The Thargoid and Fer-de-Lance

Commander Alien looks at Agent Pyskokow and almost shouts "No you muppet, it was way worse than that, like I said, it will be BAD NEWS for poor Garthyre when she returns and finds out the worst ever version of that song is on her jukebox".
Commander Alien Walks over to Reighdar and Commander Gav. She looks at Reighdar and says "No No Yes" and then looks at Gav and says "Yes."

She looks over to the barkeep, "Now get that carp off the jukebox before Garthyre gets back and sees it".

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
Reighdar snatches the carp up first, 'This carp and Agent P have a date - I'll just introduce them.'

Then he makes his way to the dark corner where the health inspector is doing something very strange to his uniform.

A hush falls in the dark - just for a moment. There is a rustling as a bag is opened....
"Thanks Alien. That there jukebox has now gone and shown some o' the worst ever versions of that song. But not the worst..."

Frank stands in front of a spotlight shining through the murky smoky soup of the bar's atmosphere. He fits a pair of glasses over your eyes that quadruples the image in a diamond formation.

"Is this the real life?
Is this just toiletries?
Caught in landslide.
No escape from these farts, I see.
Open you flies,
Look up to the skies
and peeeeee

I'm just a poor boy,
I need no sympathy,
Because its easy come, easy go.
Little high, little low.

Any way the wind blows,
Doesn't really matter,
To peeeeEEEEE!
To pee....."

Frank chuckles to himself as he goes up to the bar "You sell any popcorn? Ah'm makin' my way ta the movie house ta watch a flick".
Agent P bursts into song...

'Mama... just kissed a fish...
had it slammed into my face,
hurt like hell i lost my place..
Frank'aaa was that smell by you??
And now I got to run out of this place...

Alien'aaa OOOh look at you...
throwing children at the roof,
then standing back hear them landing with an ooooff.. '
The Agent's mind wandered and a song came to his head.. again this was a cover of a good song gone bad...

'That member of the black eye peas was arrested for defacting on his female band member... he was then beaten to a pulp for his missactions. When asked why Fergie beat him to a pulp she replied 'because XXXX XXXX' (artist name).
Now this version has one of the funniest vocal inflections ever... its certainley a song title that is not rare for a person.'

The Agent rubbed his sore face and wiped the fish scales from his uniform...

He couldn't wait to see who would guess first.!!
"OOOh it is a cover tho... so CLOSE but no banana" The Agent got his notebook out ready for the film show on the theatre deck
Mark and Amber walk back into the bar looking slightly flushed and dishevelled and giggling about some private joke. They had be forced to leave the zero G booth early because some big shot act 'needed' all the booths for a private rehearsal. Perhaps they would go and see this act later.

Things were back to weird in the bar. The whole issue of children velcroed to the ceiling was just routine strangeness. Anyone who had been at the Thargoid and Fer de Lance for more than one evening knew that it was better not to worry too much about anything unusual.

It seemed that they had been lucky to miss the karaoke bohemian rhapsody events earlier, especially as no one knew whether Garthyre had lifted the ban on Queen music or not.

As Amber ordered some drinks and a meal, Mark looked at the quiz,this appeared to be the answer
The Agents Consulted his notebook to make sure the answer fitted his clues...

'That member of the black eye peas was arrested for defacting on his female band member... he was then beaten to a pulp for his missactions. When asked why Fergie beat him to a pulp she replied 'because Will I Am Shatner' (artist name).
Now this version has one of the funniest vocal inflections ever... its certainley a song title that is not rare (common)for a person(people).'

The sparkling coupe had it spot on...he smiled at them, nodded and bought them a drink to celebrate.

'Well done, that is it...' The Agent sat at the bar 'Wow I guess my clues are too easy'

The Agent consulted the Wiggles discography for his next puzzle...but for now he readied his brain for Marks offering.
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Mark considered for a moment and then gave his clue.

"I was elevated by sculpture, the band could be really big"

He smiled at the crowd, it would take them at least 5 minutes to get it.
In trepidation, Mark confirmed that Psykokow was indeed correct. Fearing the consequences, he handed over the prize of a voucher for an extra hot curry made with Naga chilli peppers.
Gav was keen to harness the brainpower of the collective barflies in deciding upon the name of his ship. The options being:
1. HMS Campbeltown - named after a ship I served on in my days on planet earth before taking my spaceship errr license... Famous for the original HMS Campeltown of WW2 St Nazaire fame...
2. Per ardua ad astra - motto of the RAF (my most recent employment) meaning 'through hardship to the stars/skies'
3. Satisfaction - the flagship of Sir Henry Morgan the pirate (an ancestor of mine) used to devastating effect as a fireship in the capture of Maracaibo on the Spanish Main.
4. Indefatigable- Fictional Admiral Hornblower's ship. Cool name though.

Suggestions on a beermat please :)


Deadly, But very fluffy...
Gav was keen to harness the brainpower of the collective barflies in deciding upon the name of his ship. The options being:

3. Satisfaction - the flagship of Sir Henry Morgan the pirate (an ancestor of mine) used to devastating effect as a fireship in the capture of Maracaibo on the Spanish Main.

Suggestions on a beermat please :)

Illu wrote it on a newky beer mat! number 3 above! ;)
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