The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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Quantum still needs work netcode wise, if you never noticed some weird "smoke" tracks that appear from sudden around Crusader, it's people QT Jumping. The server shouldn't be transmitting that to all players really, but it shows the position in space is physical, as you can crash and get into QT Jump with other player together.

Also on News ~~ There is no 2.2 till February, clarified today. There will be however, one Hotfix for 2.1 for some issues.

Something to expect on 2.2 is certainly the PARTY System, being able to group play with friends easily stuff is really necessary as right now it's quite complicated.

Well, I do not think that rushing with the development of the new versions or small updates is the way it should be done. They have some major issues that need to be solved sooner rather than later. While a lot of players expect party system to be implemented ASAP, I would say this wait as the priority should be given to performance issues. It is not possible to play/test something if performance drops to 10-15 FPS on highest-end systems. The 100% load of the one CPU core issue should also be given a priority as it might be limiting the performance.

Okay that makes sense. I'll have to try it again. Perhaps it is just defaults throwing me off. In ED, last I tried, kb/m meant that up down did pitch and left right did roll. In SC left right is yaw. I've seen some people map yaw to mouse in ED (and roll to KB buttons) but I've not tried it.
Okay that makes sense. I'll have to try it again. Perhaps it is just defaults throwing me off. In ED, last I tried, kb/m meant that up down did pitch and left right did roll. In SC left right is yaw. I've seen some people map yaw to mouse in ED (and roll to KB buttons) but I've not tried it.

I think I ran into a bug trying to have pitch/roll on mouse when I tried. I.e. I've set it the right way, however rolling left/right was inverted, i.e. you wanted to roll right, the ship was rolling left and vice versa. Modifying inversion settings did not do a thing. So I had to fly with pitch/yaw on the mouse, which is awkward for me. But well, this should be fixed sooner or later. But anyway, they've made a huge step forward with current controls.
Well, I do not think that rushing with the development of the new versions or small updates is the way it should be done. They have some major issues that need to be solved sooner rather than later. While a lot of players expect party system to be implemented ASAP, I would say this wait as the priority should be given to performance issues. It is not possible to play/test something if performance drops to 10-15 FPS on highest-end systems. The 100% load of the one CPU core issue should also be given a priority as it might be limiting the performance.
Yeah party is on priorities as it's performance issues. The thing is, if we talk about netcode (that is to blame for the severe FPS drops as well on all players on an instance)... that won't be a thing they will be able to fix from a patch to the other. As far i've seen this kind of problems on other games on earlier stages, things get improved and fixed over time.

So that's what i expect on my side, over time improving netcode and performance, then increasing player counts.
Yeah party is on priorities as it's performance issues. The thing is, if we talk about netcode (that is to blame for the severe FPS drops as well on all players on an instance)... that won't be a thing they will be able to fix from a patch to the other. As far i've seen this kind of problems on other games on earlier stages, things get improved and fixed over time.

So that's what i expect on my side, over time improving netcode and performance, then increasing player counts.

I do not expect miracles with the netcode optimization such as a patch that would immediately provide 60+ FPS all the time. However, they should make it working at least at 30FPS. This is still not pretty, however, it is more than enough for testing. And this is going to be point when it is already possible to increase the player count.


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Last time Aleksej and I met up in Elite Dangerous I challenged him to a duel. I lost terribly. :)

We'll have to meet up in SC sometime, good sir, for a rematch. ;)
I think I need a course because the controls and flight in SC don't feel at all like in E:D to me.

I will have to try again but the default pad setup was really strange...
I think I need a course because the controls and flight in SC don't feel at all like in E:D to me.

I will have to try again but the default pad setup was really strange...

I've seen a thread on RSI forums that there might be issues with pad controls. As I do not have one, I cannot say anything about it. I tested HOTAS + rudder pedals and KB/M.
I recently got into 2.1 and have been setting up my Hotas, it's a long time since i played, the fps is still poor, fluctuating between 38- 10 for no apparent reason on medium settings, and this changes randomly, never the same in any place as before. I did find a big improvement in the flight model and hotas controls, and felt quite comfortable now coming from ED to SC. I was very happy seeing i could even map my edtracker to the look axis, and it works ok, and not interfering with targetting unless i use target focus. I just hope they concentrate on optimising now, and allow more players to have a better test with the game.
I use the xbox pad on foot, and find the default settings ok and similar to other games i play.
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I recently got into 2.1 and have been setting up my Hotas, it's a long time since i played, the fps is still poor, fluctuating between 38- 10 for no apparent reason on medium settings, and this changes randomly, never the same in any place as before. I did find a big improvement in the flight model and hotas controls, and felt quite comfortable now coming from ED to SC. I was very happy seeing i could even map my edtracker to the look axis, and it works ok, and not interfering with targetting unless i use target focus. I just hope they concentrate on optimising now, and allow more players to have a better test with the game.
I use the xbox pad on foot, and find the default settings ok and similar to other games i play.

What specs are you guys running? I just read some of the devs mentioning that having an i7 is a big improvement over an i5 for SC, as it likes more cores over hyperthreading. I've got an i7-4790 and a 970GTX, and I'm getting an average of 55 FPS.
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I recently got into 2.1 and have been setting up my Hotas, it's a long time since i played, the fps is still poor, fluctuating between 38- 10 for no apparent reason on medium settings, and this changes randomly, never the same in any place as before. I did find a big improvement in the flight model and hotas controls, and felt quite comfortable now coming from ED to SC. I was very happy seeing i could even map my edtracker to the look axis, and it works ok, and not interfering with targetting unless i use target focus. I just hope they concentrate on optimising now, and allow more players to have a better test with the game.
I use the xbox pad on foot, and find the default settings ok and similar to other games i play.

Most probably the reason is the networking code. ED had similar issues during the early stages of the development.

What specs are you guys running? I just read some of the devs mentioning that having an i7 is a big improvement over an i5 for SC, as it likes more cores over hyperthreading. I've got an i7-4790 and a 970GTX, and I'm getting an average of 55 FPS.

The issues is not on user end. Usually it drops to 10-15 at comm arrays when NPCs are generated. Also when you start PU you can get frame rate within a very large range 30-110 FPS. Or you can start with 90FPS, exit to the main menu, restart and you will have only 40 FPS this time. And even if you get lucky to start with the high frame rate it still gradually decreases to about 60-70 when you choose the ship, 35-45 when you take off, 15-30 at comm array.

And that's on i7 2600k@4.6GHz, Titan X@1388MHz, 2560x1440.

And as I said earlier, the issue with 100% load on one of the CPU cores is well known.
Most probably the reason is the networking code. ED had similar issues during the early stages of the development.

The issues is not on user end. Usually it drops to 10-15 at comm arrays when NPCs are generated. Also when you start PU you can get frame rate within a very large range 30-110 FPS. Or you can start with 90FPS, exit to the main menu, restart and you will have only 40 FPS this time. And even if you get lucky to start with the high frame rate it still gradually decreases to about 60-70 when you choose the ship, 35-45 when you take off, 15-30 at comm array.

And that's on i7 2600k@4.6GHz, Titan X@1388MHz, 2560x1440.

And as I said earlier, the issue with 100% load on one of the CPU cores is well known.

Yes, when looking at my system stats in power grid while playing, i see core 3 at 100% a lot of the time.
My system stats are in my sig.
I think I need a course because the controls and flight in SC don't feel at all like in E:D to me.

I will have to try again but the default pad setup was really strange...

To try to make a decent comparison, you'll need to bind Pitch & Roll to one of your thumbsticks, the default is Pitch & Yaw.

I tried this with my HOTAS last year (not tried since 2.0/2.1 - but will have a go), back then I found the pitch and roll rates to be as fast (if not faster) than a Sidewinder/Eagle with class A thrusters in E: D.

Thinking on it, when I get around to downloading 2.1, I will switch to pitch & roll on the stick and yaw on my pedals - I will report back my findings.......
To try to make a decent comparison, you'll need to bind Pitch & Roll to one of your thumbsticks, the default is Pitch & Yaw.

I tried this with my HOTAS last year (not tried since 2.0/2.1 - but will have a go), back then I found the pitch and roll rates to be as fast (if not faster) than a Sidewinder/Eagle with class A thrusters in E: D.

Thinking on it, when I get around to downloading 2.1, I will switch to pitch & roll on the stick and yaw on my pedals - I will report back my findings.......

I'd say that in this case the only comparable ship in ED is Imperial Fighter (CQC).


Volunteer Moderator
*Mod hat off

It really depends on how are you used to KB/M or HOTAS controls. I am playing ED since Alpha 1.1, when I used KB/M. I have started using HOTAS since Alpha 3.0. I had no issues playing with KB/M, I did not have any issues with HOTAS, and I never had issues with switching back and forth back then. However, now I am playing exclusively with HOTAS.

AC was different, I always tried to play primarily with HOTAS, however, I was unable to do it due to awkwardness of the controls. I always wanted to take KB/M trying to fly with KB/M. And it was 2.0 that has changed it. I customized controls the way I needed, I enjoyed flying, now as ESP is implemented it is no longer a problem to hit the enemies. I tried to use KB/M for a change but this time as soon as I tried it I wanted to use HOTAS.

Mouse mode implemented in the Freelancer are 0-order mouse controls, i.e. your ship flies and shoots exactly where your mouse points. The same controls were implemented when AC was released, and as far as I know this mode exists before SC 2.0 was released. I did not follow/play AC/SC while 0-order mouse was there.

This no longer applies to SC as there is no 0-order mouse mode. Now there are two mouse modes in SC, one that we call absolute mouse mode in ED, the other one is relative mouse mode. These modes are no different from what we have in ED.

You still can control the turrets/gimbaled weapons with mouse in absolute mouse mode in SC, i.e. you can say that you point and fly (but it is still different as your ship is going to continue turning unless you center the mouse, i.e. it is still a virtual joystick). However, if your ship is equipped with fixed weapons then the flight controls are similar to what we have in ED.

And if your ship has mixed types of weapons including fixed then you would probably turn off gimbaled lock, and use gimbaled and turrets in the fixed mode. This means that controls are similar to what we have in ED.

Freelancer controls are not an option for SC, and it was only a matter of time when controls similar to what we have in ED were going to be implemented there. There is no way SC can be controller agnostic with 0-order mouse mode. 0-order mouse is always going to have significant advantage over any other controller devices. The only option are virtual joystick (absolute mouse mode) and relative mouse mode. Only this way you can balance different controller devices.

This was changed in 2.0. 0-order mouse controls no longer applies. See the description above.

No, not quite. Those 2 mouse modes have been available for a long time already: Both a standard virtual joystick mode (like we have in ED) and the infamous Interactive Mode (freelancer style, the one where you shoot gimbals where you point and flight just follows).

Nothing has changed in that "mouse" regard with 2.0.

What has changed though is that now joystick has an expanded LAM mode that mimics mouse interactive mode.

Mouse Interactive Mode still seems to yield better results compared to any other mouse mode and joystick modes in general by all accounts; so controller parity is far from reached yet. And a very bitter Katamari thread discussing it with tenths of thousands of posts, still very much active, attest to it.

Of course you can chose NOT to use mouse Interactive Mode. But it still seems to be the path of less resistance, and as a general rule you ll be at a disadvantage if you do not use it, although as with everything you ll have exceptions.

Shrouded in great humour, this message from Pepper last summer is still very much valid, with a few tweaks here and there:
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*Mod hat off

No, not quite. Those 2 mouse modes have been available for a long time already: Both a standard virtual joystick mode (like we have in ED) and the infamous Interactive Mode (freelancer style, the one where you shoot gimbals where you point and flight just follows).

Nothing has changed in that "mouse" regard with 2.0.

What has changed though is that now joystick has an expanded LAM mode that mimics mouse interactive mode.

Mouse Interactive Mode still seems to yield better results compared to any other mouse mode and joystick modes in general by all accounts; so controller parity is far from reached yet. And a very bitter Katamari thread discussing it with tenths of thousands of posts, still very much active, attest to it.

Of course you can chose NOT to use mouse Interactive Mode. But it still seems to be the path of less resistance, and as a general rule you ll be at a disadvantage if you do not use it.

But in case you want to take full advantage of 0-order mouse mode you need to have all gimbaled/turreted weapons equipped? Otherwise you are going to hit the targets only either with gimbaled/turreted weapons or fixed ones, i.e. the damage dealt is going to be significantly decreased as you cannot hit the targets with all the weapons in this case.

And if you disable gimbaled mode, you have the same controls as in ED's absolute mouse mode. As far as I understand this way you can hit the target with all weapons you have.
IM mode as in Freelancer are the same as it has always been, nothing new here. MS/KB are OP and JS just got a new layer added to it.

Regarding controls nothing, or very little has changed in SC.
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