The Star Citizen Thread v9

...quotes stuff...
As I said earlier, you can also look up the definition of "video game" or "computer game." I see you're saying it's broad, but that doesn't make it "useless," it just means you need to find another angle because those terms are inclusive, with regards to SC as it stands.
After getting reset back to 10 credits, I worked my way up to 15K pretty quickly yesterday. I did a few gaming sessions yesterday, around real life events so I didn't do much multiplayer until the last night. During the day sessions, I basically ran missions to regain credits, however, I paid attention to chat and always targeted the wanted criminals (PVP). It is a fun way to make 1080 UEC.

On chat an org step up and decided they would blockade all the drug runs in the game. So I decide I would try my hand at blockade running. I did two attempts. The first attempt I didn't find the drug lab and had to reset myself in space. The second attempt, I found the drug lab and two ships were there. One was loading cargo while the other flew CAP. The one flying CAP decided to engage me without warning. He did an emp charge on my ship. So I killed the cargo ship on the ground and then killed the small ship flying CAP. I then landed and was going down my elevator (side note, some game friends logged on and I was chatting with them) to get some cargo when I received a head shot and died on my elevator. The guy in the cargo ship was on foot and saw his ship and friend in the sky blow up! Well he got on chat and we knew each other, so we left it at that. However, I had to inform him that his paid wingman was to trigger happy. They didn't have a criminal record so I received a crime stat for my actions, well worth it! Then at the very end of my session, I was doing the security station mission when another player showed up, I wasn't sure if he was friendly, so I asked who was at the security station and no one answered. Thus, he saw the barrel of my Light Machine Gun [yesnod] Well he was clean, and I ended the session with a 4 of 5 crime stat, which meant I was going to have a bounty put on my head :cool:

My last gaming (not sure its a game now, I'm confuses) session was amazing. Two people that I have previously played the game (or whatever you want to call it) with were on, so we formed a crew of 3. Which is perfect for the 600i, I was the pilot, I had one turret gunner, and one person ran shields for when we fought, or the other turret when he wanted. Since I still had the crime stat and we all needed money I told them I wasn't going to be a nice guy and smuggle illegal cargo. They all agreed, so it became the Han Solo smuggling game. Shoot first! 6 PVP kills later, lots of mad people in chat we were able to go from 14K Uec to 25K Uec with 1 run. I then gave the crew their share and we decided to clear our wanted status's, so off to the security station we went to hack their computers. The guy running shields didn't get a crime stat, so he was able to select the security station mission. We finished the mission and the clean guy signed off, then the we started cleaning up our status. We where almost done when I saw my buddies chest explode! I tried to turn to see where the shots came from and down I went! Justice was served.

This is written today, Saturday Morning, and I cannot wait to log back in to play more.

Well, its a rather glowing report, but one i cannot connect with, since its so far off my own experience of the game, which i can only describe as abysmal.

But, i do have a problem with these types of reports, as they are often very flowery, and i'd be much more trusting of your report if you could upload a video of some of this happening. An unedited one please. Sorry to be so skeptical, but you see, over the years we have had issues with people writing reports like this, but for various reasons, somehow can never seem to upload a video of these things happening, or on the occasion they do, what they report and what they show seem not to quite match in terms of awesomeness.
As I said earlier, you can also look up the definition of "video game" or "computer game." I see you're saying it's broad, but that doesn't make it "useless," it just means you need to find another angle.

If I need to find another angle, then it is useless. That's why those extra qualifiers, be they exclusive or inclusive, are needed.

And “video game” and “computer game” does not particularly help if we can't categorically define the game part of it. Sleut tried earlier, and it only added a(n equally overly broad) description of the medium and didn't really manage to narrow things down. But that is the fundamental problem: the term itself is inherently subjective, and trying to make it less so just adds personal preference as to what criteria should count, which arguably makes it even more subjective.

Yes, anyone who affirms that dictionaries are wrong needs to be taken very very seriously.

Until you can make a coherent and cogent argument against the explanation why this is the case, yes. You really need to. You also need to pay very close attention to the aspect of “wrong” being used.
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All this bickering is fine an' all...but as far as I can see, there aren't any random neutrals popping into this thread in the first place for friendly advice on our resident and vitriolic thread topic.

So where is all this Alpha keyboard warrior chest beating taking us really?

Well speak for yourself and think of a reason to come here on your own.

Me, I enjoy interacting with mature people which is a welcome change when compared to the rest of the internet and in this place I also am being protected from haters and toxic people. I am still vulnerable intellectually due to the stuff I write but thats a "game" I can play so oh for the "technical people".....Forum posting is a "game" too then? :)

You know Star Citizen is a brutal and wild jungle by now. Or rather...where would you like newcomers to go in order to find out more about the game? Gaming sites? Forums? RSI website? Regardless what you say each and every place will be raged about being called "echo chamber" or "biased" because what some people consider "neutral" others consider "deceptive". At least in this place I dont find people spewing profanities at each other. I am still being personally attacked only in a way that circumvents forum rules but as I said....I can play that game as well so I m not defenseless. will find people in here who will not only make the effort to write more then a snippy 1-liner but who will actually read and react to what you post.

Thats a stark contrast to many other places where the majority simply repeats a mantra and you can take it or leave because if you dare to doubt the message you are in for a rude treatment while the moderators stand by idly or ban YOU in the process.

Several articles have tried to tackle this project neutrally and most of them fail because they are not strict enough for some, are uninformed or got their facts wrong, are obvious shill sites or blatant hate articles...according to the people evaluating them. Random luck will determine which place you visit first which will make the biggest impact. Dissent and arguments are happening everywhere, even in Spektrum just the distribution of personaes vary. I see places where a regular post of mine would be absolutely SHREDDED and shouted into submission, I would be called names, threatened, PMed and generally stalked (DS rings a bell?) and while some people would agree with me the overall majority would "fight" me because of my opinion and heres the thing. These places are not about the stuff you write but rather if you prove to be loyal or not. Show any doubt and suddenly it becomes about YOU, everybody knows the game is superb, great, better then everything so YOU must be evil or or simply a jerk.

the SA forum isnt much better in my opinion. It was funny to read for a while but yeah...its a circle jerk of negativity where pro-SC voices get bloated out for a change. It equally disturbs my sense of fairness so I dont visit anymore.

Whats left? Reddit? Snort!!!

Videos? Again each and every single SC related video is ripped apart in the comment sections demonstrating a raging war between opinions. You have blatant fanboys covering the "game", you have blatant haters ridiculing it and then you have a bunch of people who try to stay in the middle but are hated all the same.

You know how I made up my mind? Simply by observing the fans and community interact. I knew what to expect from Star Citizen because duh.....doesnt take much to watch a trailer or the CEO speech about "what we are trying to accomplish...." but watching people arguing about it is fascinating and shows very quickly that there is a drastic difference in perceived quality. The game is either "great" or a "pile of trash". Often the difference becomes extreme (better then most released AAA games already) because you have experience and can evaluate other AAA games.

And this is how the SCDF *BLEEPS* exaggerating to impossible levels which are as much away from reality as the next star is to ours. Once in a while you see a genuine newcomer asking the same old question and you watch the first response is "are you Derek Smart?" which you dont understand until you dig into it in order to make sense of it. And all of a sudden you are knee-deep in the mudhole that is Star Citizen. You dont want to be a part of it? Bohoo other people dont care. EDIT: I suggest digging into OldSchoolCmdr and his fairy tale on reddit. Its an eye opening example of how "neutral" people are not acceptable but immediately shoved to the "hater side"

Ty to stay as neutral as you want, you WILL be branded a fanboy or hater or whatever regardless what you write. On this forum....people have to face my actual posts and their content if they want to engage me and the whole thing isnt reduced to a schoolyard shouting match.

How is it that simple questions like "is it out yet?" are perceived as "hate" or "troll attempts" (dont get me wrong...some most certainly are) immediately? It must be that one side of the argument is really tutu-hurt by now and it shows in the immediate readiness to turn ugly or bark.

Star Citizen is a done deal for me. I made up my mind and I dont give the project a snowballs chance in hell but I make my decision from a 2012 standpoint. I didnt allow CiG to brainwash and "adjust" me or I didnt come late to the party as many who cant make any sense of the hostility being flung around. What reason do I have to stick around? Well its the community of course. I dont care a lot about the trolls and shills in this place but the replies by many are interesting, demonstrate linguistic skill as well as driving a certain point home in forum-accepted brutality that I can only learn from. I dont distinguish between the message or opinion. Else I could stay with any of the hate sites. We had SC defenders in the past I honestly enjoyed reading even tho I didnt agree with them. Actual coherent logical thinking and clear expression tho....its hard to find online nowadays and the FD forum with this threads oldtimers is refreshing and a place I like because of it.

I really dislike people who only challenge but never provide anything of their own and while I cant be bothered to reply to them because frankly....they are a waste of my time....others do and I admire that. Going through the motions writing the exact same thing AGAIN just in different words without becoming hostile or truly is a quality I would like to call my own but I guess theres a reason why I m not a teacher....

Make no mistake. A lot of people in this thread are here solely for the laughs and simply try to trigger another erruption of back and forth for their own amusement. Star Citizen in general is a perfect playground for trolls of all colors because of how easy you can trigger either side depending on the place you go to. Personally I like to see how this thread mostly keeps its sanity and refrains from open mudslinging and if it gets too bad the moderator team is on its toes to push a few buttons.

the end
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As I said earlier, you can also look up the definition of "video game" or "computer game." I see you're saying it's broad, but that doesn't make it "useless," it just means you need to find another angle because those terms are inclusive, with regards to SC as it stands.

Pretty much. It is basically this:

"Bananas aren't fruit!"
"Err, yes they are. Check a dictionary. Here is the definition of fruit: [x]"
"That is stupid, everything is fruit when you use that definition!"
"No, most things aren't. Bananas are, though."
"But then the word is stupid!"
"No, you just need to use a better word to express whatever you want to say. That is how, you know, words work."
"No, I want to say bananas aren't fruit, so if the dictionary says it is the dictionary is wrong! BANANAS ARENT FRUIT YOU LYING TROLL!!!!!!"

Okay mate, whatever. Sensible people would just say "bananas are a fruit I dont like." or "I ordered a pine apple, but got a banana. A banana is fruit, but not the fruit I wanted." But some have dug themselves in so deep that they cant do this anymore, and they have to fight everything.

And precisely the reason people saying "There is no game" about SC make themselves look rather silly, especially in the eyes of newcomers to this thread. Of course the old-timers know why it's said.

I say that too and I am willing (and did....) to explain my viewpoint and WHY I say it. But of course that explanation is simply ignored and the people asking will only focus on the "lols hes stupid" part....trolls anybody?
Pretty much. It is basically this:"Bananas aren't fruit!""Err, yes they are. Check a dictionary. Here is the definition of fruit: [x]""That is stupid, everything is fruit when you use that definition!""No, most things aren't. Bananas are, though.""But then the word is stupid!""No, you just need to use a better word to express whatever you want to say. That is how, you know, words work.""No, I want to say bananas aren't fruit, so if the dictionary says it is the dictionary is wrong! BANANAS ARENT FRUIT YOU LYING TROLL!!!!!!"Okay mate, whatever. Sensible people would just say "bananas are a fruit I dont like." or "I ordered a pine apple, but got a banana. A banana is fruit, but not the fruit I wanted." But some have dug themselves in so deep that they cant do this anymore, and they have to fight everything.
Yeah, it's weird what's going on there. Logic be dammed. Incidentally, earlier today I loaded SC up, undocked and flew my ship about, killed a few NPC, flew to a planet and looked around, took a few screenshots for a mate and then did some PvP until I was killed. It was a fun game. Replace "SC" with "ED" and what I just typed makes no less or more sense, outside this thread.
Pretty much. It is basically this:

"Bananas aren't fruit!"
"Err, yes they are. Check a dictionary."
Funnily enough, bananas are one of those berries that many confuse with not being fruits. And apples, famously, are false fruits, just to make everything much clearer. :D

Replace "SC" with "ED" and what I just typed makes no less or more sense, outside this thread.
You can also quite easily find people, outside this thread (and particularly in various SC fora), that would claim that ED isn't really a game either and definitely less of one than SC is.
Yeah, it's weird what's going on there. Logic be dammed. Incidentally, earlier today I loaded SC up, undocked and flew my ship about, killed a few NPC, flew to a planet and looked around, took a few screenshots for a mate and then did some PvP until I was killed. It was a fun game. Replace "SC" with "ED" and what I just typed makes no less or more sense, outside this thread.

Its not really "weird" of all :)

Many people understand very well whats happening and personally I am often amused by the "posed outrage" of some who either do it sarcastically or try (too obviously) to trigger people, ignoring past comments, exchanges or simple facts in the process. Good for laughs I guess just please dont insult peoples intelligence. Its often too obvious "whats happening" ^^
Sensible people would just say "bananas are a fruit I dont like." or "I ordered a pine apple, but got a banana. A banana is fruit, but not the fruit I wanted." But some have dug themselves in so deep that they cant do this anymore, and they have to fight everything.

Exactly this. To some people it's like the only immutable law in the Universe is: SC is Wrong. Dictionaries need to be rewritten, the "true word" needs to be spread far and wide (and repeatedly), and everyone must adhere to the law. Of course those that don't are undoubtedly cultists. :D
Its not really "weird" of all :)Many people understand very well whats happening and personally I am often amused by the "posed outrage" of some who either do it sarcastically or try (too obviously) to trigger people, ignoring past comments, exchanges or simple facts in the process. Good for laughs I guess just please dont insult peoples intelligence. Its often too obvious "whats happening" ^^
I'm not sure of what your anecdote relates to, I'm hardly insulting anyone's anything by finding someones argument weird.
Well, its a rather glowing report, but one i cannot connect with, since its so far off my own experience of the game, which i can only describe as abysmal.

But, i do have a problem with these types of reports, as they are often very flowery, and i'd be much more trusting of your report if you could upload a video of some of this happening. An unedited one please. Sorry to be so skeptical, but you see, over the years we have had issues with people writing reports like this, but for various reasons, somehow can never seem to upload a video of these things happening, or on the occasion they do, what they report and what they show seem not to quite match in terms of awesomeness.

i have a much better idea, add me as a contact Lord_Pydus in SC. We can group up and run missions together. Also, of course their are negatives. Disconnects, or no room in a server, or a globe of light in the 600i. Perfect, no way. But, good enough to become my default game and sink real money into it. Even one of the guys I was running with yesterday bought the andromeda package for $275. If it was horrible, would he do that?
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