Just to add a bit of devil's advocate here with the $27,000 ship pack, there are people in the Eve Online community that would consider that an investment, provided of course all the functionality that goes with the assets actually gets released. As a comparator, it takes an age to grind out the smallest capital ship in Eve (I have a solo grinded Carrier parked in lo sec, which took about 2 years of legitimate play) and the Titans are worth $10,000's in time for a corp/alliance to grind out, so what you have here are wealthy Eve Online players looking and willing (and able to afford) to pay hard cash to get a leg up in SC on a speculative basis, because IF CR delivers the vision then you are going to pwn.
That's what drives the ship sales and also what drives the grey market - I have mingled with these folks and to the unaware its pretty incredulous from the outside how deep this rabbit hole goes and to what lengths these people will go to "win" these open world games. We're not talking about "nerds in their mom's basement" on welfare, but rather 6+ figure income a year trust fund "kiddies" (most are actually adults) with nothing better to do, but its better than bolstering Columbia's export market for the lulz... Some also see it as a legitimate "emergent" business (look up the "shares" issued in BurgerKing and the first player run stations in the earlier Eve days). I'm thankful that FDev seem to be somewhat aware of these things (but not always).