BTW: This thread should be moved out of "General Gaming Discussion" into "Off-Topic Discussion", as there won't be any video game to discuss.
There is no need for that really. Games that don't happen are still games that could have been. And Star Citizen imo could have been great. Alas.
I backed back in 2014. I already knew who Chris Roberts was and what happened in the development of his games. The idea of MMO WC was cool though (been an EVE Online player for a decade), so I thought I'd give the project a chance (pledged 65$ or so for a shiny "Origin 315p explorer"). I'd also get a cool modern WC space-sim/opera out of it for the price of admission.
At this point, there really are unsurmountable problems with the project.
One of them is the technical and engineering debt that has been accumulating so far over all these years. It is really impossible to get an end product that does not break many of the promises its developers made to fund making it.
The second one is game balance. At this point, the only thing worse than the game never coming out would be if the game did. CIG is trying to make an MMO with a balanced NPE and PPE while at the same time avoiding RMT/P2W, planning for a post-release revenue stream via Cr/$ (among voluntary subscriptions and other things), hoping for a balanced MMO game economy and having to deliver $180M+ of game assets holding a tangible in-game value to the playerbase. At launch. While proclaiming to everyone that pays money for ingame assets now that "when the game launches, the stuff you bought with real money will be worth a lot, LOT more in converted gameplay value. Grab them now, they are only getting more expensive as time goes on".
This is an insane ride. I'm still on the train, but I'm mildly more interested in the trainwreck I think it's coming. I don't really feel bad about it, or even want my money back. And I hope I am either dead wrong (thus getting two good games out of this in the end) or dead right (and getting enough drama to chew on for years).
I really cannot lose in this.