The Star Citizen Thread v 3.0

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Here's the actual recorded footage:



I really liked the Ship UI update, that's going to be pretty amazing for multi-crew stations, detailed and with fast-focus action to get things done.

- 2.0 release, the word keeps on bug-fixing / polish still, "We really hope that we won’t need to write another, or many, of these reports because we are certainly “close” to the 2.0 release, it’s just really, really hard to predict just how close we are."

- 40 Players indeed, the word on today's RTV the company-wide plays (as they don't have enough QA staff) are being done with 40 concurrent players (officially it's still the aimed count on the first release).

- MobiGlass Mission Manager, we haven't seen this yet, this is what the concept of it aimed for:
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Chris is the reason why Freelancer happened at all. At a fraction of what it was supposed to be. I am here to support Chris to make his unlimited vision come true the exact opposite of what happened back in 2001. Where Chris was held back because of publishers. I am %100 sure that this man is a key person in the industry. We need more people like him. That challenge the status quo. I actually am happy that the game is getting some negative backlash. It wouldn't get it if it was just another project. We got EA and Ubisoft for that. Or studios like Frontier who play it really safe and release the base game and make sure they can pay back their private investors and shareholders.

No CR is the reason it almost failed, Microsoft is the reason we got Freelancer. Chris was not held back by publishers, he was out of money (his own fault) 18 months behind (again his own fault). The only interaction publishers had was they didn't want to keep throwing money down the money pit that CR had created.

The only thing CR is challenging is how much people will spend on virtual items for a game that is still mostly in his head. CR is a bad influence on the industry, we already see other companies following his lead in selling crazy expense JPG. CIG has been worse then EA, or Ubisoft, when they waste money they waste their own money, CR is wasting the money of people that supported him, all the while creating one of the most P2W games ever conceived.

How is Frontier playing it safe? They have a much larger scope then SC, are trying to do more, and doing it with less money. Don't confuse smart with safe.

Sorry but what has CR stood up for? Nothing, its a farce mantra, PC gaming was not dead, it was already on the rise before CR. PC gaming revenue is 20+ billion, 94 million is nothing in that market, SC is not even a blip on sales charts.

While that UI looks very cool (and seems like it would be fun to play with), it is very impractical in the twitch combat style that is currently in AC, it will be impossible to use that in combat, unless time to kill goes way way way way up.
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While that UI looks very cool (and seems like it would be fun to play with), it is very impractical in the twitch combat style that is currently in AC, it will be impossible to use that in combat, unless time to kill goes way way way way up.

I don't think it will be something you will play with during combat, specially dog-fighting on single seat ships, on them it's more after a fight and you're damaged you may be able to customize power focus, fuel, shields and all those details as needed. It's more useful to multi-crew ships that will divide all that effort into more in-depth crew stations, pilot > co-pilot, engineering and then all the others that will come later. As long the update is decently stable, i imagine it can be very fun to get some friends on a TS server inside a Constellation and play organized combat, part of one crew is exactly the gameplay i'm looking for.
PC was always growing, Consoles simply were growing faster. Recently PC is really being boosted it's quite amazing (article here), in a single year (2014 > 2015) consoles lost 7% of market, PC taken 4% of those if i'm not mistaken.

But that's a uber off-topic discussion here so we should please lock on topic again.
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I don't need a psychological examination from somebody on the internet. I am a healthy individual that doesn't have the necessity to say others that I don't know at all could have disorders. This is personal please back off.

The situation of PC Gaming and Consoles in 2011 and 2012 compared to now is a different one. Please do some research.

Nobody claims CR single handedly brought PC games. He just was part of the comeback. Rarely we see games coming up saying ''I AM TOTALLY FOCUSED ON PC'' especially back on 2012.
On the rise since 2008. Even by your own chart SC doesn't look likely to have played an influential role. More like rode the wave. I agree with your previous statement on not going for ad hominems. Your psyche is your business.
I don't need a psychological examination from somebody on the internet. I am a healthy individual that doesn't have the necessity to say others that I don't know at all could have disorders. This is personal please back off.

The situation of PC Gaming and Consoles in 2011 and 2012 compared to now is a different one. Please do some research.

Nobody claims CR single handedly brought PC games. He just was part of the comeback. Rarely we see games coming up saying ''I AM TOTALLY FOCUSED ON PC'' especially back on 2012.

This has been covered, you are linking an image from 2011 that is a projection of PC revenue (just read the link for the image). Perhaps you should read your own graph and do a little research your self, before asking others to.


No he was not part of the comeback. As you can see from a graph that is useful, PC game was already doing better before CR did anything. NVM the fact that a few million in 2013 is nothing next to ~23 billion PC revenue. Even now 94 million is nothing. CR definitely helped get Space sim like games going again, even ED would have not brought it to the forefront the way SC has. So we can thank CR for that, but PC gaming? Not even close.

Please take your own advice and do a little research before posting incorrect graphs. There should be no reason to re-post this graph when the information was already presented in this thread.
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I don't think it will be something you will play with during combat, specially dog-fighting on single seat ships, on them it's more after a fight and you're damaged you may be able to customize power focus, fuel, shields and all those details as needed. It's more useful to multi-crew ships that will divide all that effort into more in-depth crew stations, pilot > co-pilot, engineering and then all the others that will come later. As long the update is decently stable, i imagine it can be very fun to get some friends on a TS server inside a Constellation and play organized combat, part of one crew is exactly the gameplay i'm looking for.

That is possible, but I would hate to see so much gameplay only in the hands of multiplayer, SC was not originally sold as a primarily multi-crew ship game. Not sure I see the use in single crew fighters, but really can't judge until we have it in our hands to play.
Chris is the reason why Freelancer happened at all. At a fraction of what it was supposed to be. I am here to support Chris to make his unlimited vision come true the exact opposite of what happened back in 2001. Where Chris was held back because of publishers. I am %100 sure that this man is a key person in the industry. We need more people like him. That challenge the status quo. I actually am happy that the game is getting some negative backlash. It wouldn't get it if it was just another project. We got EA and Ubisoft for that. Or studios like Frontier who play it really safe and release the base game and make sure they can pay back their private investors and shareholders.

First of all before CR came back to the industry, PC gaming was doing great thanks to indie devs and Early access games. Despite what CR stated PC gaming has been climbing and doing just fine. People have been challenging the status quo for a long time when CR abandoned gaming. Claiming that CR is somehow scion of PC gaming is ridiculous.

Second of all you are trying to re-write history regarding Freelancer. Freelancer was a highly ambitious game for its time that started development in 1996/early 1997. It had a huge scope and lots of promises. The facts are also that the game went over budget and time schedule many times. In fact so much so that the studio Digital Anvil was on the verge of bankruptcy due to delays on Freelancer. When 2000 rolled around and Freelancer was supposed to release, CR announced that they needed another 18 months to finish the game. But that was not possible because Digital Anvil had no more cash. They were bankrupt. That is when MS stepped in and bailed them out. They bought CR/Erin out and gave the studio a huge cash influx to finish the game. CR was retained as consultant for 6 months and then he left, the entire industry. The other fact is that Microsoft then told Digital Anvil to deliver on what was possible. Guess what? With a much more reduced scope it took Digital Anvil until 2003 to release Freelancer. That is 3 years extra development with a greatly reduced scope.

So Mr. Nowak, tell me where publishers held CR back? It's blatant that CR ran Digital Anvil into the ground. Its also blatant obvious that CR was very unrealistic. In fact its thanks to the publishers, Microsoft, in this case that Freelancer was actually finished. CR stated he needed 18 months more from 2000 to finish the game, yet it took MS 3 years to finish it from 2000 at a much more reduced scope. Let that sink in for a minute on how "publishers held CR back".

Yes, CR had some succesful Wing Commander games under his belt. But also at the same time, Freelancer is the elephant in the room for him as well. This is the last game he was making before he abandoned the industry. it's the game that ran his studio Digital Anvil into the ground because he could not keep the budget under control and the only reason Freelancer ever got released was because of a publisher and that was three years later at a much more reduced scope.

Lets stick to the facts Mr. Nowak and not try to re-write history.
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I am not trying to rewrite history fact is CR's vision was great and the publishers didn't allow him to execute that vision. EA and later Microsoft. Freelancer was supposed to be like SC back in the day. It just needed a few more years. Just like EVE it could have shaken the space mmo scene but CR's vision couldn't be fullfilled since he is a big dreamer and investors care about one thing profits. Thankfully SC is crowdfunded. The game designed by CR has no artificial barriers and the funding limits are set by the community. I think we need people with big and ambitious ideas.

GameSpot: Chris, how long ago did you start talking with Microsoft about the acquisition? Who initiated these talks?

Chris Roberts: Microsoft started the talks about six months ago.

GS: In a time when a developer's freedom is fast becoming scarce, why would you choose to make Digital Anvil a division of the world's largest software company?

CR: It's very difficult to build wildly ambitious games without the financial security of a larger company, especially when their development cycles are so unpredictable. Freelancer was meant to take three years - it will probably be four and a half years by the time it is done. It's very tough for an independent developer to weather that kind of slip, and it's not just Digital Anvil. I believe all A+ games require severe patience and funds - witness Team Fortress 2 and Black & White.
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And we're back.

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Now that we are back, I'll just say I love the clickable UI shown in the recent video - would love that kind of mouse-clickable systems management in Elite.
It would be tricky to implement as it was long ago slated as having console i.e. controller functionality, hence the interface we know and love. This is unlikely to change but I've had many an occasion where I would have loved this, for instance when using headtracking via Oculus or TrackIR.
I am sure this was posted before but I only just stumbled across it :


WOW :eek:

Mind blown - It is precisely the kind of detail I really wished for in ED. We had a sneak possiblity of it when DBOBE showed the damaged Anaconda model:


The level of excitement that video alone for me was on par with the first time I booted up ED Alpha 1.0.
Do we know if the clickable UI was in-engine footage or just a concept vid ?.

It looks in-game to me.

- - - Updated - - -

Now that we are back, I'll just say I love the clickable UI shown in the recent video - would love that kind of mouse-clickable systems management in Elite.

It looks great for mouse users... how will hotas users manage to navigate/use that though? :)

- - - Updated - - -

Mind blown - It is precisely the kind of detail I really wished for in ED. We had a sneak possiblity of it when DBOBE showed the damaged Anaconda model:

I'll be impressed when I see this detail with no lag in an instance with 50+ more players :)
Now that we are back, I'll just say I love the clickable UI shown in the recent video - would love that kind of mouse-clickable systems management in Elite.

I am torn on this one really. On the Face of it I'm really pleased that they are putting this in as they've shown it. it gives a great degree of user interaction within your ship and with some polish it'll likely be great.


I have now kind of resigned myself to the fact that i wont be using my HOTAS in this game. This interactive UI is another reason for the use of mouse centered flight for me. I just cant see how navigating that UI with a stick (or even a throttle mouse pip) will anything but a frustrating process.
I find clickable interfaces, like shown, a bit slow and clunky for "on the fly" command (e.g. the pips), although they do look good.
The elite interface, with keybinds for quick actions like the pips is (I find) a bit faster.
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I find clickable interfaces, like shown, a bit slow and clunky for "on the fly" command (e.g. the pips), although they do look good.
The elite interface, with keybinds for quick actions like the pips is (I find) a bit faster.

Oh, I've no doubt that keys are faster - but I've always loved clickable pits in Sims (Falcon 4 and the Jane's sims especially), even when using a HOTAS. Saves remembering key presses too (though that will get you killed in this age of keyboard macros :/ )
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