The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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Me? I'm waiting for the game to be released before I buy it. There's no advantage to me doing anything else. The game's a digital download so they aren't going to run out of stocks if I'm not one of the first in the queue. And also there's no real advantage in giving them my money. If they can't make the game with the funds already at their disposal then my meagre amount of dosh isn't going to make any difference.

Waiting for something to exist before buying it also grants you the advantage of hearing what reviewers think of it.

Lol, all you're saying is that you're waiting for the game to be released before you'd even consider buying it.

Release/non-release means less and less these days given the ease with which games can be patched, particularly with "early access" games like this one. They could push a build out tomorrow as "launched" and you probably still wouldn't buy it. Like you said yourself, what you're really waiting for is official reviews of whatever product they decide to launch, presumably positive ones that indicate that it's good.
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Lol, all you're saying is that you're waiting for the game to be released before you'd even consider buying it.

Release/non-release means less and less these days given the ease with which games can be patched, particularly with "early access" games like this one. They could push out build out tomorrow as "launched" and you probably still wouldn't buy it. You say yourself that what you're really waiting for is official reviews of whatever product they decide to launch.

I'm in the same boat, they need to officially release it, not Alpha, not BETA, not Gamma, but released. Then I would consider it, if on steam I'd buy it and see if its worth the money.
Yes it's my belief that Star Citizen player base has only scratched the surface.

Jesus, you can apply the same logic to ED then, scope in ED is huge, originally much bigger than SC, but we all know that CR what to be bigger than anyone so they just shovel new features in SC.

-Let's just wait and see, one is out, the other is not.(Alphas dosen't count)
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I'm in the same boat, they need to officially release it, not Alpha, not BETA, not Gamma, but released. Then I would consider it, if on steam I'd buy it and see if its worth the money.

Ehhh, a game like this is set to have a long Alpha and Beta as well. People i know are mostly waiting is for the MMO loop to be at place, released or not, it's more about have the gameplay loop in place. That and SQ42 that is likely to set the standard when it comes to expectations regardings quality of gameplay, i think that one can be the deal-maker or breaker depending if it's good or not. You aren't interested into playing SQ42 then?
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Ehhh, a game like this is set to have a long Alpha and Beta as well. People i know are mostly waiting is for the MMO loop to be at place, released or not, it's more about have the gameplay loop in place. That and SQ42 that is likely to set the standard when it comes to expectations regardings quality of gameplay, i think that one can be the deal-maker or breaker depending if it's good or not. You aren't interested into playing SQ42 then?

Sure I am, when it's released and ready :) My point is that I'm done giving CIG money before they say its ready and done.
Will there be children on space stations? Or, are they purely families at all

Do we know what general NPC behavior will be like? Perhaps something like Radiant AI, like TES where NPCs can give you missions in certain conditions?

What sort of NPC density is expected? Seems like ArcCorp city should be teeming with NPC, you'd have to push through a crowd. (I'm hoping it isn't just like every RPG town store with a bunch of players crowding a couple merchants.

What does authority look like from the first person POV? We know security ships/patrols but how will policing look on foot? Will more militaristic areas see marching patrols in full gear while more pacifistic places would have individual or paired patrols carrying batons and minimal protection (if any)?

What is the on foot response to criminality? Will police perform random searches? Will they shoot to kill for a pickpocket or will they attempt to subdue you first? (would love to start a massive bar fight and then see my character get dragged to the drunk tank)

Just some thoughts...
Sure I am, when it's released and ready :) My point is that I'm done giving CIG money before they say its ready and done.

I just said because if you were only giving in the moment SC was released, SQ42 set to come before would have a skip, that's why i wondered xD

Will there be children on space stations? Or, are they purely families at all

Do we know what general NPC behavior will be like? Perhaps something like Radiant AI, like TES where NPCs can give you missions in certain conditions?

Doesn't feel AI can go that in-depth, but you're set to play with AI, for example as described already smuggling to be a mechanic that plays under the radars with AI, and so on. If you noticed, Arccorp itself has verification of entries and parts, and as it was described, some shady deals would be possible inside Arccorp that is a secure area, but you need some way to conduct the "illegal" operation under their radar, or get caught. This seems to also play with reputation of the player, and with missions, and if i didn't understood wrong, how the player setting, reputation i think affects what kind of missions you can get.

The rest it's mostly not known side of brief mentions, that must be that part of the AI design they don't know the all the details on.
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I wouldn't want children in space.

Not just because of all the extra work for the models, but because no one would do it. Space is dangerous. It's dangerous now, and it'll probably always be dangerous. Putting children in a place where the failure of essential equipment could kill or main them for no good reason would be profoundly irresponsible.

Looking at you Enterprise D :[mad]
AI on some land-able zones that is children sure, they're vanity though.

HOWEVER some people have requested on the forum, so we can marry and have space babies. [noob]!!!!
We need the females to arrive soon. I just don't know how i feel about specific physics on the female character model, very known on very popular actual MMOs, mostly from Korea, it's amazing!
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There goes my idea it was German wizards casting spells at the code. :(

Love the draw distance it renders, however once they push on all the necessary details, that may become too expensive to render hmm


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Cool! A small little sand plot map with a PG skybox done in the editor.

What, if anything, could CIG show you that would make you feel more positive about the game's prospects? Serious question - I really would like to know. If the answer is nothing then that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. CIG is very open and shows a ton of stuff, but I cannot remember any news in this thread that you have ever responded positively to.
Odd that the closest detail (around the player) looks very low resolution, you can literally see the vertices joining up three "tris" at about 41 seconds into the vid, it's supposed to be the other way around with LOD falling off into the distance :)
Odd that the closest detail (around the player) looks very low resolution, you can literally see the vertices joining up three "tris" at about 41 seconds into the vid, it's supposed to be the other way around with LOD falling off into the distance :)
Yeah a lot of work on textures to be done there, it seems they haven't got to it yet. It also shown a bit when they shown the first demo, it looked good at far, but as approached you noticed the low-res, as this is still a few months old prototype they're likely just be testing it with low-res textures, that is, the actual surface having physics collision on the generated surfaces and shadows also casted properly on those generated surfaces.
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What, if anything, could CIG show you that would make you feel more positive about the game's prospects? Serious question - I really would like to know. If the answer is nothing then that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. CIG is very open and shows a ton of stuff, but I cannot remember any news in this thread that you have ever responded positively to.

I have had a positive reaction many times, just not in a while. Sadly I moved past the falling for CIG's hype machine. The problem is that CIG are not in fact open at all. Everything CIG says is done in a very ambigues way, just read the monthly reports, most of that does not translate into anything seen from CIG. Most of their videos are fake and have nothing to do with their actual development.

Remember the "sneak peak" that ended up being year old footage that had nothing to do with development?

Remember all the video's and info for Star Marine, and yet nothing come from it?

How about all the animation that turns out they have to redo again.

The PG tech video to proclaim their PG tech, yet it was just their handcrafted base they have been working on for over a year plopped into a really bad PG tech.

This last video, where again, they are indicating its something its not.

I would like to see CIG actually be open. Stop producing hype video's and actually talk about what it is. At this point there is not much CIG can show because they have shown that they are willing to fabricate progress and all their hype video's have no baring on what they actually release. CIG have long gone past the point of "put up or shut up".

CIG are not open, never has been, this on the other hand is what open actually looks like.

Unlike CIG, this company actually has a road map for its game. And shockingly it shares it with everyone.


I have a question for you. At what point will you stop being a "fan of CIG"? What will CIG have to do for you to get to that point?
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PG tech worked on for over 1 year? So Brian Chambers is lying as the studio lead of Germany when he says they started working on the tech, 3 months before it was shown? And that was reported on the monthly reports as they worked on it! What the hell?

Of course it's all a conspiracy, of course the developers are not working on what they say they are on the studio reports... They are being paid to lie! Obviously, right? :rolleyes:
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