Well there are going to be some major differences between $6 million and AAA games. There would of been a big difference between SC and ED if SC stayed at $6 million as well.
Actually the new Descent will be a good example of this. $650k game vs. a $20m ED vs. $94m SC
Honestly time will tell now what that difference will be once PU hits and they get to Beta. Or when we get SQ42. It will tell by those if the $94 million actually did anything. There are things they can do with that money but we will see if they have.
What I really enjoyed from ED development has been one mechanic at a time, put it out, super polish it and move to the next. There is a reason their core game is so good, but they also lack a lot in other departments, which could be a money limitation.
I wonder aometimes what ED would have with $94 million
