The Star Citizen Thread

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Wowowowwww !

Hey David... this could be a serious match for ya .. hehe

unleash the dogs of war !! that the battle begins !!


p.s. can't wait to see the Roberts work.
Looks interesting. We'll find out more about it next month by the looks of things.

Edit: The more I read about this project, the more excited I'm getting.
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C Roberts to bring space sims to mainstream - could this open the doors for Frontier

Chris Roberts' (Wingcommander) opinion of Space Sims:
Taken from the Robertsspaceindustries website.

When asked "Do you think it’s possible to bring space sims back into the mainstream? If so, how?"

Chris Roberts replied with:

"YES! I feel like the appeal of Space Sims has never really gone away, it’s just that people stopped innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you could do. For me, games are all about immersion into a world. I think that’s what the Wing Commander series was best at and that was what I was aiming for when designing Freelancer. But I feel that other genres – the FPS and 3rd person action adventure – have taken this mantle and ran with it. If you look at a FPS game built in 2002 it’s a pale comparison to the sophistication of one built today. I haven’t seen the same progress in space sims. Freelancer still looks as good as most of the newer space sims. I also think that every genre needs a champion that’s passionate about pushing the genre. In FPS you had Id, Infinity Ward, Bungie and DICE, in 3rd person cover-based shooters, Epic and BioWare. Action Adventure you had Naughty Dog and so on. Since I took a break from the industry, outside of CCP’s work, space sim’s haven’t had a high profile developer to push the boundaries. I hope to change that with my new project!"

I'd love to know David Braben's thoughts on the matter too (not asking if Elite IV is coming, but whether he thinks it's plausible). And whether this new game from Chris Roberts will help of hinder a possible new space sim from Frontier Developments?
Chris Roberts' (Wingcommander) opinion of Space Sims:

"YES! I feel like the appeal of Space Sims has never really gone away, it’s just that people stopped innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you could do.

Mr Braben I do believe that may be aimed at you, if not intentionally, but in a way he is right. Stop the kinnect stuff and get innovating and pushing those boundaries
Stop the kinnect stuff and get innovating and pushing those boundaries
What, you mean like a Kinnect version of Minecraft, type stuff? Wow that's brilliant! Oh, what, you're talking about space sims? Oh. (Sorry, i was distracted by this Strawberry Flan here.)

Mmm, strawberry...
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Oh, good find sir! :D

Just signed up on their website, its nice to see Chris Roberts back in the saddle. I am really looking forward to seeing what they are working on :)

You never know, if this takes off it might go some way to sparking more interest in space games again. I urge you all to join up to show your support for the genre! :)
I can't say I've played the Wing Commander series, but I'm one of the more active & visible members on Freelancer's Discovery mod UK server and I like to play through "normal" Freelancer's story mode on a regular basis as well.

It should be interesting to see what gets brought to the table.
Oh, good find sir! :D

It was actually Ril who found it and posted the site in a different thread. But, yep, I'm glad that he did. I signed up straight away too - if Elite IV doesn't come out I'd be quite happy with a game from Chris Roberts. Had Wing Commander on the Amiga...Had WCIII on the 3DO (anyone remember the 3DO?)
Ah well thanks to you both then :)

I also have fond memories of Wing Commander and certainly think that Freelancer is the best post Frontier/F:FE game of its type.

This makes it all the more exciting that Mr. Roberts is back in the ring for another swing at the prize ;)
I enjoyed wing commander on the amiga, that game was way ahead of its time back then, I also couldnt get enough of WC 3 & 4. Again very ahead for its time and it just felt awesome being able to play an interactive film
I would simple know what Mr.Braben think about this project of C.Roberts.

Would be interesting to hear a comment about that.
2 words would be enough ....
Just a simple point of view or the start of new hopes for all of us fans of the Elite saga.
Looks like the game I've always wanted :)

Their site is overloaded with traffic at the moment - managed to get my pledge in though. You can all call me High Admiral now :)
Looks like the game I've always wanted :)

Their site is overloaded with traffic at the moment - managed to get my pledge in though. You can all call me High Admiral now :)


Still cant get through

Defo going to pledge though

The video is awesome BTW
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This looks amazing. To be honest I think the call of just getting out there and doing it is key. David if you are reading this, you really need to just bite the bullet and set some real priority to making Elite 4. I know it's a scary and you probably think that it's only going to disappoint the fans or that it's going to be too big a risk but if you still have the passion, if you still have the vision then just do it. You're not going to be remembered for warm fuzzy console games, and you're not going to make your millions from them either.

I'd love to see the same passion and commitment from Frontier as we see from Chris Roberts.
Actually Chris is my Hero.

he said ''PC gaming and Space Sims are not dead…''

I saw the preview and the project of his -Star Citizen- and it looks incredibly promising.
I trust him, all he did in the past was a great job.
I can't forget games like Wing commander and Privateer (!!) and i think that nobody like Chris has the necessary experience to complete a great plan like this big project.
Star Citizen is a fall of fresh water after a long hopeless desert.

so THANK U Chris, thank you for having our hopes raised once more.
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