Some good info on what to expect at "release" @ 23:08...
What a time to be alive![]()
Still no TrackIR support?
Anyone got any idea when this will be back?
Still no TrackIR support?
Anyone got any idea when this will be back?
So if ED is 'mile wide and an inch deep' the Star Citizen 'minimum viable product' will be an 'inch wide and a inch deep' . $112 million later, maybe now people here might cut Frontier a little more slack and time to get things right.
They have got a hell of a lot more game for a hell of a lot less money.
I say this as and Original backer of Star Citizen who backed to the tune of $1000's expecting a 2014 release, in that period pretty much everything that was promised turned out to be a lie from putting in zero-order mouse controls to reselling limited ships to reselling Lifetime insurance. CIG are literally the most shameless crowd of articles I have ever come across, they make EA and Ubisoft look like saints.
Hah ha you wish. The brand apathy around these games is crazy and people write their own realities in which everything that is being done by company A is entirely different to company B.
If RSI put out an MVP version of Star-Citizen they probably won't use words like "release" and I doubt they'll be pulling in the extra hours to fix all of the show stopping bugs that Frontier did over that Christmas period. The hard-core fans will insist it's not the same and that everything RSI is doing is correct and everything Frontier did was lazy/wrong/tool of the horned one.
If ED was still in early access/Alpha there would be no discernible difference in the way they are being offered to an outsider. Both still in active development with no clear cut-off point.
It's only that Frontier put out something they called a "release" that differentiates them. It's otherwise meaningless in terms of where they both are as projects. They are just two space games in active development with reasonable sized teams behind them.
...Maybe this one is better. 2.0( 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3)...
As soon as they mentioned Baby PU my understanding was they were focusing on "minimum viable product", quite surprised people haven't been getting that. I honestly can't see this game reaching the state where it can be put into a big 90's cardboard box that contains everyone's dreams and expectations anytime soon. I can't see CIG drawing a line under it anymore than FD did with ED and SC will probably faff about in Alpha/Beta state for a good few years like Kerbal Space Program and DayZ. I suspect SQ42 will make it in some kind of completed form which they are hoping will help continue funding SC, but I struggle to imagine the day when RSI remove the ship store.
Hah ha you wish. The brand apathy around these games is crazy and people write their own realities in which everything that is being done by company A is entirely different to company B.
If RSI put out an MVP version of Star-Citizen they probably won't use words like "release" and I doubt they'll be pulling in the extra hours to fix all of the show stopping bugs that Frontier did over that Christmas period. The hard-core fans will insist it's not the same and that everything RSI is doing is correct and everything Frontier did was lazy/wrong/tool of the horned one.
If ED was still in early access/Alpha there would be no discernible difference in the way they are being offered to an outsider. Both still in active development with no clear cut-off point.
It's only that Frontier put out something they called a "release" that differentiates them. It's otherwise meaningless in terms of where they both are as projects. They are just two space games in active development with reasonable sized teams behind them.
It's only that Frontier put out something they called a "release" that differentiates them. It's otherwise meaningless in terms of where they both are as projects. They are just two space games in active development with reasonable sized teams behind them.
Still no TrackIR support?
Anyone got any idea when this will be back?
Well, as far as I know they stated that head tracking is going to be implemented much earlier than VR.
Completely disagree, ED has planets I can land on and stations. It has an excellent well thought out Flight model, it has balanced arena combat, it has 'first order' controls across all input so no controller issuers like SC. SC is riddled with bugs, their is one station, most ships cant even fly properly, controls are the worst implementation in the history of space-sims, the flight model is just Crysis without a floor with zero consequence to maneuvers strafe left strafe right. The difference is SC has no worthwhile core gameplay or even a believable roadmap.
I backed both games and had little to no interest in Elite, I just backed it to support space-sims. Star Citizen was a complete bait and switch, direct lies were told to early backers on countless things and now it is a garbage FPS in space. The worst implementation of gameplay in any space-sim I have ever played from IWAR 2 to X-rebirth. The crapped on the space-sim community who backed early pursuing casual money and now they have flip flopped so many times the result is an incoherent mess. Frontier have not done that and I for one am grateful and will continue to support them.
That doesn't really mean much in an absence of deadlines and a roadmap. Much earlier than never could still be a lot of time to wait.
I respectfully disagree. If RSI said tomorrow "Right, patch 2.4 is now the release product" without persistence, with only 2 missions, with only 1 star system, with no planetary landings, with half the ships people had "paid good money for" still not even in the hangar, etc, etc... It would not be accurate to say it was the same as ED(H)
Unfortunately for ED, even the limited amount of quests available in the baby PU now are way more interesting than what ED has offered for the given time. The quests incorporate flying the space ships, tracing the beacons, combat, and EVA. Not to mention that the quests have different ways of development.
I took the break after 0.8/0.9, tested a little exactly a year ago for a brief moment due to bugged joystick/HOTAS controls.
However, I never had any of the issues you have described since I restarted playing SC with PTU 2.1.
Indeed you cannot land on the planets in SC... yet, however, the seamless transition of the flight from space to orbit to surface was already demonstrated. And it looks much more seamless than what we have in ED. So we have to wait and see how it is going to be implemented in the public build when it is ready.
1. Flight model.
It was significantly changed in 2.0, it is still being improved, and it is completely different from the FM that was there before 2.0. I.e. I find it quite enjoyable to fly in SC now with HOTAS + rudder pedals, I have attempted to test KB/M and it felt awkward to me, so I switched back to HOTAS immediately, and for me it is way more comfortable this way.
After playing SC and retrospectively looking at ED's flight model, I would question the idea of "slow" yaw in ED. While I play SC, I use all three axes (pitch/yaw/roll) at the same time to control the movements of the ships. I do exactly the same in ED even with a much slower yaw, i.e. it really changes nothing. And a friend of mine had exactly the same feelings after testing SC recently.
Actually, I would say that yaw gives more options in SC compared with ED. And I think that it is very important to add here that the designs of the ships, e.g. thruster placements significantly affect the pitch/yaw/roll rates. I.e. if you use one ship you can find it more easy to perform pitch/yaw manoeuvres, however, if you take Gladius - this ship favours pitch/roll controls. I.e. SC seems to be more realistic in this way without artificial limitations.
2. Controller devices.
The controller devices in SC are probably going to define the loadout that players are going to choose, i.e. HOTAS is more suitable for fixed weapons, while KB/M are more suitable for gimballed weapons, and gimballed weapons are one size smaller than fixed one, which is meant to balance the weapons.
Reading the rest of this part regarding the controls, ships, etc. makes me wonder, when actually you were playing SC the last time?
One station is not the issue for the current moment. It suits it purpose, which is testing quite well. Not to mention that there are different POI. And what do you mean that the ships can't fly properly? I was flying Gladius, SH, Sabre, Scythe, Glaive, Vanguard, M50, 350R, and I did not have any issues with flying them. What consequences do you expect from strafing left or right?
Some of the gameplay elements are already there, and I think that the only reason why someone is saying that there is not "worthwhile core gameplay" is that this person have not played it. Unfortunately for ED, even the limited amount of quests available in the baby PU now are way more interesting than what ED has offered for the given time. The quests incorporate flying the space ships, tracing the beacons, combat, and EVA. Not to mention that the quests have different ways of development.
I would agree with you definition of SC being FPS in space a year ago, or at 0.8 launch. However, I completely disagree with this definition if we are speaking of the current version of the release.
I would say that currently implementing TrackIR is not a priority for them. There are lots of more important things to do.