only watching it.
Though i have to admit that i am not a fan of FPS games.
It's not everyone's cup o' tea. The jerkiness of this video was in large part due to the craft, though. The Avenger is light and nimble. Watch some videos of the Cutlass on YT to see a much more plodding ship (although that will most assuredly be tweaked a lot, given its intended role). And, as RC-Plorer said:
The Super Hornet is less shaky than the Avenger...
Oh, and the dark graphics - yeah, the Dying Star map is darker than the other one (Broken Moon). I just like having the dust and all those rocks to dodge in Dying Star.
Course in my session it was my stupid wingman who clipped me, not a rock. lol.