What would be rational explanations for CiG to hold back any advantages they made? I realize this is one of the last hopes firm believers have.
Are there benefits to be had from holding back any break-throughs or shiny new stuff? CiG in the last 2 years has shown that it cannot get cheap enough when it comes to marketing its piece of garbage. Ripping off its trusted and most valued backers in the process. Showing verifiable progress and development would reinforce backer trust, draw in new blood and actually help much more with marketing then anything the very fanatical mouthbreathers could do on their own. It would shut up dissent and critiques and disarm many complaints.
There really is no good reason to hold back on something like this apart from "you are not worthy to experience Chris's genius".
Sitting on something so big in order to prevent competition from getting in on it is a laughable thought. First of all a lot of competition has actually passed Star Citizens current stage. While I can see a company trying to "protect" its assets from intellectual theft fact is that the greater public perceives Star Citizen as a scam or at least a dead project IF they heard about it at all (IMO most people have heard about SC but most of these people connect it with the Smart incident and overall scamminess). Yet somehow CiGs behavior is more withdrawn, focusing on the trusted fanatics in its circle. They hardly make public appearances anymore and most articles we can read are either blatant shill pieces or discuss the "problems of Star Citizen".
Is it really a good idea to hold back anything that could help your company to regain trust and confidence?
So....a secret dev build IMO is wishful thinking. CiG blew everything they had on their last trailer, the one which was notoriously unimpressive despite the shine and glamor. If they had anything at all they could use, they would. If they dont show anything new its because they dont have anything at all. Its a bitter pill but really, people need to drop the rose tinted glasses and pull up the big boy pants.
Are there benefits to be had from holding back any break-throughs or shiny new stuff? CiG in the last 2 years has shown that it cannot get cheap enough when it comes to marketing its piece of garbage. Ripping off its trusted and most valued backers in the process. Showing verifiable progress and development would reinforce backer trust, draw in new blood and actually help much more with marketing then anything the very fanatical mouthbreathers could do on their own. It would shut up dissent and critiques and disarm many complaints.
There really is no good reason to hold back on something like this apart from "you are not worthy to experience Chris's genius".
Sitting on something so big in order to prevent competition from getting in on it is a laughable thought. First of all a lot of competition has actually passed Star Citizens current stage. While I can see a company trying to "protect" its assets from intellectual theft fact is that the greater public perceives Star Citizen as a scam or at least a dead project IF they heard about it at all (IMO most people have heard about SC but most of these people connect it with the Smart incident and overall scamminess). Yet somehow CiGs behavior is more withdrawn, focusing on the trusted fanatics in its circle. They hardly make public appearances anymore and most articles we can read are either blatant shill pieces or discuss the "problems of Star Citizen".
Is it really a good idea to hold back anything that could help your company to regain trust and confidence?
So....a secret dev build IMO is wishful thinking. CiG blew everything they had on their last trailer, the one which was notoriously unimpressive despite the shine and glamor. If they had anything at all they could use, they would. If they dont show anything new its because they dont have anything at all. Its a bitter pill but really, people need to drop the rose tinted glasses and pull up the big boy pants.