The Star Citizen Thread v8

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Haha, he actually said it would be playable that year. And just listen to him, he's making it up on the fly! "we will make it a....... TRILOGY". I sometimes thought Something Jones over at SA over-exaggerated his transcriptions, but then i watch a CR video and remember he actually speaks like that.

I have to agree. It really does seem like he makes it up on the fly. And straight after his ad-hoc "TRILOGY" story-making-on-the-fly, the clanger, "Episode 1 is what people will play this year. And that's the one that has the equivalent of 17 Wing Commander missions". That's all great, except that he said it over three years ago. Said it before and I'll say it again... he has no shame.
Beggars belief doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, I've spent over a hundred quid on ED... but speculating fifteen thousand dollars on a game that's currently nothing more than a glorified tech demo after seven years and $180 million?
Edit: Gravlev update is in for better handling and performance of the speederbikes, check it out.
Not sure what's updated there as that is the existing behavior for the Nox. I can attest to that. Also will randomly shoot up to orbit after hitting a small rock. I think that is one of the best examples that show how non functional the game engine is, it's beyond broken.
Why do people keep refering to a pre-alpha game like it's a finished product? By all means slate it when it launches if it's rubbish but to criticise broken gameplay in a pre-alpha game is all kinds of stupid.

Because CIG and the backers treat it as a finished game. Thats why people get so upset at performance issues and why CIG waste so much money polishing the game.

If it were treated as a preAlpha, none of those pretty ships would exist and CIG would be busy getting the engine working and doing basic and fundamental design work.

Because it's in Alpha, not Pre-alpha.


Clue is in the fact CIG, after 6 years, still don't have a working engine and still have yet to complete fundamental design work.
CR chose CryEngine to make an MMO... it's going to take more than seven years to make that happen, and I say that as a low level backer...

Its actually doable.

CRs problem is that he tried to build a game with CE.....then he tried to modify the engine to support said game while still developing it...then he changed the type of game he was creating...then he tried to modify the engine even more.

CIGs own devs stated the issue themselves. The engine is operating beyond its capabilities and while it would certainly be possible to modify it to accommodate CRs vision, doing so NOW, while active development is occurring, with fundamental design work not completed and critical choices not made, is going to take far longer and be much more complex, costly and prone to error.

CIG should, by all rights, cease active development of the game and transfer their devs into fixing their core engine.

Looking at the demos, it is obvious there are some major problems with something in SC and, given the scope and variety of problems, involving everything from physics to networking to collisions to rendering, the obvious culprit is the game engine.

But they won't.

But modifying CE to support an MMO is doable. CE isn' optimal choice, but it'd be doable.
Errrr... He did say that the game as pitched could not be made for less than $150m. So he got that bit right. [up]

Yeah, I said that too, as did many others. No, I meant his prediction of imminent collapse that he made years ago. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. All of this is a mystery to me.
Still, it's a mystery to me that this is still going. Derek Smart was not right.

Derek Smart gets a lot of the technical stuff right
We also know he has...had, at least...sources within CIG and that CIG are not above active attempts to discredit him

But we also know he'll spread rumours simply because he likes to see how SC backers react and he isn't above twisting the knife.

Nor is he above trying to make himself look good and all knowing. I've been in "talks" for instance, where he has called me wrong, tried to show this by posting links that show I am right then declared I am still wrong and he is right because of "context" and then threaten to ban me from his forums because of circular arguing.

Derek Smart gets quite a bit right, but you need to turn your filter waaay up to try and remove all the language intended to make himself look good or promote his products.

But technical stuff? Things like instances and talking about engines? He's often spot on.
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Yeah, I said that too, as did many others. No, I meant his prediction of imminent collapse that he made years ago. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. All of this is a mystery to me.

I think everyone underestimated peoples ability and willingness to fund a dream. Normally, people ask for their money back at the slightest hint of trouble. With SC, it seems the more problems crop up, the more money people are willing to throw at the project.

People often are not this forgiving with their money. Under normal curcumstances, I'd have expected more people to queue for refunds myself.
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Its actually doable. <snip>But modifying CE to support an MMO is doable. CE isn' optimal choice, but it'd be doable.</snip>

I am genuinely not convinced that CR's version (per Kickstarter claims and thousands of pronouncements since) of an MMO is doable in CE, given the state of the art. Unfortunately, I've only come to this conclusion since I pledged. But then again, and equally unfortunately, I don't understand game development so creating an MMO in CE could well be as easy as switching VR on or moving from CE to Lumberyard.
People often are not this forgiving with their money. Under normal curcumstances, I'd have expected more people to queue for refunds myself.

But, but, the dream!!!!

Sharing the Great Vision of Roberts, making a living wage out of streaming adventures in the 'Verse, those free Idrises, and full on real-time PVP guild warfare in instances with 1000's of players in a universe with hundreds of realistic, fully populated systems with millions of NPC's going about their daily lives who you can form in-game relationships and interactions with. All those hundreds of different possibie ways of delivering boxes. Real-Life (TM) mocapped animations! There has never been another game like this, because developing a game like this is simply not possible by anyone other than Genuine Roberts. You just don't understand game development.

Buy an Idris!
But, but, the dream!!!!

Sharing the Great Vision of Roberts, making a living wage out of streaming adventures in the 'Verse, those free Idrises, and full on real-time PVP guild warfare in instances with 1000's of players in a universe with hundreds of realistic, fully populated systems with millions of NPC's going about their daily lives who you can form in-game relationships and interactions with. All those hundreds of different possibie ways of delivering boxes. Real-Life (TM) mocapped animations! There has never been another game like this, because developing a game like this is simply not possible by anyone other than Genuine Roberts. You just don't understand game development.

Buy an Idris!

And this lot certainly look like they might be in the market for an interactive relationship with an NPC, given the alternative is probably the life of a solitary but hey all-powerful fleet owning king of mom's basement...


Credit to Jerry Hayes for the photo.
I am genuinely not convinced that CR's version (per Kickstarter claims and thousands of pronouncements since) of an MMO is doable in CE, given the state of the art.

Depends on what you think his vision is. I think he'd have to make a number of compromises....1000 players in a battle instance where everyone can see and interact with each other is not possible, but 1000 players in a system instance with limited interaction between them very likely would be...but assuming he was able to get the server and networking systems running, an MMO would be doable.

Unfortunately, CIG doesn't appear to have done the necessary design work and don't appear to have much of a clue as to designing or creating an MMO, and therefore only a limited grasp of what needs to be done to amend CE in order to allow it to support an MMO.

Unfortunately, I've only come to this conclusion since I pledged. But then again, and equally unfortunately, I don't understand game development so creating an MMO in CE could well be as easy as switching VR on or moving from CE to Lumberyard.

Despite what CIG might say, neither of those tasks fall into something I would categorise as easy, simple or quick. Even if there were no problems or issues in the conversion, something I find a tad unlikely, I'd expect every aspect of the game to be thoroughly tested...a process I'd expect to take more than two days on its own.

Assuming such testing was done correctly...which, now that I say that, may be an error on my part as I have doubted that ease of conversion as testing alone should take more than two days, and assuming CR even required testing may be me giving him more credit than he is due.
You just don't understand game development.

I'd like to think I understand game development very well...but again, my knowledge and experience is outdated.

What I don't understand is the Chris Roberts' Fidelicious Project Management system of Game Design.

I'm obviously missing something because what I know of how CIG is developing SC strikes me as contrary to everything the games development industry has learned over nearly 40 years. There must be some advantage to wasting money by polishing the graphics and performance of a preAlpha or developing a game without a functional engine that I am missing.

Buy an Idris!
Do you think there'll be a market?
Yeah, I said that too, as did many others. No, I meant his prediction of imminent collapse that he made years ago. Anyway, that doesn’t matter. All of this is a mystery to me.

There's no mystery here. A large amount of whales are prepared to cut of their tails to spite their blowholes; just as long as Derek's claims are delayed long enough for them to point a finger and say "Ha-Hah!".
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