The Thinking Behind UI Design / UX in Odyssey

I had the excellent experience the other day of a site signup page where the undismissable popup telling me I need to click to accept the site's T&C agreement hovered over the tick box to accept. Was some fun wrangling of stretching the window to a portrait aspect ratio to get around it.
Yep, seen plenty of those. Had to buy a SIM card for a relative and a certain provider lost my custom because their "accept terms" validate box didnt work on my mobile's screen size.

UI is a process, Not a picture.
Just go try the Suit customization UI. I dare you. :sick:
Is it really as big of a mess as outfitting?
"Why would you want to see which module slots are available on your ship before picking modules from storage to go in them? That would be a logical order of doing things! Sure hope you enjoy the guessing game of which engineering mod is on which of these same type of weapon! Have fun finding out which ones you can and can't mount!"
I'd be very hesistant to pass judgement right now. I have a lot of muscle memory for the Horizons UI and thats might be part of the problem. That said....

It looks much prettier, it plays much worse. My best guess is this is one of thoes UI designers who does everything in Photoshop and sees the UI as an image, not a process. I've worked with two of those before and you get such odd looks when you ask questions like "Where's the cancel button on this form?" or "Where do I put the error message when the user puts in an invalid postcode?"
When UI designers don't understand UX.
It is horrific.

It is enough to convince me that I'll be spending the majority of my time in Horizons rather than Odyssey. If this is the UI they force on Horizons when Odyssey releases on consoles, I will be forced to reconsider if this is the best way to waste my gaming time.
Same here. But hey, Frontier have had plenty of money from me already. It's not my buck they're chasing.
Yup. Every piece and colour combination in its own menu, even if you only own a single variant. Doesn't load them properly, either. It's a mess.

Someone at FD has a serious hate on for dropdown lists.
"'Sup dawg, we heard you like nested menus, so we nested some menus inside nested menus in your nested menus, so you can browse nested menus in your nested menus!"
The Horizons UI is perfect for consoles. Minimal button presses, maximum information provided on any one panel.

This ☝️

Yep. Designed purely with aesthetics in mind, no thought to actual practical functionality, as evidenced by the increased clicks for every action, which you aim to minimise when optimising an interface, and the amount of necessary-at-a-glance information that's either obfuscated or simply GONE altogether.

And this☝️

the fact that EDO is not optimized yet and we have framedrops, or the game crashed beyond the tutorial, is something to be expected for a FD release
It's not nice, but i expect it to be resolved sooner than later.

But having a worse UI both in terms of usability and offered information, is much harder to stomach

Deleted member 182079

Yep. Designed purely with aesthetics in mind, no thought to actual practical functionality, as evidenced by the increased clicks for every action, which you aim to minimise when optimising an interface, and the amount of necessary-at-a-glance information that's either obfuscated or simply GONE altogether.
Yep, the ship outfitting information is now missing from the shipyard, they couldn't even be bothered to add an icon for whether an SRV is fitted or not (but did so for SLF I believe? Unless it just means capability - who knows). Good luck remembering which ship has which module fitted when managing a large fleet.

But we got useless stats instead now. With a 3D ship model that takes seconds to render and contains incorrect ship ID information. Lovely.
I hate to say this, but the new UI looks like it was designed playing spin the bottle and taking shots of Vlads extra-strong liver slaying vodka..
Shameless plug of my suggestion regarding the bad UI/UX in the Livery screens

And there's a sizable bit of feedback from a UX Designer on reddit too


They really need to go back to basics and do some actual user testing of the UI. It is abundantly clear that this was never tested, or never acted upon testing results, given the amount of critical feedback that has been given from the alpha phases and now the swarm of it from the "release".
It's truly awful. I'm afraid I'm out of EDO until/unless something radically changes for the better. I have a limited amount of free time and, as things stand, I'd rather go fly something in IL-2 then waste my time with this mess.
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