^that's far away reply of what was it meant to be on the point made, nvm
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What was your name over there?I tried, but I did not see any sense in what you just said. If you are trying to imply that I was fairly banned because "I talked about the company, individuals of the company in public", that's weird, because that is what feedback is about in the first place. There is no sin on criticizing CIG, or even the members of the staff about the job that they are doing. Unless, without proper reason, I had offended them in public and then got banned for that. Calling them incompetent, for example, and I am exaggerating here, because I never did that, at least before getting banned, wouldn't be an offense. Would be just a fact, depending of the situation, of course. IT still is an opinion, a feedback to be respected, or, at least ignored. Incompetent just means that you don't have the competence to do something YET, but you can achieve that competence if you pursuit that. Only an amateur would see such "feedback" as an offense. But that is just an exaggerated example that I am giving here. I didn't make that myself. Not even near of that.
I did a lot less. Still got banned and clearly, I got banned because one or other of my feedbacks were opening eyes, or at least some people at CIG and fans, obsessed by the "spread the world" and marketing campaign, more than interested on discussing the issues, were afraid to, and definitely, my feedback was good enough, but if followed, would need some people from CIG having to get out of the comfortable chair sooner that they were planning to.
Neither the fans nor these people were interested on that. So, like they did with many others later, they made the 'troublemaker'/'evil'/'enemy'/'hater' disappear. Not the troublemaker that hates the project and its trying to ruin it, but in reality, is always the troublemaker that is causing those people, who were not interested to improve themselves, to pursuit that.
People without the capacity to accept feedback in a professional way and prefer to risk the project than risk their positions/status, for example. And that was very clear in my case, considering that there were occasions that I interacted with some members of the Staff team, which actually had previous professional experience in the game industry (like myself), and these people did not find any problem with my feedback, shown appreciation and even asked me for more.
But then, when I targeted the area of the "wrong" person, well... It's suffice to say that one or two of those employee statements for The Escapist I can say that are true, without needing proof, because happened in the similar form with me, with the same person. It's her personality and lack of experience/capacity for the job that she was put responsible for, was that leads to these issues.
And I don't lie, because I never had reason to... I definitely offended them, but that was later, AFTER banned, and not just banned, but publicly disrespected myself, because CIG loves always to play the victim card, and in fact, I was humiliated and offended in their own answers by email to, about the issue... something that was happening that was not of my interest in the first place, but of their interest, specially for the interest of that girl's role, if they or she cared with customers at least, which today I know they don't and that 'customer' is synonym of troublemaker in their mindset, in practice... what they want are "fans".
So, using a little of your words... when you talk about an individual in public, specially a customer, you, as a company, are in trouble. Specially when this customer is me.
What was your name over there?
So for Bug of the Year.... This one seems a pretty good entry:
I think it's actually several names, far this post from Ben here: https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/comment/5304637/#Comment_5304637
That was the original statement about the Refund of Derek Smart that also talks about jcrg99 and his alts. Not sure if he implied that he, like Smart, got his refund by CIG's initiative or not with account shutdown (meaning all account stuff was deleted). That's why some say he's more famous than Smart himself, has this is one ongoing loop for the almost the past 3 years hitting the same key.
Now if this is all a conspiracy of CIG, the community, Forums, Reddit, etc... Against a single person, being the full target and victim of it... For years already? How can one be the only right and everyone else be wrong/lying?
And to think the whole thing started with a simple T-Shirt...
Interesting. So lesson is (because this doesn't seem dissimilar from the cvc fiasco and thread high jacking that finally got B "S" Lesnick to post in the Controller vs Controller Katamari and say the year of campaigning had nothing to do with why he posted there etc) if the snarky CS guy continues to ignore my request for a refund I just have to post a concerted negative barrage against all things CR and CIG on as many platforms (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc) as I can bother. The louder I get the quicker they'll give me my money back. Interesting. I had hoped to do it more quietly but this can work as well. It's certainly less troublesome than getting the ACCC involved (Though a threat of that may get them to move their asses as well).
Apparently if you threaten a chargeback, they refund you pretty fast
Oh i do get the point i think. First, get mad about the money other people spend on a game. Second, blame a company for wanting to make money from those people interested into spending more money on it.
Sure, sure i get the point.
Interesting. So lesson is (because this doesn't seem dissimilar from the cvc fiasco and thread high jacking that finally got B "S" Lesnick to post in the Controller vs Controller Katamari and say the year of campaigning had nothing to do with why he posted there etc) if the snarky CS guy continues to ignore my request for a refund I just have to post a concerted negative barrage against all things CR and CIG on as many platforms (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc) as I can bother. The louder I get the quicker they'll give me my money back. Interesting. I had hoped to do it more quietly but this can work as well. It's certainly less troublesome than getting the ACCC involved (Though a threat of that may get them to move their asses as well).
Constant rework of the ships, again this task has been very time consuming and one can only guess why they made the design a ship contest, as it seam more and more like a diversion maneuver than anything else.
Lack of control testing in AC, they pretty much ignored the testers for oven a year. Nothing came out, not even how they intended it to work. In the end some poor programmer was trying to calm the waters, however it was too late.
What was your name over there?
Not on that aspect, he hasn't loud he just gone too far, of course on his view he didn't but when CR and his wife even complained about being harassed by his emails, to a point one even goes to send messages to the anonymous hacktivists to destroy star citizen, tons of alt accounts, that's going too far. A silly ridiculous situation on my opinion, i got over close family passing away in a year, one can't get past a game refund in 3.
If that's what will make you happy, i hope you get your refund. On my side i'll poke on playing 2.0.
That was the big difference if Star Citizen had 100M on funding from day 1, than have it 3 years later. Caused the game to scale several times, as they could do more/better, then rewrites here and there. But those ones were minor, the big delays would have been avoided if the Germany Studio was online back then, as they do the most essential engine works on its technologies, that finally start to come together now.
On the subject of toxicity on the SC forums:
Ugh Volunteer forum moderators un-controlled by the community management.
Be a Lurker is always best bet.
I find interesting the SC Reddit is almost in a "war" with the RSI Forums.
In a strange twist of fate the same mod's getting accused of being a "frontier mole". I censored it for this forum. It's all getting a bit tin-foil hat time.
Frontier Mole? Oh no someone is not deleting the negative SC posts on the Elite Dangerous thread on the RSI Forums!!!
Oh seriously now, if the whole forum was moderated like the Elite Dangerous thread on the same forum... Frontier Mole undercover on RSI made me laugh
Not on that aspect, he hasn't loud he just gone too far, of course on his view he didn't but when CR and his wife even complained about being harassed by his emails, to a point one even goes to send messages to the anonymous hacktivists to destroy star citizen, tons of alt accounts, that's going too far. A silly ridiculous situation on my opinion, i got over close family passing away in a year, one can't get past a game refund in 3.
I'm not the master of alt accounts here. I don't need, neither will i, to create tons of accounts to desperatly try to make a point during almost 3 years on almost every place on the Internet that speaks of SC.Nice rewrite of the history. I almost believe it. Maybe if you repeate that with one or two more of your accounts I will believe
I'm glad we finally agree on something, this is all getting far too silly.
But it is entertaining in a reality TV sort of way.
In a strange twist of fate the same mod's getting accused of being a "frontier mole". I censored it for this forum. It's all getting a bit tin-foil hat time.
View attachment 82582
This is the link to the link in the above post.
Here's the post
Neither I. But definitely some of the followers of the holy cause areI'm not the master of alt accounts here. I don't need, neither will i, to create tons of accounts to desperatly try to make a point during almost 3 years on almost every place on the Internet that speaks of SC.