The Star Citizen Thread v9

Play other video games...

To be fair I am doing lot of small things in ED while traveling in supercruise if I feel I want to (and to be even more honest, I think it is part of why I like ED, it's flow really allows to switch off brain for some time while travelling somewhere). Sometimes I tag on signal sources, but making coffee or taking bathroom break is normal. I think SC difference is that there is literately nothing to do, because lot of stuff they would hint isn't in yet.

All major mechanics are in the game, you just do not see them...

Belief is strong with this one.

Also lot of very insightful comments upvoted on that subreddit thread. Guess times really have changed huh.
"Everything is already in the game, coming soon in the patch after the next patch after the half patch!"

Can we get this guy for the next Brexit secretary? ;)
I think Lorville is very much an "armed guards on every corner, for your safety and well being, citizens!"

So it would not end well... Then again that bug video the other day saw a nekkid fella taking a pasting from 3 or 4 guard rifles and laughing it off :/

Could be good for a laugh if the line gets too long though. Also just took another look at the screenshot, finally found the fps meter. 18 seems a bit low for something that's indoors, unless I'm not seeing the wide open planet rendered around.
To be fair I am doing lot of small things in ED while traveling in supercruise if I feel I want to (and to be even more honest, I think it is part of why I like ED, it's flow really allows to switch off brain for some time while travelling somewhere). Sometimes I tag on signal sources, but making coffee or taking bathroom break is normal. I think SC difference is that there is literately nothing to do, because lot of stuff they would hint isn't in yet.

What I find amusing is that for a long, long time people would say that SC was going to get space travel done right, it would be far more engaging, eventful etc.

But, it's actually far less engaging, far less eventful and there is so much time wasting in what is available at the moment.
What I find amusing is that for a long, long time people would say that SC was going to get space travel done right, it would be far more engaging, eventful etc.

But, it's actually far less engaging, far less eventful and there is so much time wasting in what is available at the moment.

This is what i find rather annoying.

While i understand part of the reasoning of larger ships being faster in quantum drive with them having a larger drive.

So small ships accelerate and move faster in normal space while larger ships move faster in quantum but slower in normal space.

- It cements the requirements for larger ships like carriers for the UEE to move around smaller carrier based fighters
- It gives a larger ships a head start to get away from a smaller pursuer
- It makes attacks against freighters and larger ships limited to approach and ascent from planets

The drawback is...

- Larger ships that can have a lot of things done within Q drive have the shortest time within Q drive giving crew the least time to tinker
- Small ships with no interior have nothing to do for a very long time during long travels

but there are interesting scenarios and pros/cons to it

- Escorts becomes a choice between safety and speed for larger ships that has to slow down in Q drive to the slower small ships
- Small ship pilots would want to get on board and travel with larger ship carrying vessels to save time
What I find amusing is that for a long, long time people would say that SC was going to get space travel done right, it would be far more engaging, eventful etc.

But, it's actually far less engaging, far less eventful and there is so much time wasting in what is available at the moment.

It was largely the boasting about it being the BDSSE that turned me from a non-vocal skeptic into a vocal one. Costant cries of how this was going to have (or even people saying it already has) more content than any AAA game (while all they had was the hanger module and arena) just annoyed the hell out of me.

I mean how often have we heard it from devs and fans alike?

"This game is going to be the best ever? After this, nobody will play any other game (or game X!)"

And time and time again, it turned out to be just another game. Look at the people who pinned their hopes on the likes of Gariott or others from the same era who burst back on the scene making great promises of what would be, and failed to materialize. And yet, they put their faith in CR. Braben has his critics as well, but he did forge a sucessful company and kept it running for years, even though the slim years, and since then produced big games.

And here is Star Citizen, still being hailed as the best thing sliced bread, when it doesn't even warrnt the title of crust in its current state. Maybe, one day, it will see a release, but i'm pretty certain by that point it will be just another game, and maybe not even a good one.
What I find amusing is that for a long, long time people would say that SC was going to get space travel done right, it would be far more engaging, eventful etc.

But, it's actually far less engaging, far less eventful and there is so much time wasting in what is available at the moment.

Yet other games still get bashed while SC gets praised and if you dare to mention this situation you are a hater...
Yet other games still get bashed while SC gets praised and if you dare to mention this situation you are a hater...

I have never understood that.

All games are worthy of criticism, perhaps on different aspects but still worthy of it.

- Star Citizen: Not yet done
- Elite: Every expansion and their implementation so far...
- NMS: Original release lies and the blowback from that (it better be on one hell of a sale before i touch it with a ten foot pole)
- X-Rebirth: Should have been called ...I hope X4 is better...


If nothing else healthy criticism can make a game better - if the devs listen...
I have never understood that.

All games are worthy of criticism, perhaps on different aspects but still worthy of it.

- Star Citizen: Not yet done
- Elite: Every expansion and their implementation so far...
- NMS: Original release lies and the blowback from that (it better be on one hell of a sale before i touch it with a ten foot pole)
- X-Rebirth: Should have been called ...I hope X4 is better...


If nothing else healthy criticism can make a game better - if the devs listen...

Constructive criticism provides valuable feedback.

I wouldn't say what we do here is make constructive criticism. I'm just here for the lulz myself. SC can suceed or fail on its own merits, CIG don't need my feedback.
Constructive criticism provides valuable feedback.

I wouldn't say what we do here is make constructive criticism. I'm just here for the lulz myself. SC can suceed or fail on its own merits, CIG don't need my feedback.

Sure, i can say the same myself.

It does not change the fact that some people lash out instead of listening to either praise or criticism and evaluate what is being said.
I'm neither positive nor negative, I'm not that involved I don't get into rooting for or disliking one side of something or another I don't have the free time or energy. I kickstart, crowdfund, pay early access and otherwise purchase games all the time, then just wait for them and play them. Games are fun, can't have fun being upset.

Or did I misunderstand, were you talking about fleet carriers, while FD said they would be here at the end of this year I expect middle of next year, who knows maybe delayed again till xmas?

Yes, I was referring to the carriers, I'm pretty sure that the engine can't even handle them, otoh what do you want to do with a carrier in a half finished star system anyways.
This is what i find rather annoying.

…now imagine how annoying it is in context of how it's a balancing act that a bajillion different space games have faced before — so there's an embarrassment of riches in data to draw from — and they've pretty much universally concluded that this is the exact wrong thing to do, especially in a multiplayer context.

It's kind of humorous how the whole “never been done before” delusion ethos has been — or maybe always was — warped into something more along the lines of “we haven't done our research and/or refuse to learn from others.” It's a coin toss whether it should be seen as poor design through ignorance or through deliberate contrarianism, but the end result is much the same. [haha]
I am not invested in Star Citizen...why would I even want to provide constructive criticism? I first became involved in all this when the overall toxicity I could observe became so drastic that I had the urge to give my own opinion on things. Simply stating stuff that others didnt want to hear made me the "enemy" as it did with others. For a lot of people its not about the game anymore but about "sticking it" to the SC fanatics. The people who blatantly lie about the state of things, attack you personally about difference in opinion or just distort reality.

Even if I wanted to give constructive criticism....I wouldnt even know where to start. I m too focused on past broken promises or deceptive lies performed in the last few years by CiG in order to even WANT to help them. Water under the bridge? Nope...not for me. The average SC fanatic seems to be perfectly fine to "reset" all past mistakes and give CiG yet another fresh start while at the same time holding grudges against tiny things in other games. At least I treat all games equally and dont have different moral standards depending on which game I talk about.

Agony Aunt is correct. My feedback is neither needed nor wanted. Neither is negative feedback by actual backers by the way. CiG is perfectly okay to let negative criticism be handled by the pro-community or simply drops comments like that into hard-to-find places and doesnt really seem to give a lot about these things. From my point of view CiG is doing what it has to do in order to survive. This is a change from the original "do what they have to do in order to make money". This isnt what I would call open development or intense community interaction or timely reaction. CiG really does the bare minimum when it comes to interacting with its community or listening to what people want. I dont count the ATVs as such, they are pure hype/propaganda channels in my opinion.

And most pages in this thread are not about discussing game mechanics (mostly because the "game" doesnt provide much in terms of content that could be discussed in more then 3 posts). Many pages instead go round and round about the same old things we discussed in the past simply because a new face shows up not bothering to read up but more then willing to call everybody in here names and try to throw mud.

Also while "I have so much fun in SC" or "I find CiGs progress impressive" posts are valid opinion pieces I find them at best annoying because these statements are mostly done with a double standard, dont reflect reality at all and if pointed out you only let yourself be drawn into a debate you dont want or that ends with crap-slinging.

Do I use harsh/negative terms in order to discuss CiG and Star Citizen? Yes for sure. But I dont think I lie about anything. Most of my points reflect my personal opinion, I dont have the first-hand experience to discuss actual ingame gameloops (I think that was a joke haha). Yet by giving my opinion I was being harassed, ridiculed, attacked or refused the right to voice my opinion.

I realize that I deal with fanatics by now when it comes to pro-SC posters. That or clueless people really. I ignore most of the ones I identified as such but there are always new ones showing you know?? And while its impossible to win with these people that doesnt mean that I have to retreat or give up ground when all I did was post my my personal opinion about something else. I didnt attack these folks in particular to warrant an attack against myself or even a snide remark. In the early versions of this thread we had quite a lot of pro-SC people contributing by posting videos, screenshots or giving their own impressions. I dont remember myself belittling or ridiculing or attacking them in any way for having a different opinion then I do. Now I find myself replying to comments that seem to be directly aimed at me or in some cases are actually directed against me. Thats not a trend that I initiated.

I dont know why my negative opinion about SC or CiG makes some people not related to these entities threatened in such a way that they feel the need to attack me in order to "shut me up".

I realize that I have become fairly predictive when it comes to posts and their content (as have many others in this thread) but I dont feel I "force" myself on others...not when this forum utilizes tools like ignore or report features.

Anyway. Star Citizen 2012 is already dead. The "thing" that took its place is a looong way from completion but has already cost more then 10 times the cost of the original project yet backers have not received that value in terms of actual game. While CiG is happily checking off boxes and its community celebrating these as "masterpieces" I still refuse to acknowledge the use of procedural technology in Star Citizen because I dont see the "results" that would come from using this technology. I only see individual objects which are mostly handcrafted in painstaking detail. Thats just one example along many things. Basically Star Citizen is based on lies for me. And personally I want to see them burn for that.

But hey, I am not so driven that I actually deny CiG progress. I admitted things several times over the versions of this thread but none of it made me rethink my opinion as a whole because its mostly tiny things like good-looking screenshots or finding a 10 second GiF/video that shows high FPS or videos showing more then 10 people with acceptable performance. Whatever "breakthrough" CiG and the fanatics celebrate makes me at first wonder or confused either by the mis-use of established industry terms or because what I actually see is by no means as impressive as the word-salad given by the usual suspects make you think. instead I find myself constantly double checking statements or remembering actual facts to deny the reality-changers to gain any ground (its been only 4 years you guys, most of the things are already done). So a lot of space here is wasted on questioning such statements and of course the following round-and-round culminating in either passive-aggressive snide-trolling or outright "you are all haters" comments.

Please...feel free to ignore me.
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Imagine the scene, 40 years from now, 60+y/o people watching their grandsons playing the Star Citizen beta 62.15.0332 and telling them tales of how they were there when the dream began. Having a heart-warming bonding moments...

I literally just hurt myself on my desk.
For a lot of people its not about the game anymore but about "sticking it" to the SC fanatics.

I am glad to see people here are accepting what has been routinely dismissed before: This topic is not about discussing the development of a game, but indeed often about angry and frustrated attempts to 'stick it' to other gamers because of some perceived slight, often from many years ago.

I realize that I deal with fanatics by now when it comes to pro-SC posters. That or clueless people really.

And this is really the heart of it. You, and others here, have already determined that any opinion deviating from yours is from either clueless people or fanatics. Its a pre-emptive ad hominem before the discussion has even began, and before you even know who you are talking to. It is a quasi-religious mindset that makes it completely impossible to have any kind of reasonable discussion. And while you are at least honest about it, this is the prevailing mindset in this topic.

I am glad to see people here are accepting what has been routinely dismissed before: This topic is not about discussing the development of a game, but indeed often about angry and frustrated attempts to 'stick it' to other gamers because of some perceived slight, often from many years ago.

No, that is not actually the topic. That's just how you choose to generalise an already skewed perception on your part into a complete strawman so as to allow you to — on false premises — dismiss a discussion that you do not agree with.

You, and others here, have already determined that any opinion deviating from yours is from either clueless people or fanatics.
…except, of course, that this is not what he said. Rather, what you just said qualifies as one of those pre-emptive ad hominems you talk of. Put another way, it's just nonsense you've made up to attack other posters because you have no coherent or logical argument to make and can only get satisfaction by passive-aggressively attack those whose arguments you have no chance whatsoever to counter. If you want to suggest otherwise, I would like you to pick up any of the discussions he (or any of those non-descript “others”) have had where opinions have differed and show prove this universal pattern. You will, of course, fail completely, which is why you choose this route instead.

And while you are at least honest about it, this is the prevailing mindset in this topic.
Prove it.
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I seem to fall into a weird category of people who are sceptical about SC's development but would be completely delighted if they pull it off. I don't feel the need to slag off every little glitch and psychologically analyse every twitch in Chris Roberts eye.

What they're attempting is stupidly ambitious and I suspect it will remain in a state of permanent development, but it's not actually that far from being a fun, albeit buggy, game.

But I haven't spent any money on it yet!
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