SC v3.x gets "better" with each patch...
Too bad that Jim Sterling is not fan of space games...if he was at this point he had made 100+ videos about SC, since he "enjoys" playing broken games...
and SC business model for him would be pure lolzbucket...
Frankly I am holding his feet to the fire regarding his complete and utter lack of coverage of SC. He's been covering pay to win, lootboxes, and all the bad stuff happening in the industry, but he has not touched SC with a ten-foot pole. And I don't think that he just wasn't interested. It's much more likely that he wanted to avoid antagonizing all the SC-believers and apologists.
And even if he did a video NOW, the fact of the matter is that criticizing SC back around the time of the Kickstarter was akin to heresy. I felt like an outcast for stating my doubt as to the technical and operative feasability of what they were promising. I don't "need" Jim Sterling to validate my complaints, in my mind he should've spoken out back when Star Citizen was promising the world and
most everyone fell for it. That's when he could've made a difference. Now, with people getting impatient and finally starting to ask the hard questions, and the constant delays and the quality of SC releases exposing it for what it is, there's hardly any valor in pointing out the issues.
It's my belief that he chose to dodge the fire.
And any day that he keeps ignoring the absolutely blatant Pay to Win hellhole that is Star Citizen is another day that he just avoids a confrontation he feels could make him unpopular.
But hey. Perhaps he'll prove me wrong. It would not fix the earlier fact, but it would be *something*.