Breaking Bad, the Elite way!
"ah ha!" the sudden voice startled the two gas-masked men who turned round to see Agent Illu at the door entrance to Mikes apartment
Suddenly Illus smile left him and he began to cough hard and double up as fumes from a small experimental lab reached him
"Quick hit the quick release vent extractor" came a muffled voice from one of the men "and shut the door to!"
The portable industrial extractor made quick work of the fumes and both men took their masks off helping Illu to a chair
"Here breath in, but slowly" it was professor Yaffles voice and his hand that bought an oxygen mask to the agents face
"I knew this would happen, i just knew someone would stumble upon us" it was Mikes voice this time and he sounded panicky
the agent finilly moved the mask away feeling more composed, lightheaded, actually he felt good, damn good!
"whoa!" he stood up and felt like he could float off on a creamy fluffy cloud and eat it as he went!
"Steady Illu, its the fumes from our, er little cook up, here take a sip of this antidote tea said Yaffle" he gentle sat the agent down, he looked up to see Yaffle and Mike watching him "how did you find out it was us?" said Mike
Illu feeling more himself explained what he thought he knew
Well the first thing i noticed after starting the Blue powder investigation was the smell from your quarters Yaffle, it had that blend of tea ingredients Mike had served, particularly the BLUE CORNFLOWERS ingredient, i also remember that You Yaffle had mentioned that alco-fruit some time ago and that when it dries it chrysalises, mix the two together with a few other choice ingredients and hey presto its....."
Yaffle interrupted the agent "True Blue! its what we have called it, well deducted agent"
"arh so"
"hey theres no need to be rude!" said Mike
"no i said, ah so, in that i see" said Illu
"anyway the fact is you guys left quite a few clues, some blue powder on the cockpit of the Countess, Mikes bag, although i wasnt to sure about that, but added that i realized Mikes ship had passed the stranded passenger ship i was on two or three times it made sense it wasnt accidental with the bag to
and Mikes also ship was enough to be in close proximity to remote control the Countess and feed the comms to!
i caught some of your chatter and the fake Flight control voices to, using voice distortion i guess? the same with faking Girs voice that led me to the Countess no doubt?
both men just nodded yes
"the only thing that bugged me was how you managed to get the countess clearance to leave the station and remain so long outside?"
"ah yes that was with Rollos help" said Mike
"Rollo!" the agent wasn't to surprised he was in this to
"He was our middle man in dealing with people his own level, you know the scum, dirt bags and low life opportunists
he bribed the *People's Liberation Front of Barnard's Star* dock workers, maintenance and other low-payed disgruntles and was our dealer in getting True Blue to places we dared not go"
Yaffle broke in
"We didnt mean any harm to you, Mike wanted to go and rescue you after, well after we stranded you, but we needed time to think, Rollo was willing to cover it all up for a price, but it would have meant being in his debt to, forever!
True Blue is a narcotic thats true, but really mild, not to addictive and only served through drink and food, it just makes you feel happy and floaty and wears off after an hour, are you going to hand us in?"
Illu looked up at the desperate faces "nope!"
both men looked surprised and both spoke at the same time "Why!"
The agent stood up and looked around the equipment "well for starters ive no jurisdiction, am an Imperial remember
i just was curious to find out where this blue was coming from, second as long as it stays in Federation territory am happy for the Feds citizens to spend their creds on this stuff"
"Really?" said Yaffle
"Yep because you now have a fourth partner, me!" the agent winked
I will be your, shall we say protection against opportunists, shall we say 15% cut?
both men looked at each other and nodded "12%" said Yaffle
"14%" the agent came back
"20%" said Mike
"Done!" said Illu quickly as Yaffle hit Mike on the arm "ok but its all kept low key and we dont mention it in public agree?" said the professor
They all nodded
"Am gonna squire it with Rollo, make sure he understands i do the protection while he dos the dealing, good! my share of creds will go to the coffers of the Empire, i like the irony of it all" and with that Illu headed out leaving the two men to do another cook!
Narcotics had come to Barnards Station