It is not. You can drop out of QT at anytime. You can modify your ship status in QT. You can see other players position update during QT. I can fly a small ship out of a big ship during QT. Multiple players running around in a ship in QT can interact.
Absolutely none of which means the game isn't loading in the planet I would be travelling to. would need to do at some point. The game isn't going to be storing the data of an entire system, planet or even city in memory at any one point in time. That wouldn't be possible so of course it is going to load planetary data in at some point.
Arguing otherwise isn't going to make that truth false. When I leave point A, I have the data for point A in memory...when I have arrive at point B I will need the data for point B so somewhere along that journey, that data got swapped.
QD is a loading screen of the type so many backers said wasn't going to exist. What do you think NCB and OCS do?
And...I'm not complaining. Short of requiring enough memory to store all the map data at once (and not many players have supercomputers) or having a compression routine good enough to allow such data to fit in memory (at which point CIGs money issues would be over), such activity would be necessary.
My issues are
1....why does it take so long?
2....QD does nothing to enhance the sense of scale of the universe. QD didn't make me feel space was big the way supercruise made me feel I was in a long tunnel. Maybe I am alone in this, but if I'm not, then QD fails at one of its impart a sense of scale.
Like it or not....QD (and, by extension, train rides and elevators and so on) appear to be the usual hidden loading screens between mapzones so many games have used.
You seem to be arguing that because I'm not looking at a static screen with the word "loading" that I'm not seeing a loading screen. Welcome to 2018.