The Thargoid and Fer-de-Lance

Back at the T&FdL, the four companions headed towards an alcove. Apparently, the bar was the one place not monitored by the authorities, although there were enough ears and loose mouths to render any private discussion a public domain, if, that was, the listening ears belonged to someone sober.

Dar'koba was surprised to see Jenner head off towards, er, Illu, who was in the company of a tall, well built and beautiful woman. He picked up an impression that there was competition between the women. Jealousy? Surely not. Jenner was, or seemed to be, far more balanced and stable than to suffer from the insecurity of jealousy. Still, she had been through a lot lately.

Drinks ordered and served, the three men settled down to wait for Jenner.

"Can you throw a little more light on this er, conundrum?" Yaffle asked.

"We were sort of hoping to hear your thoughts, Professor."

"Well, the thought has crossed my mind that there has been some immoral manipulation of Gir's memory, but that may, or, er may not have something to do with his period in stasis."

"Professor," Gir said, "Sometimes I feel as though I'm not human... but then I get upset about that, and I suppose that reaction IS human."

Gir slumped in his seat again, almost ready for another attack of depression.
Cas had certainly stirred things up in the bar. The occupants of a certain table noted the events with interest.

"So what do you make of Illu's new companion?" Mark asked Amber and Richard.

"Imperial" Amber answered.

"Obviously" Mark replied.

"Military" Richard interjected.

"What makes you think that?" Amber inquired.

"Something about her bearing, Just like you two. After my brief stint with the Imperial Navy I can spot it a mile off." Richard replied

"She's obviously a pilot, as she brought in that Eagle an she talks about being Illu's wingman." Amber stated.

"From the reports I've heard he needs all the help he can get" Mark said with a laugh.

"They'll need another ship if it's true" Richard noted.

"Well, that is interesting. She seems to be making the princess jealous" Amber said with a mischievous grin "Perhaps we should get to know her better?"


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
She couldn't believe this! Illu basically had a new 'girlfriend' (sorry - wingman) and he didn't even seem to care how this was making her feel! Who was this hussy, anyway?! Jenner looked her up and down.... so was that all Illu was after? Just a body? Hmph. She took the drink offered to her by Cas. She thought of a dozen wonderful put-downs that she'd love to unleash. What she actually said was:

"Arigato gozaimasu, Cas-san. And welcome to the station! I trust you will be a fine wing man for Illu. I look forward to speaking with you further, but for now I must return to my friends."

She grabbed Mike's arm rather roughly and drug him close to her. "Mike! Would you like to join me?"

"AH, Miss Jenner!..."

Before he could even answer she was pulling him along back towards the group. She squeezed in next to Hoshino and patted the seat to her other side for Mike to sit. There, sandwiched between the two men she hoped that Illu would see her. She felt at once angry at Illu and ashamed at her own childlessness.


Deadly, But very fluffy...
Cas finished off her meal and drink at the bar and turned to Illu

"Is she ok, she looks upset?" she nodded towards Jenner sitting with some of the other regulars

The agent felt uncountable talking about his dear friend to someone he barely knew and was still waiting for answers!

"its complicated shall we say, we have been through many things together and, well, er i hate seeing her upset

He could see her looking back occasionally

Cas stood up "look you go talk to her and i will meet you at your new ship and i will answer your questions there ok?" she smiled

It was funny hearing Cas saying HIS new ship, although excited at looking the eagle over he needed to talk to Jenner.

He got his Imppad out and sent jenner a msg

"Hey need to talk, lots to explain, can i buy a princess a drink? your lousy agent friend Illu who misses you :( "

He saw Jenner pick up her own device, and then looked over at Illu

he saw her frown and just turn round to her other friends
Illu felt down, his heart sank and was about to leave

Suddenly she was there at his bar stool
"So!!!!" Jenner snorted looking at him

He was taken aback how she had so quickly got there!

"Am sorry ive not been a good friend lately, think we have both been busy elsewhere, that will change soon ive missed your company but now i have an Eagle like yours i will need your experience to help me out"

"pah" she said "what about your new Wingme..women!"

"Am as lost with whys shes here as you are, somethings up which i hope to find out after chatting to you, its got to be Imperial intelligence related i assume, anyway it will make it easier for me knowing your ok? and i promise to tell you all if i can"

Jenner looked at her friend and sudden jumped up and hugged Illu

"i suppose" she beamed "but get back to me as soon as, there's other things going on here as well that am confused about" she hugged Illu tightly again and pecked him on his cheek

She walked off to rejoin her other friends and Illu was relieved although confused about her last comment "later" he decided, time to finally find out all about Cas and the Eagle and what the hell it was to do with him.
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Upon returning to the group Jenner seemed to be in a slightly better mood.

"Well...that was a nice display of affection there Miyako" Gir chuckled "Didn't realise you were the kissing type....pffft"

He clasped his hand over his mouth trying to keep the laughter in, Jenner blushed slightly and frowned back at him.

"Please don't give me that look" Gir barely managed between chuckles "It just makes it harder for me" but it was no use, Gir could not contain his laughter as he lay his head on his arms on the table shaking from laughing.

"Ok fine laugh all you want" Jenner Snipped

"Calm down Jenner you know he's having a, er, difficult time controlling his emotions" Yaffle offered placing his hand on her shoulder "When Gir has composed himself maybe we should begin our discussion"

Jenner nodded having regained her composure "Yes your right, we need answers about the medallions and Gir"
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"Apparently," Dar'koba began, "Some ships have been 'given' a fitting, a socket, if you will, in which one of these medallions will fit, and apparently, if a medallion is mounted in the socket, the ship's performance is enhanced."

"In what way enhanced?" Mike asked. Dar'koba wasn't yet sure of Mike - was he what he seemed or something else?

"Well, as an example, the drive systems are enhanced; acceleration and top velocity are increased, hyper-space range is increased and fuel efficiency is much improved."

"Yes," Gir said, enthusiastically, "You should have seen how fast Dar'koba took off when we emerged from witch-space! It was incredible. Oh, hey!"

Gir's face lit up as he realised he had such a fitting on his ship, and also had a medallion.

"Any other 'enhancements'?" Mike asked.

"Yes, several," Dar'koba answered, "but now's not the time to talk about that. We need to figure out what causes Gir distress, help him dig up some memories, and also try to fit a story together from all the myths, folk-lore tales and rumours about the medallions and to whom they were awarded. We should maybe try to find out if the others exist, and if so, where they could be. At least, that's the way my thoughts are going just now. Anybody have any other thoughts or suggestions?"

"Oh, by the way," Dar'koba added, "That thing before, where Gir knew I was about to enter the bar? I think that has something to do with the medallions and a sort of 'affinity' they create with their holders."
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Gir sat for a few minutes in thought then turned to Darkoba

"I think its more than that with me" He calmly said "I Was able to do that and a few other things like it before I was put into stasis Darkoba, that was before I even received the medallion"

Darkoba sat quietly watching him "What do you mean Gir?"

"Well as we have ascertained already, I have no memories of childhood only from when I was 18" Gir stated "My reactions where always superior to anybody, I was ale to beat 7 veteran pilots my first time in a practice fighter and I seemed to be able to sync with any computerized systems"

Darkoba cleared his throat "Maybe your just over thinking things Gir"

Jenner added "Yes you have been under a lot of stress recently, maybe you just need to relax"

"I may be emotionally unstable at the moment" Gir raised his voice "But that does not negate my memories from before I Was put Into stasis, I was kept in a completely separate part of the main house locked in and monitored 24 hours a day unless I was being trained and every one always seemed to be in fear of me. I even overheard some people monitoring me say I should never have been creat....."

Before Gir could finished his sentence his eyes went blank completely void of life or personality, Yaffle seemed intrigued and leant forward on his chair observing Gir


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“So, what’s up with Gir then?”
Yaffle smiled tightly, and placed his drink down.
“I don’t know. From what he’s said he must have been in stasis for well over 50 years. Maybe eighty or ninety. I have no recollection of anyone being frozen for so long. Who knows what effect it could have on the body, or the psyche.”
Dar’koba leant back, eyes partially closed, his fingers half drumming on the table. Yaffle turned to Gir.
“Gir. Imagine for a moment that Illu there had somehow hurt Jenner. Not that he would in real life, but imagine, say he touched her inappropriately. You would sit here and watch. Tell me why you would sit here.”
“I’d smash his face in.”
“And if you chose to sit?”
“I’d, I’d, look, are you trying to see if I fancy Jenner?”
“No, not at all. It was a poor question. Did you have any siblings?”
“No, my father told me they couldn’t have children.”
“Yet they have you.”
“Well, after me. Maybe I did something to my mother? Or I was, I don’t know. I don’t remember.”
“It’s possible. Fertility is an odd old thing.”
Yaffle steepled his fingers and looked right at Mike. Mike raised an eyebrow and made out he was testing his tea, carefully sniffing it and rolling a mouthful around. He swallowed. He was pressed up close to Jenner, and could feel her warmth against his thigh. He smiled, but kept his eyes blank in response to Yaffle’s look.
Looking back down at the table, Yaffle again spoke. “Well, I have told you all I know about the medals. My archive access gives no details on their likely whereabouts. For the life of me I cannot fathom why two ships out of all the millions in the galaxy have such receptacles in them, nor what a medal has to do with it. As I recall they are medals, plain and simple. Cut from a thargoid warship hull, awarded to the pilots who took impossible missions from which return could never be countenanced. But it is all well before my time. Maybe locating the others would resolve it for you.”
Again, he caught Mike’s eye but Mike seemed in a world of his own.
Dar'koba sat bolt upright. Jenner flinched at his sudden movement and looked at him, questions in her eyes.

"Professor, you say that the medallions are made from the material the Thargoid ships were made of? A thought just struck me. Give me a moment."

All eyes were on Dar'koba as he seemed loss in thought...

"Fact: Humanity always had difficulty against Thargoid strategy and tactics, right? It was thought that the Thargoids had a so-called hive-mentality, a group consciousness which made their battle strategies almost invincible. The human race had to use almost obscene brute force to vanquish them. Yes?"

Yaffle nodded.

"OK. Fact: Even after capturing some of their ships, the humans of the time had trouble understanding most of the Thargoid technology, and in fact, it's still not fully understood - certainly not by the science departments of the major factions, the Empire, the Federation or the Alliance of Independents. Right?"

Yaffle had to agree. Jenner, Mike and even Gir nodded. Gir had a gleam in his eye.

"Fact: Gir somehow knew the exact second I would enter the bar. He had just had some sort of 'attack' connected with his medallion; I had just discovered an identical medallion fitted in my ship; my ship has enhanced performance; Gir shows enhanced performance in some ways and an affinity with his ship. In my personal experience, I have noticed that my reflexes, when flying my ship, are faster than one would expect. I have been guilty of the egocentricity of thinking I am a great pilot. I now know I'm just average, but when linked, somehow, to my ship, we, the ship and I, become greater than the sum of the parts. Conclusions?"

"Hm, this bears thinking about. What do you think, Miyako-san?"

"Yaffle, were we not talking about Occam's razor just a few short minutes ago? Could the material the Thargoid ships were built from have some sort of property to link minds, to each other and to the ships' systems?"

"And what about Gir? Did anyone else notice that you almost used the word 'created' in connection with your birth, Gir?"
Doc had learned long ago where the dark corners of the bar were wherever he went. He had learned how to not draw attention to himself, but to still be able to see and hear what he needed to. Doc's fingers tapped unconsciously on the table as he quietly sipped his drink. He had come back to the bar just a short bit ago to wait for Jenner. He had saw them come in together and was waiting for the opportunity to speak to her alone. He saw Gir's episode from their previous visit and it made him think. Doc made a note to himself. "Hmm, I need to check some info on my computer records. I have a idea." The information he had found confirmed what Doc had thought. He had to tell Jenner what he had learned.

Doc continued to sit quietly in the dark corner and when their conversation turned serious his ears perked up. Doc listened intently and digested all the data coming at him from their revelations. Doc used his data link to his ship to correlate information as fast as it came at him. "That's it!! My god that's it!" Doc thought. "Dar'Koba is right. The medallions are a link to the Hyperdrives. The Witchdrive I have in my ship doesn't need one. It's built into my drive. The race from Shanshyrah must have invented the drives. The Thargoid stole one of the drives somehow and adapted them for their use. And because they couldn't replicate the drives correctly like the Shanshyrah had made, they needed the medallions to "complete" the link!! They added the "medallions" to them!" Doc was so excited he nearly spilled his drink. Calming himself before someone noticed, he continued his evaluation further. "Then that would mean the dead man he had found there had been there longer than he had originally thought. And maybe he hadn't "fallen". Maybe he was pushed!!" The pieces were all falling together now! It all made sense.

"The dead man must have had a partner who had killed him and stole some of the technology for himself. The next part was fuzzy though. Somehow one of the governments had gotten the technology from the man but not the location of Shanshyrah or they would have already been there and taken it all. It also gave him a idea what was happening with Gir but he needed to talk to Jenner and Yaffle. Yaffle appeared to be Gir's friend and might be able to provide more information." Doc had a theory about Gir, but needed more info first. Doc waited till Yaffle went to the bathroom and followed him in.

As Doc entered the bathroom he spoke, "Yaffle I need to talk to you mate. It is of the utmost importance. I overheard the conversation and I think I know part of what is happening with Gir and I definitely know more about the drives, the medallions. It's time we talked. Would you please tell Jenner to join us at my table in the corner. You know, the dark corner." A smile crossed Doc's face as Yaffle realized someone had been listening the whole time. Doc left the room and returned to his corner in the dark but not before ordering another drink from Sven. "Sven gonna need another of those doubles, gonna be a long night". Sven replied "Coming up Doc".

A few minutes later Yaffle and Jenner sat down at his table. Doc bowed his head toward Jenner. No time for ceremony tonight. "Jenner, Yaffle. First I want to apologize for listening to your conversation but I could not help. And it has provided the answers to many of my unaswered questions. Your medallions are not medallions at all. They are mind links." Yaffle and Jenner sat in shock looking at Doc like he was daft as a loon. "Let me explain. Dar'Koba is right. The medallions link to the drives and your mind. They "enhance" the drive and they "enhance" your mind at the same time. Those medallions weren't "awarded" to the pilots in the past. The were given to them to enhance their ship and themselves. I believe the government knew their capabilities fully well. Which is why they want them back so bad. And are willing to kill for them. They gave them to the pilots to accomplish a task and the pilots kept them. And by the way, when we are done talking I think Dar'Koba needs to examine my ship. I think it will provide more answers for him. And Gir will "enjoy" my computer system." Doc chuckled to himself about the comment about Gir. Jenner spoke first. "I think you may be right Doc. That may be why they killed my parents. It would make sense." You could hear the anger in Jenner's voice as she realized who had killed her parents and why. Yaffle said "But you said something about Gir as well. You said you might know what is wrong with my friend."

Doc looked at Yaffle and Jenner. He thought a moment about what he was about to say. He knew he could trust Jenner and he believed he could trust Yaffle. He decided he had to trust someone. Things were coming to a head and he needed people on his side. "Yaffle, Jenner knows what I am about to tell you but now you need to know. Not only for your sake, your friends sake, but for the sake of the whole human race." Yaffles mouth fell open at the statement. "OK Doc," Yaffle shuddered then said, "Tell me what it's all about". For the next bit of time Doc proceeded to tell Yaffle all about his life. His find. About Shanshyrah. Yaffle and Jenners attention was fully on Doc by this time. He told Yaffle what he had asked Jenner to do. Jenner and Yaffle began to fill in the blanks Doc needed. The facts he didn't know. "I'm sorry I couldn't wait for you to tell me your decision Jenner, but things are happening too fast. I still hope in my heart you are willing to do what I ask of you. But at least now it appears your friends may have to help you with the task." Doc's face full of concern. "No Doc it's OK, I understand. Please go on."

"OK my ship is not ordinary at all. My Witchdrive, my engines, computer, shields, weapons and more are all Shanshyrah techonology. My ship alone could take a entire battle group single handed. Neither is any of your ships as well. I heard you speak about Dar'koba's ship. I think it maybe adapted technology stolen from the Thargoid. Who in turn stole it from Shanshyrah. Don't you think it's a bit odd that all our paths keep crossing. It seems we are drawn to each other. And that all of us have uh.."unusual" ships? I don't think that's a coincindence. I think the "medallions" are pulling us together. Now the question is, where are the other medallions? And Yaffle as far as Gir. Well I think you better take a long sip off that drink of yours." Yaffles eyes grew wide, thinking "What does Doc mean? What is he about to say?"

"Yaffle I told you that the entire race of Shanshyrah was gone. All of them just disappeared. It is my contention they advanced beyond the need for their homes, their ships, maybe even their very bodies. What they became I don't know. From some of the things I found there it appears they worked on android life for some time. Given the technology they had, I'd say what they made would be advanced enough to pass for human. Maybe even be human in a sense. Definitely self aware, so maybe that makes them "human" anyhow." Both Yaffle and Jenner gasped. "You don't mean". Doc's eyes turned to steel. "Yaffle I don't just think Gir knows something about Shanshyrah. I think he is FROM Shanshyrah. Gir may well be older than you know. Much older. I think the government got a hold of him somehow. Maybe Gir was what the man stole from Shanshyrah, the man who murdered his partner and left him dead on Shanshyrah. I believe Gir is a Shanshyrah android."

Both Jenner and Yaffle sat in awe at the bomb Doc had just dropped. They sat trying to process it all. A silence fell over them so thick you could cut it with a knife. Doc sat back in his chair. Picked up his drink and waited for their reply.


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“We must destroy him” said Jenner, with conviction, he hand reaching for her Twighlight Sparkles gun.
“I am less sure.” Said Yaffle “He has emotional responses, somewhat odd ones, but it is emotion. He offered his life to Jenner, which shows a connection to empathy at some level. Even if not he would probably have survived a mere throat wound, which would place his existence in danger. This is a deep and dangerous line of thinking.”
He fell silent, he nodded to the Doctor and scratched his chin. He knew that while some of this could be correct, it sat ill with his own knowledge of the war; knowledge of the thargoids from those who opposed them, those who masterminded their defeat.
“Tell me Doctor, are you aware of the ancient writer Hebert George Wells?”
Demento screwed his face up. He’d not read the classics in many years, but the name was familiar.
“I think so.” He said.
“Well, in one of his novels earth is invaded by Martians. Earth is powerless, at least the humans are. He makes a particular point of destroying my almer mater. I digress. Humans cannot save earth, but our viruses could. The Martians had no resistance to the common cold, and died.”
“I see, do you have a point?”
“Yes. The Thargoids were not neutralised with guns and lasers. It was with a virus, like a cold virus. You see they use organic, living machinery. Not the mechanical items we use and you describe. While they could have used stolen technology, and indeed would given a chance I am sure, your hyperdrive won’t be thargoid. I am sorry. To use it you would also need the antidote. After an, er, incident, we were quite careful to keep it safe.”
“No need to apologise Prof, it was a theory.”
“A most instructive one. You may be on the money about the medals, military endeavours are not an interest of mine; I recall The Nine as we were taught it at school”
Jenner giggled at the thought of schoolboy Yaffle. “Sorry” she said.
“Having them as a key in specific ships would be plausible. I can see a link to Dar’koba’s, but Gir’s seems, well, ordinary. Let us see. We may yet understand his true, er, self.” He turned back to their original table. “Gir!” he waved across to attract his attention. The bar had many dark corners. Too many for any room in normal spacetime to comfortably hold, Gir saw them and he and the others came over to the darkened corner. It was becoming a crowded darkened corner quite rapidly.
"Hey Yaffle did you need me for some thing" Gir asked sitting at the table, he noticed Jenner starring at him almost giving him daggers.

"Er, yes I do. Could you please tell us about your farther again, what did he do?" Yaffle questioned calmly

Gir scratched his chin for a second, there was no sign of any flair up in his emotions like the last time he spoke about his farther.

"...ok sure" Spoke Gir slowly still in thought "As I'm sure I mentioned before my farther was a combat pilot and a good one at that but that was not all, he was also a brilliant mind and was asked to help on a few projects, I think they were to help in the battles with the Thargoids I think but I have no idea what they were it was all very secretive"

Yaffle leaned back into his chair sipping from his drink, then made eye contact with Gir "If it would be possible could you please tell me your farther's name I want to see if I can find anything out"

Jenner who had been silent throughout mumbled under her breath "You life may depend on it" there was a hint a anger and sadness to her words

"Sure I don't mind Yaffle if it could help" Gir smiled "My farther's name was Godou Zarona Eleko"
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I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Yaffle began entering information on his computer. "Godou Zarona Eleko, correct? Let me see..." he said, typing away. He was probably interfacing with his ship's library and maybe even the station's as well, she thought.

"So why is it" Jenner asked "that everyone at this table has a super ship except me?"

Hoshino lauged. Yaffle didn't acknowledge her beyond a slight half-grin. Doc just looked puzzled.

"Seriously!" she continued. "You guys think I could take this medallion", she waved the one given to her by doc in the air, "and stick it in my hyper drive to get super speed? My hyper drive is held together by spit and bailing wire! When can I get a ship that's less than two decades old??"

Hoshino was still chuckling. Yaffle continued to type away at his computer. Gir opened his mouth to say something but immediately ceased when he she gave him a squint eyed, icy look.

Yaffle sat down his computer.

"I hope you found something good", Jenner said to him, "because I'm really close to blowing the whistle on this." She pointed to Gir across the table, who returned her accusatory gesture with a pained expression.

"Yes, humanity nearly was wiped out by the Thargoids" she said. "But we also have had the same experience with rogue AI. I shouldn't have to lecture you all.... that's Yaffle-san's job."
Doc watched intently as Yaffle and Jenner talked to Gir. He leaned closer when Jenner reached for her gun, then relaxed when she removed her hand from her blasters grip. "I can't let her kill Gir. It's not really his fault. I understand the law. But then the law never expected anything like Gir either. And while he may not be human he is aware and has the right to live. Besides from all I've seen of Gir he seemed like such a likeable "person". OK maybe wound a little tight, but likeable." It dawned on Doc where Yaffle was going with this. "Yes I think you may well be right Yaffle." He thought to himself. Jenner and Yaffle looked at each other after Gir's answer. Yaffle got busy on his computer while Jenner commented about it all then waited for Yaffle to get a reply on his computer search.

Doc broke the silence by saying to Yaffle softly. "Yaffle I think his answer proves what you were leading up to. Yaffle doesn't know. He "remembers" his mother and father. I think you should procede slowly now. He is still in a pretty unstable state with all that recently occured. And I think you may be surprised when you finally get a answer from that computer about his parents." Yaffle looked up from his keyboard and Jenner turned to Doc. Cold resolve still shone in Jenners eyes. "What do you think then Doc?" Jenner asked before Yaffle could reply. "I think we need to talk to Dar'Koba before we say or do anything we are going to regret later. Yes we know a lot more now then we did. But I think Dar'Koba can bring it all together now." Doc said. He sighed a sigh of relief when he saw the steel in Jenners eyes soften. He continued "I think Dar'Koba needs to be told everything. Am I wrong in thinking Dar'Koba can be trusted with our secret? And he needs to see my ship. All of you do. And Jenner have you tried putting the medallion in? I thought not. I think you will be surprised at your "spit and wire ship" when you do. Jenner my ship is 50 years old." Jenner replied "No Doc, you're right Dar'Koba can be trusted. He is a good friend and a honorable man." Jenner lowered her eyes and said "I call him Hoshino." Doc noticed the sound in her voice when she said his name and saw her lower her eyes when she spoke of him. "Hmm" Doc wondered "I wonder if there is more to that than appears on the surface?" Doc laughed to himself. "Yes there is a lot more I need to know from Jenner and Dar'Koba I think." Yaffle appeared lost in thought. Doc said "Yaffle how long before you can get a answer about Girs parents?" "It will take awile Doc. It has to do a data search thru all the planetary databases and government files"replied Yaffle. They all fell silent. Jenner sat with her hands on the table with a sad look on her face.

You could feel the tension subside as each relaxed back into their chairs. Doc picked up his jinx and took a long drink. Gir fidgeted in his seat as he sipped his Gargle Blaster nervously. Yaffle was still studying Doc trying to figure out what's next. Finally Jenner broke the silence "Doc this has been one hell of a day. Hell it's been one hell of a month. I know I haven't answered your question yet. What you ask is a lot. I promise I will let you know as soon as I figure it all out. I think it will be easier now that I have friends to help. And OK, I'll try plugging this medallion in my Hyperdrive and see if my old clunker changes into some super ship." Looking at Gir she said "I still have questions I need answered now that I know who killed my parents and why. " Looking back at Doc she said "I know there are things I need to tell you. I know we need to call Dar'Koba over so we can well, not finish this thing. But at least head in the right direction." Gir looked a bit puzzled as he didn't understand what they were all talking about. Why they were asking him all these strange questions. He sipped his drink slowly. Yaffle sighed loudly, wishing it was 3 weeks ago and they were all just having drinks and having fun.Yaffle thought to himself "So much has changed. I think maybe my life has changed forever".

Doc slowly placed his drink back on the table then turned to look at them all thinking "What happens now?" Doc saw Jenner motion to Dar'Koba and sighed with relief.
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Dar'koba had been watching the small group holding a discussion in the privacy of a dark corner. He wasn't curious about what they were talking about - he had a pretty good idea - but he was curious about what they were saying.

At one point he saw Jenner's hand reach for her weapon. He tensed. It wouldn't do for that kind of action at this stage. Could he reach her in time to stop her making a mistake?

While watching with part of his mind, he was busy thinking through events, linking them with information he had, testing possible conclusions and discarding obviously incorrect ones.

He saw Jenner look towards him and wave him over. He picked up his drink and went to join them. This dark corner was getting crowded!

Jenner and Yaffle moved up along the bench to give Dar'koba room to sit.

"Hoshi, please join us. Although we haven't known you very long, you are definitely one of us, and we think that between us we can find some answers."

"I am honoured to be included," Dar'koba bowed slightly, the cramped conditions not allowing more. "What questions are requiring answers?"

Jenner tensed again.

Professor Yaffle and the 'Doc', brought Dar'koba up-to-date on their discussions and the possible conclusions they had reached. Jenner tensed even more when they mentioned Doc's theory that Gir was a Shanshyrah android.

"So that's why you're so edgy, Himesama." Dar'koba said to Jenner.

"Well, on that score," he continued, "I think we can all relax. Gir is not an android, I'm almost totally convinced of that."

"How can you be so certain?"

"Let's say there's a sort of empathy I have felt with Gir. Perhaps this is magnified by the medallions, but in any case, I have felt his emotions almost first hand, particularly when we had that little run-in with the pirates. Anyway, if anybody requires proof, and if Gir agrees to it, my med-bay could run a complete body scan.

"Doc, I think you're a bit mistaken about the Thargoids stealing Shanshyrah technology, then having to use the medallions to enhance their vessels. Are you forgetting that the medallions were made by humans from the remains of Thargoid ships? No, the Thargoids didn't have those medallions, nor did they need them. It's not the form of the medallions that enhances our ships, it's the very material they're made of. The material itself would seem to be a semi-organic material which may consist of elements even smaller than our smallest nano-bots, and in a way, it might have sentience.

"Jenner-san, I'll have a look at your ship later, to see if it has the depression to take a medallion, and I would very much like to see your ship, Doc.

"Now, where I come from, we know of a semi-secret organisation called 'Shinsara'(c). It's an almost mythical group, and the myth has it that they are self-elected guardians of humanity. It's members are reputed to be 'enhanced', physically and mentally, and they are superbly trained in many things. The Shinsara keep themselves out of the public eye, but it is said that they are still active. Is it a coincidence that you mention 'Shanshyrah', Doc? The similarity in name might be more than a coincidence.

"Their ships are said to use 'Quantum Drives'. Essentially, from what I understand, the drive 'finds' the connection between two points in the Universe, one being the current position of the drive, the other being the required destination, then the drive uses quantum physics to move the ship from the one to the other, instantaneously. Your Witchdrive, Doc, is what the Shanshyrah or Shinsara used before they developed the quantum drive."

"How do you know all this?" Yaffle asked.

"Because my father was an astronautical designer and engineer. He made a study of just about anything to do with star-going ships, including mythological rumours. He picked up every nugget of information he could find, and used logic to extrapolate patterns and conclusions. That's why he was able to design my ship. I didn't know about the medallion in my ship until the sight of Jenner's medallion tweaked my memory."

"So where does that leave us?"

"A little further than we were - does anybody have anything to add that might shed some light?" Yaffle asked.

"It's perhaps not relevant, but AI is not outlawed everywhere. There are some regions out on the edges where they co-exist with humanity. Maybe they're accepted because 'The Law' hasn't yet extended that far, or maybe because they have proven themselves to be valuable assets to society, or maybe some of the extreme 'outer' worlds are at least as civilised as the 'inner' worlds."

With that controversial statement, Dar'koba signaled to Sven for another round.

The Doc looked thoughtful for a moment or two.

"From my point of view, I've always known what I'm about to say. Jenner can possibly confirm it, now that I've confided in her, but I think we, in this group, can probably all recognise the truth of it... What we have, or almost have, is far bigger than Empire, Federation or Alliance. What we are on the brink of discovering affects all humanity."
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Volunteer Moderator
Yaffle’s pda buzzed, it had completed its search, but would not display it on screen.
“I need to get back to the Picidae, albeit briefly. Stay here, all of you, have another drink. Put it on my tab, it seems to have been paid for.”
Yaffle headed away, rubbing his forehead.

He’d been in the intelligence game at INRA for forty years, not once had another civilisation cropped up other than everyone’s favourite arthropod impersonators. There was nothing in the archives, nothing anywhere, but two people in the bar had stumbled across them, at the same time producing just under half of the rarest medals ever issued by the combined forces.

Back on his ship he punched up the INRA database. There it was, the name of Gir’s father. One of the key workers on bio-mechanical matters and the mycoid virus team. Someone who knew about the way the thargoids interfaced with their machines, someone with the ability to create a person?

He shut down that line of thinking. It was impossible, illegal. Even in desperate times in the war, developing a synthetic? If Dar’koba was right, with AIs on the loose in parts of the galaxy then as the news spread war would surely come.

He removed his glasses and placed them by the console. How did it work? What was going on here? Rubbing his eyes a story started to form, one he could deal with, one which made sense. He headed back to the bar.

“Gir” he gestured, and Gir came to see him. Yaffle looked around and spoke softly “I think I see what’s happened. For you, at any rate.”
“yes?” Gir looked concerned. More emotion. More human.
“Your father worked on the thargoid bio-mechanoid interfaces team. He would have been an expert at interfacing machines to living things. Or, put another way, living things to machines. He could not create an AI. The INRA would have detected it, er, you. He would literally have to start from scratch, all the research done was destroyed years ago. Not only would he have to make an AI, but clothe it in flesh.”
Gir nodded.
“It would be easier to take a pre-existing human and add to them.”
Gir nodded again “Could anyone do that to their own son?”
Yaffle leaned back against the wall. He closed his eyes. “I could not, no. I do not know your father, but I doubt many people could. Experimenting on a slave, however, may well have been within his ethical boundaries.”
Gir took a place next to Yaffle and also began leaning back on the wall

"That...that is quite the theory you have there yaffle" Gir stammered "you think I might have been a slave my 'farther' simply used to be part of his experiments"

"It is just my personal opinion, you have far to great a range of emotions to be an artificial construct" Yaffle calmly expressed "I know it is a lot to take in but please try and keep calm"

Yaffle opened one eye slightly and looked towards Gir, much to his surprise Gir had a rather calm almost serene expression on his face and was smiling.

"wow" yaffle gasped "you seem to be handling this rather well considering how, er, unstable your emotions have been as of late"

Gir Faced Yaffle still calmly smiling "I've always know I was human, I also had an idea I might not have been born into the family from how I was treated by the majority of them"

He then pushed off from the wall and lifted his shirt "You see this scar the right of my ribs yaffle?"

Yaffle leaned in close and examined the scar "Yes gir, is there something specific about it?" He questioned

"Can you make out the markings it covered?" Gir asked

"Let me god...I think I was right this is half of a slave tattoo!" Exclaimed Yaffle

"I always wondered what it was but never had the courage to ask anyone" Gir chuckled "You have no idea the relief this brings me finally having some closure"

Both men smiled and nodded to each other "lets go back to the group so I can clear this up with the others" Yaffle Friendlily spoke

"Yeah lets, maybe Miyako will stop giving me the evil eye then" Gir smirked as both men turned and headed back to the rather crowded dark alcove
Yaffle and Gir returned to the dark alcove and squeezed in. The new round of drinks, on Yaffle's 'pre-paid' tab, had arrived. Yaffle and Gir sat. Gir picked up his drink and took a long, satisfied drink from it.

"You seem happy, my friend." Dar'koba observed, "You've had good news, I hope?"

Yaffle was also looking content, as though he had placed a complicated piece into a difficult jig-saw puzzle.

Gir grinned.

"Yes, good news." he beamed, "My 'father' was not my father."

"And this is good news?" Jenner asked.

"Yes, Jenner, and I am not an android, I am human."

"But, your extra abilities, your 'connection' to your ship's systems? How does that make sense?"

"Jenner-san, like you, I have been a slave. My owner, the man you know as Godou Zarona Eleko was, among other things, a bio-engineer. Let's say he 'enhanced' me, as an experiment. How, precisely, I don't yet know, and why I was then put into stasis is also unknown to me, for now, but I am now determined to find out everything he, and others did to me. I don't know why I was given the medallion, unless it had something to do with my 'enhancements, but I'm glad I have it, and I will now use it, and my ship, to get to the bottom of this whole mystery. Dar'koba, my friend, maybe that scan you mentioned might help understand what 'differences' have been built into me?"

"We can do that anytime you wish, Gir. Congratulations on having at least part of your mystery solved. Miyako-san?"

Jenner stood and approached Gir. She hugged him and said "Gir-san. I am so happy for you, and I am sorry for my earlier rudeness." She bowed low.

"No Jenner, don't bow to me. You were within your rights, with the knowledge you had. Although I may be of low birth (I don't know, yet) we have more in common than I could ever have hoped. We have both been slaves, and have, apparently, both been abused in one way or another, by Family Eleko."

"Yes" said Jenner, brightly, "and we both have these medallions, and, after our trip to and back from Mars, we are also comrades-in-arms."

She hugged Gir again then went and sat between Hoshino and Mike. Mike had been quiet all this time, taking everything in.

"Dar'koba, may we have a little er, private word?"

"Of course, Professor." The two moved apart from the group, to an even darker, smaller alcove.

"Dar'koba, what you mentioned earlier about the existence of 'droids and AI in the outer fringes bothers me. Are people really living in harmony with them?"

"Yes, Professor, as far as I know, in some places for several hundred years."

"You understand that if that news gets out in the inner worlds, there will be war?"

"I understand that it would probably happen. Understanding why is a different story."

The reasons go back a long way, to the AI revolution. Fear of androids and 'artificial intelligence' has become deeply buried in the human psyche."

"Well, if no one finds out about it, we may be given the time to educate people."

"That might prove more difficult than you can imagine. There are people, even in our little group, who's fear and abhorrence of AI in any form is deep-seated. We'd best be quiet on the subject for now. Perhaps we can discuss it further in the privacy of one of our ships, and at a later date?"

"Agreed. Shall we rejoin the group and help Gir enjoy his happy news?"


I wish I was English like my hero Tj.
Jenner walked up beside Doc, sitting at the table, and removed the medallion that he had gifted her. She placed in front of him.

"I'm sorry Doc, but I really need more information before I agree to help you." she said. "This whole medallion thing seems a bit over my pay-grade."

He put his hand on the medalion. "What do you mean, Miyako?"

"Look," she said, taking a set next to him. "I appreciate your faith in me - I really do! But..I'm not a hero! I'm just a trader! I haven't explored far beyond the rim like you and Hoshi! Yeah, I've logged a few unhcarteds, but.... I'm not the one you're after!"

Doc smiled. "Oh, I think you are."

"But WHY? Why me? What do you want me to do?" she asked.
Doc smiled at Jenner. "Jenner what you just did does nothing more than prove you are the one. I had hoped you would try. It proves you would not do it for the wrong reasons. Do you understand what I mean Jenner?" She thought a minute before replying. Her brow furrowed in thought. "Yes, I think I do Doc. But I still don't know what you want from me." Doc beamed at Jenner, "Jenner I want you to be yourself. To do what Jenner would do. Only us in our special group are to ever know about Shanshyrah until the time comes you grow so old you need someone to take your place before you die. That's all I ask of you. Just be Jenner!" Doc's face beamed. A smile began to cross her face as she began to really comprehend what Doc meant. She thought "I don't have to do anything special. All I have to do is just be me!" With a quiet voice Jenner replied "Thank you Doc. For trusting me to do the right thing. I'll try to give you a answer soon. I think I know what I have to do and I think the others do too. All our lives are pulled together like one big family now. I think what we all have is special. We all need answers and I think together we can find those answers." Doc was so happy she understood now. When his time came to die he could let it go happily now. Doc felt like a great weight had been lifted from his soul.

"Jenner when we can get everyone together and have the time. All of you need to see my ship. I think between Dar'Koba and Yaffle they will learn volumes from it. I may not have the quantum drive Dar'Koba spoke of but I do have Shanshyrahs quantum computer. It is amazing! I have their Witchdrive. I use less fuel, go farther, faster than other ships. My weapons, oh god. I don't even know what they are. Small, draw almost no energy but can burn a carrier in half in seconds. NOTHING, and I mean nothing has ever even scratched my shields. I'm not sure anything can. The people of Shanshyrah were/are the most brilliant minds our universe has ever seen. Jenner I am pretty sure their cities draw energy from the planets core itself! Outside my ship looks like a 50 year old clunker and I suppose the hull is, lol. The parts I replaced aren't even wired to each other! They just draw energy and I can command them directly from the computer. It's beyond my comprehension. It has saved my life more times than I can count. Well and not to mention the money it saves me, grin. Hey I am a trader you know. Speaking of which, you know all of you are welcome to take what you need for your ships now. Just be careful who sees the "special" parts. This will help all of you survive. All the equipment all of you will need to adapt them to your ships is already there at their spaceport. When the people who want these medallions come now. They will wish they hadn't, because they WILL lose." Doc laughed heartily. More than he had in a long time. He could just see the look on their face when they tried to burn our ships down now. Jenner laughed with Doc knowing her chances of escaping them and getting revenge had just become a reality.

"Doc I am so thankful for the chance to get back at what they did to my family. To be a part of my new family. Well for it all. Thank you for trusting me Doc." Doc began to explain, "Dobo arigato Jenner, no problem at all. When we go to see my ship, we will go to Shanshyrah at the same time. We might as well do it all at once. I can leave at anytime. The nice part of being a independent trader, hahaha. Everyone will need to clear their calendar for at least 2 weeks. Even with my ship and it's drives it will take time to get there and back. And maybe more if you decide to upgrade your ships. The planet is literally at the far edge of the galaxy. I use to think it was by sheer chance I found it. Now I'm not so sure. Jenner I think someone, something is guiding our paths. I think they have for a long time. I now believe none of this is by chance. Where it will end, I really don't know. But I don't think we can stop it now. Hell I don't want to. I want to know."

Jenner thought a second then said "Doc I am so glad Gir isn't a android. I feel so bad I almost shot him. I'm sorry Doc, but I'm glad you were wrong!" Doc grinned "So am I. I really like that silly guy, hehe. And I wouldn't have let you hurt him Jenner and it's OK. We all understand why you felt like you did. The important thing is we know he's human now. That's what matters. Ok soon as we get everyone together we need to make plans for seeing my ship and the trip to Shanshyrah. BUT right now I think we need to use some of Yaffle's pre paid bar tab. I know I need another drink and you look like you need a drink as well, hahaha." Jenner snickered and said "Yeah Doc sounds like a good idea." Thinking to himself "It sure feels good to have friends in all the right places!" Jenner waved to Sven to order drinks.
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