The Star Citizen Thread v8

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SpeedierTree! Like Speed Tree, but $200 more.

20% more leaves! Buy an Idris!

Future SC profession - lumberjack confirmed!

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Whatever you want man. [haha] You just keep STANDING BY for the BREAKING NEWS!!!!!

The "breaking news" is that CIG are a bit low on funds.

Which isn't really news. The news is the figure of $9 million.

Which, by itself, is meaningless. CIG are still raising a fair bit of money so even if this figure is true...and I have no reason to either doubt or believe it at this means nothing.

$9million simply means CIG will run out of money in two years instead of five.....unless funding collapses or picks up....and even then, CIG will probably find someone willing to invest or give them credit.

Either way, CIG aren't going anywhere soon. Unless they have a whole bunch of liabilities or debts.

Anyone know if they've paid Coutts back yet.

The figure of $9 million is interesting more for what it represents and allows.

$9 million isn't enough to sustain CIG long enough for it to fix the engine or create the game for example. It means the game is dead unless CIG secures a significant source of additional funding.

It means their ability to secure additional credit is limited, as is their ability to defend against any court case.

It implies a lot more people have successfully obtained a refund than many might otherwise assume.

And so on.

But the problem is, it has long been common knowledge and accepted that CIG were spending more money than they were raising and accepted that CIG were running out of money. Many took the way they resisted refunds, even where legally obligated, as confirmation of this.

So the question isn't whether Derek Smart is lying or right or wrong. This "breaking news" really tells us nothing we didn't already know or suspect. If it's true, it simply adds a bit more detail.
I really don't get people's problems with him, unless they are SC shill. Yeah he has a tendency to oversell his breaking news, and his blog postings do tend to be a bit rambling, but compared to his posting on USENET back in the 90s, he's pretty chilled nowadays and enjoys a good banter.

To be honest, I would rather buy into his game which he has mostly self-funded than the P2W monstrosity that is CRobbers' magnum opus.

He oversells his news and he isn't above twisting the knife or trolling just to get a reaction.

He's also self centered, egotistical and can't seem to stand the idea that others might be right. It's not enough that he be right...he must be the MOST right. He also doesn't like debating people who disagree with him, nor does he like losing a debate.

OTOH, a lot of what he posts is right, especially about the technical side of things. But while I hear he is very charming in person, online he can be VERY aggressive and abrasive. A lot of stuff he posts IS right and there is a lot that is obviously just (re)posting stuff simply to get a reaction but you do need a filter when talking with him to remove all the garbage he spouts.

But to a large degree, people have problems with him because he is simply the loudest of those who are pointing out the flaws and problems with the way CIG are developing Star Citizen
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To be fair to Derek, his longest running and most consistent claim is "Star Citizen as pitched cannot be made", and CIG have failed to prove that wrong.

I watched Frontier prove him wrong with Elite Dangerous and I've watched CIG prove him right since 2015.

For my money Derek is sitting with something solid regarding finances and I can say that because I have taken the time to read his stuff over the years, which is something that backers don't even bother to do. He has *consistently* claimed that he wanted financial transparency (as promised by CIG) and he has used this to give a 'public interest' slant to his actions. In fact he has said that in recap in pretty much everything he has written since 2015.

So I think he's gotten his hands on finances of some description. The problem is he's going to have to show his hand.

Also lol at them showing speedtrees, there's no more than a day's work there. In the last 4 months they've shown no more than a month's work for a team of a dozen devs. It's pathetic, disgraceful and borderline criminal.


Volunteer Moderator
I pop away for one day and suddenly we forget the topic of the thread. It is Star Citizen. Got that? Star Citizen.

Other developers do exist, but they are not the topic of the thread.

If you have nothing to say about the topic, which is Star Citizen, Then don't bother typing.
Interesting video though I think he lost his way with the analogy a bit - though it started promisingly.

The flight model does look rubbish. I don't think they either want to change it or have the ability to change it much.

And going with the private server thing at the end - I though private servers were on the sometime maybe never list last time they were mentioned..
Pretty sure that this guy has drunk too much of the koolaid, but two things.

1) He states that he's not "one of those $45 backers" ... elitist anyone? This is exactly the whale mentality that is forever funding this travesty of a project.
2) Future private servers? What is he on? LOL. When does he think he's gonna get that? If the court case says otherwise, it's possible that the additional delays in development (due to requirements to redo the entire engine perhaps - like ripping out CryEngine) - might delay developement so much that the entire thing collapses due to not enough money. Not that unexpected given the 9M dollar left in the bank thing that just surfaced.

So, not sure private servers will ever be a thing.
Yup, as we all no doubt recall the fateful talking heads show. It was stated clearly that "Private servers will be the last thing we do. in fact one of the five of us might be dead before we get around to them..." (sic)

if the current thought train of "Sooner of later they will need to charge subs for the public servers" is anywhere near correct, that is another reason why they will never allow the faithful to stray off the reservation.

But they’re right aren’t they. Grey Market trades are hardly legally binding contracts. Everyone how is buying stuff on the grey market is an order of magnitude more stupid than the SC whales. And f course they are supporting it, that’s why they are making money.
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Volunteer Moderator
Private servers will be right after the Linux version

min 1:50:50 in case the direct link does not work. You got to admire the nerve in how casually CIG dismisses and obliterates some of the main kickstarter promises.

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